Talon Audio

I saw these speakers for sale on Audiogon, so I tried to get some background from their site (very nice BTW). The info seemed interesting enough for me to take a trip to my closest dealer. I was not prepared for what I heard. These speakers were unbelievably fast, detailed, coherent, dynamic, with a "life" to the music that I had never heard before outside of a live performance. These my friends, are the real McCoy's. I would like to hear anyone else's thoughts who may have heard these speakers.

Showing 1 response by stevegolf1

One little piece of information has recently been added to the Talon site -- Stereo Exchange in NY has just become a dealer. These guys don't fool around. You can get B&W Nautilus' or mega-buck ProAc's there. Anyway, I'm a regular customer, and I wasn't shopping for speakers, but one of the salesmen practically dragged me into their "ultimate" demo room to hear them. I told him I wasn't shopping for speakers, and he said that he couldn't sell them to me if he wanted to because at that point they were'nt a dealer -- the speakers were just in for evaluation. But he said it didn't matter - "YOU JUST GOTTA HEAR THESE SPEAKERS!!!!". Unfortunately the bottom line is that I can't give you a full evaluation, because he played music that I didn't know, but what I heard was stupendous - IN EVERY WAY (especially the incredibly HUGE soundstage). As we listened, the salesman entered what seemed like a mystical state of rapt attention and kept muttering things like "I-I-I n-n-nev-ver, uh, uh, wow, did you hear th-th-aaaat, I-I mean, I never heard THAT before, and I've heard this song a million times!" On my latest visit to the store, he confidently declared that these speakers are THE BEST SPEAKERS IN THE WORLD - even though he'll sell you far more expensive speakers if you're so inclined. Watch for the review in Stereophile!