Talon Audio Khorus - WOW!!!

Ok...I am probably opening myself up to getting slammed by those people (a grand total of 2 people actually, at least on this forum) out there that have been bad-mouthing Talon (slanderously in my opinion) but here we go... I am just a guy that likes to listen to good music and I have been on my own "holy grail" speaker quest for over a year. Well, about 2 weeks ago I heard about this company called Talon Audio and they were doing things a bit differently than the "status quo". To make a long story short, I ordered a pair of the Khorus and they arrived last night. I have listened to a lot of speakers in my hunt (Genesis, Aerial, B&W, JM Lab, just to name a few; all with megabuck electronics) and NEVER have I heard anything like these speakers! I will put it this way: It has been stated on numerous occasions that these speakers need approximately 400 hours of break-in; however, even if that is true, I can't imagine these speakers sounding any better!!! What the heck are they gonna sound like when they are actually at their best?!?!? I am not going to say anything about the details (dynamics, extension, speed, air and all those other "audiophile" terms) until I have had more time with the speakers and they are more broken in, as it would be unfair to others interested in these speakers and also Talon Audio. I just wanted to let everyone know that as far as I can tell up to this point, Talon Audio is the REAL DEAL. For the first time in many years in this industry that we all like to call "high-end audio", I believe we are witnessing a revolution in speaker technology as opposed to the evolution that we have been watching for quite some time. Only time will tell. And finally, to all those that have been doubting Talon's technology, just LISTEN to their designs before you pass judgement. Sincerely, Mike Riggs P.S. I realize that there is probably a bit too much emotion in my post; but I am not a professional reviewer. Hence, I can't get fired for losing my reviewing credibility by being too enthusiastic ;-)

Showing 2 responses by glreno

Hi Mike! What is your associated equipment? They work well with SETs. I now have mine with an Art Audio Jota, and it is a wonderful match. They do just keep getting better. Keep playing them. They also have a better set of spikes available for them that are worth the extra money (available only from Talon).
Just reading the current issue of Stereotimes. The Eggleston Rosa at $9900. was reviewed. They compared the bass of this speaker to the $6000. Talon Peregrine, a stand mounted two-way, and said this: "Initially, I thought, "Wow, these speakers (Rosa) have a nice bottom!" The articulation in the bass is such that even minor chords and fifths within inner voices are clearly audible in the lower strings. It was only when I compared them to a serious full-range contender, the Talon Audio Peregrine monitor, that I became aware of a shortfall in this area. The Rosa’s don't go down to the depths, and some notes in this subterranean region lose their definition."