Talk but not walk?

Hi Guys

This isn't meant to start a fight, but it is important to on lookers. As a qualifier, I have my own audio forum where we report on audio issues as we empirically test them. It helps us short cut on theories and developing methods of listening. We have a wide range of systems and they are all over the world adding their experiences to the mix. Some are engineers, some are artist and others are audiophiles both new and old. One question I am almost always asked while I am visiting other forums, from some of my members and also members of the forum I am visiting is, why do so many HEA hobbyist talk theory without any, or very limited, empirical testing or experience?

I have been around empirical testing labs since I was a kid, and one thing that is certain is, you can always tell if someone is talking without walking. Right now on this forum there are easily 20 threads going on where folks are talking theory and there is absolutely no doubt to any of us who have actually done the testing needed, that the guy talking has never done the actual empirical testing themselves. I've seen this happen with HEA reviewers and designers and a ton of hobbyist. My question is this, why?

You would think that this hobby would be about listening and experience, so why are there so many myths created and why, in this hobby in particular, do people claim they know something without ever experimenting or being part of a team of empirical science folks. It's not that hard to setup a real empirical testing ground, so why don't we see this happen?

I'm not asking for peoples credentials, and I'm not asking to be trolled, I'm simply asking why talk and not walk? In many ways HEA is on pause while the rest of audio innovation is moving forward. I'm also not asking you guys to defend HEA, we've all heard it been there done it. What I'm asking is a very simple question in a hobby that is suppose to be based on "doing", why fake it?

thanks, be polite

Michael Green


Showing 50 responses by uberwaltz

Very interesting thread.
I can concur that some recordings definitely sound better inside a car, recent example.
I was discussing the new Shinedown album with a fellow member who could not even listen to all off it, our agreed assessment was very bright and brittle. However I had also played it in my car where it became bearable and suggested he try it that way too. So something is happening for sure.

But out of the many thousands of recording I have on vinyl. tape, cd etc there is likely only a double handfull that I consider to be truly terrible. Lets say 0.1% total?

Now maybe I am missing something here but WHY should I try to "fix" my system to get this 0.1% to sound acceptable? I am more than likely going to end up just making it worse for a whole bunch more recordings before I MIGHT get it right and at what cost in time, effort and $?
Would that be new fuses in my system or in GK?
Inquiring minds need to know!
I totally understand it is likely my listening space that needs work rather than bad recordings per se.
However to some their listening space is not an area that can be subjected to various treatments, ynow wife dictates etc, so some of the changes required are just not practical for any number of reasons.
I accept they are working for those who step into that area.There may be some areas I can work on that would not violate her who must be obeyed rules of the house and will gladly investigate further.
But as I have said for that 0.1% of recordings in my collection that I find to give poor reproduction on my system I will just have to live with it.
Yes tbh I am just about in heaven with my system for sure
I can and do sit and listen for 5, 5 or more hours at a time with no fatigue or desire to stop the music flowing.
Twas not always that way of course, I have had the same room for 11 years and when I think back to what I started with in their and where I am now.
The biggest mover was the Lyngdorf 2170 that basically did all the room tuning I need for me.
Not much more I need to achieve and changes I make now are just because I feel like it or the desire to "upgrade" like new cartridges.
So yes ring that bell!

I am sure Kirks choice would be illogical.

I would have to go for Geordi choice pre funky vision enhancers. Surely he would have the best as only blind tests to compare with.

Agree totally on the music being an emotional journey and as such has a tendency to let the users become overly emotional about subjects connected to this journey.
As we see all to often here and tensions run high!

Above all people need to remember why we are here...its all about the music!
The vinyl version of Horses is exactly the same fwiw.
I do not think I have played it again after my purchase
Whether I agree completely with your views and methods either here or elsewhere I do have to say you write the most compelling and well thought out posts that are a pleasure to read even if I feel they may be not to my liking.
Keep it up sir!
Talk about a thread that possibly started with a chance to be somehow worthwhile spiralling hopelessly out of control into a fiery doom!

Oh btw I do mean this one......

I am afraid I became more confused on the original intent the more times I read it and tried to anaylise it more deeply.
Either the OP assumed a bit too much with his audience( we are not in Vegas baby!).
Or his audience is much more fickle than the captive crowd he would be used too and asked what became awkward questions.

Either way I think is going nowhere here
You are ANYTHING but an "objective observer"
And if you are saying that the op knew exactly how this would all pan out then that is not very encouraging.
Lets just leave it at that....
I do believe the whole subject of room issues is very real and goes way beyond what  alot of people work at with bass traps and wall diffusers etc.
After all you only need look at some websites to see what some are selling just as off the shelf items,
And I do believe certain people spending years in the research and counterpoint of these effects has been productive.
I wonder though with the wave of the latest electronic correction devices if this has somewhat negated all of this effort?

I wonder just what effect a unit like the Lyngdorf 2170 or Anthem would have on the rooms that already been heavily massaged and tweaked?
Would they be able to improve still further?
Or would they possibly make matters worse?
Be interesting to note the amount of room correction they attempt to make.

Personally I have known my room was acoustically terrible for years but then came along the 2170 and as far as I am concerned it did the "walk" for me and in all honesty I am just about done and really just sit down and enjoy the music for hours on end.
Maybe ignorant bliss and contentment but its my
More importantly, the way some of your posts are written (choice of words, mainly) is at least odd. They do not come across as anything any of us should be subjected to. I am not talking about your messages to me, but to some other members here. This forum does not have a moderator to take unacceptable posts down so we should, at least, attempt to keep it constructive rather than destructive and personally insulting.

There are a number of mods on this site and at times they can be VERY active at removing unjust posts....ask GK......
They likely dont have the heart to remove any posts from this thread.
Should be left as a perfect example of how a thread should NOT proceed
No worries my friend. In all honesty the mods do not run around this site all day long just checking on who has been a naughty boy lately although they are fully aware of notorious "problem" threads.
It usually takes a member or two to actually report a post before one of them will cast an eye over it and decide if it merits removal.
Wish I had been able to contribute something of substance to this thread but that was its largest problem, there really was NO substance.
A lot of promise remaining unfulfilled.
Some good questions mostly ignored, derided or chastised.
A lot of self congratulatory back slapping.
And well that is about it.
Did I miss anything?
Funny posts Glupson
Thank you!
Always good to take a break and gain some well needed humour.

Btw, the above removed post was one of mine, guess I was overly critical of GK latest masterpiece and it was deemed unworthy!
That was about 10000 words to much on discussing Katie tbh......
"You go girl"?
C’mon Katie
You can do better than that surely!

You know everyone loves you really!
Of course we don’t know what we don’t know and we never know what we are missing until we hear it.
I do not think many here dispute the fact that room acoustics play a huge part in our journey.
I do know that a fair number are also in the situation where due to location of the music system that alterations to said room just is not going to happen unless they like sleeping outside afterwards!

However I think the biggest problem was with how MG came across to various members, his attitude was very condescending to say the least, downright arrogant at times if truth be told.
There were some very good questions that were the most part ( unless they fit into his viewpoint) ignored or derided.
Not a particularly great way to "win" your audience over.
It may be on his own forum he is a little more open and free but I do not think many members who read this thread will bother to find out.
I do not believe I said that was ALL there was to MG tuning methods?
That particular snippet of my post just happened to reference that as an example and why some just cannot/will not entertain that portion even for starters.

The thread did have the makings of being interesting for the right reasons, however I stand by statement that he went about it the wrong way and that ended up driving its downfall, sad to say.
On that Geoff you are absolutely correct!

How does it go....
You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time but you CANNOT please all of the people all of the time.
Or some tosh similar to that.

Dunno, what is the next mysterious evil tweak that needs dissection?
Hold on there!
You live in the UK?
Sun is shining??
Did it make the national news???
I escaped the UK about 18 years ago and never looked back
Been doing just that all morning.
Pandora on random play on "2000,s Rock radio" right now
Not the best sq but its free!
I stream it on tv then digital toslink into my Lyngdorf2170.
Works ok although compared to Tidal it is noticeably worse.
So if certain members share their experiences that say certain tweaks do work for them in their system to their ears you would discount them as having been "mugged" by some get rich quick bandits?
Just one very recent example of a "tweak" as you call it in my system.

Used Wireworld eclipse 6 xlr interconnects from my phono stage to my integrated and it sounded awful, just thin, grating and lifeless compared to the single ended RCA interconnect of Nordost Red Dawn I had been using, and Nordost have a rep for being thin sounding so go figure.
It was that bad I was convinced the cables were faulty or the xlr inputs/outputs were.
Nope it was just the timbre of that cable did not match my system. Swapped the Wireworld for a cheap pair of Audioquest and the sq was worlds apart even though the RCA Nordost still sound a little better to my ears.
But according to some this should never have happened?
Interconnects are inconsequential tweaks?
I KNOW that is not the case!
I will try to gather the whole cinema audience to get a complete unbiased scientific opinion......
Seriously I believe MG failed in every aspect of managing this thread.
Maybe he did not take into account that his target audience here are not the same as those who flock to his site.
After all they chose to go there and were more captive and easily seduced.
Once he found the hard sell here was not going to fly without some evidence and supporting facts he became lost.
Just handled very badly imho
But let us get down to the real important stuff shall we.

My daughter and I

We are all waiting with baited breath for the next installment of this saga...
Yes for sure some of us are guilty for sidetracking somewhat although of late a bit of light humour was a relief.
But maybe enough is enough and let us see what else there is to offer.
I am a firm believer in tweaks and tuning to obtain the most from my equipment.
However I stand by my previous statements that MG was the largest conspirator in the derailing of this thread by his attitude and even opening post.
Maybe I read it wrong and took some of his subsequent posts the wrong way but that's my view.
Good Lord, this thread is STILL going on about the SAME stuff?
Thought it had "jumped the shark" LONG ago
But, carry on people, have at it!
BTW, I felt no need at all to re-tune my system per song or album. It sounds quite wonderful and satisfying to me on almost everything I listen to.

I guess we who are extremely happy with our systems have moved "beyond tuning" to a state of satisfaction that tuners haven’t arrived at. (Because they feel the need to keep changing the sound of their system to make different recordings sound the way they want).

Perhaps Tuners will get there someday.

Completely agree Prof!

Sometimes I feel we all lose sight of the endgame at times, I know I am as guilty of that as anybody.
Not saying we should all be content or complacent but maybe the obsessive desires to endlessly tweak can detract from the very reason of our hobby.
And that to me  is just listening to and enjoying the music!


Well for those who depend on selling equipment to make a living then maybe.

Still for the end user, its just all about the end result, the music.
IMHO of course
Obviously a lot feel differently and that is how it should be.
Never said I do not partake in my fair share of tweaking and seeking of "a higher ground"  lol.

Just at the end of the day it is a journey to listening of music and enjoyment of same.

Nothing more
Trivia time.

You can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish was actually the title of an album by Reo Speedwagon. No idea if they were first to use that phrase but there you go.

Now I will be leaving this thread as MG is quite right, I have no place here as I will never be walking HIS walk by HIS terms.

Just an example.
I returned home late last night from my daughter’s graduation and after having had to deal with real live people all night(yuk!), I plonked myself down in my fave sofa, turned on my music maker and just drifted away to heavenly sounds and relaxed.

Now if tuning involves moving blocks around under components, opening up covers and snipping cable ties around caps etc to optimise each recording then I am never climbing on that bus and freely admit it.
Anything of that nature would have taken all the instant gratification and relaxation out of last night.

Please note I am not saying that MG tuning is not real or has its place and gets results, it is just not for me. But good luck to all who walk that path in all sincerity.

I will stick to just being a tweaker.

So long and thanks for the fish!
Did anybody claim that listening to music is a hobby?
I certainly did not and do not recall a post saying that either. But I also did not search too hard so somebody may have done.
Rather listening to music is the end result of the hobby and such that in some instances people tend to get a little lost in actually remembering that.

Now if because I choose not to follow MG method of tuning blindly and that makes ME NOT a member of this hobby club then so be it, I can live with that.

My sole aim is to be able to sit down, listen to music and be relaxed.
If that makes me out to "not get it"that is also cool.

You will find me on my sofa......

I realise your reading and comprehension skills are a little rusty but....
Yes I said I would be leaving this thread as it serves no purpose for me and I none for the OP.
However I did NOT say that was my last post or just when I would leave .
So, now here is the one you thought you read.
This is my last post on this thread.
Got it?
Keep up the good work.