TAD Reference loudspeakers-How good are they?

Just wondering if the TAD Ref 1 and/or TAD Compact Ref 1 are as good as some of the show reviews suggest, although a recent review did mention a slightly "dark" presentation, albeit state of the art sound.

Does anyone know if the implementation of concentric tweeter/mid is superior to that of KEF/Thiel, or perhaps the Berylium constructed drivers and/or crossover sophistication.

I'm thinking about the TAD Compact Ref One as my "final" loudspeaker, as I have a small listening room at 14 x 16; Quite expensive at MSRP of $37K. I would appreciate any and all opinions and experience with the TAD Reference loudspeakers.

Thanks so much!
I've had the Ref1 in my main system for 3 or 4 years. Very happy with them. Would be interesting to compare them to the current best Magico, Raidho, and MBL.
knghifi: Will post feedback as noted once I have some them up and running, broken in, etc....I plan on using my existing Esoteric A-02 amp. The nice touch around all this is that this will be the first time I've ever heard my speaker cables and that amp run full-range as the prior speaker and RoomEQ device delegated bass and sub-bass (rather well and with great results) to dual 500W ICE amps in each tower and routed those frequencies over analog XLR to the speaker. The whole experience should be a real event....
Thank you all for the feedback both on the thread and to those who responded privately.  The choice has been made recently and it looks like I will get to experience these speakers for a long time to come...
Congratulations @zephyr24069!  When I can finally move on from tube amps, I will be replacing my TAD E1 with R1.   SS is getting closer and closer to tubes so hopefully soon :-)

What amps are you planning to drive the R1s?

Please do come back and post some comments for us, even if only a quickie review.  Some of us here still may have a set of TAD in our future :-)
Thank you all for the feedback both on the thread and to those who responded privately.  The choice has been made recently and it looks like I will get to experience these speakers for a long time to come...
Bugman03: Thank you very much for all of your feedback! It parallels much that I've received privately and have read here and elsewhere. Have a great day!
I am fortunate to own the TAD Ref 1 for a little over 4 years now.  During this time I have many friends that have brought their preamps, dacs and amps over to evaluate the sound and the TADs have sounded well with all the equipment.  Most equipment that was used would be considered Hi-End.  The only issue is the base control with some tube amps.  I have CAT JL3 Signature Mk2 monos which cannot control the 2 12" woofers well enough.  I also have Pass Labs XA 160.8 monos that do a fantastic job with woofer control.  The 'beryllium concentric driver has a richer sound that delivers a predictable sound that IMHO is fantastic.  I evaluated many high end speakers before I decided on the TAD because they produced a richer sound.

I concur,
at this level of price and performance, one most certainly requires audition time in full effect.

how does the Magico V3 fare against the Thiel CS 3.7?
I have spent some time w/ the Thiel, but not had an opportunity to demo the Magico.

Happy Listening!
Thank you both for your feedback! I believe the finish is reported to be Sapele Pommele wood with Red Birdseye finish very highly polished reminiscent of TIDAL finishes. 
I own the TAD Evolution Ones.  The speakers I owned previous to the E-1s were Magico V3 and Thiel 3.7.  I have had a very positive experience with the E-1s for the past 8 months. I could not disagree more with those posters who said TAD speakers sound bright or metallic. The sound quality to me is very neutral and comparable to Magico units but there is something magical in the coherence of the mid/tweeter unit. Also the E-1s are more extended in the highs and lows than the V3s.  Before I bought the E-1s I looked hard  at Q3s and S5s but purchased the TADs at less money than either of those. 

The Reference Ones are really great in my estimation and the beryllium midrange is very pure-- making it one of my favorite speakers cost no object. The Compact Ref Ones for a smaller room will be awesome though.  My advice is to shop around as there were significant discounts available from dealers and in the used market the speakers sell for less than half of list.  

I've only had the opportunity to hear the Compact Reference, but it left an indelible impression on me.   I would go out of my way to get another shot at hearing those again and for a longer period of time.  The build quality was superb and they sounded wonderful, and boy are they beautiful in the red Birdseye (I think that's what it was).
The R1s are excellent speakers. True reference quality. With the right amplifier (minimum 100 WPC, must have an open and extended top end) they are hard to beat. Match made in heaven with the Dartzeel monos.
Waking up this thread....anyone with more recent and additional comments on TAD Reference 1 Mk I or Mk IIs, please post them!
Go listen and decide for yourself.  To my ear, it's one of the best speaker available!    Checkout the TAD thread on WBF ...
I auditioned these speakers back in 2014- was not impressed for the price-point.  One can do better for much, much less money.
Waking up this thread....anyone with more recent and additional comments on TAD Reference 1 Mk I or Mk IIs, please post them!
The TAD's are very good speakers, we went with Raidhos - there is nothing else that we've heard that does so many things so amazingly well.
I just listened to a pair and they are indeed special. They were the Large ones, the 75K ones or there abouts. The size of stage, dynamics, ease of dynamics, live music transient response, and on and on. Now, before you plunk down the money, listen to the new Legacy Whisper which is also a great speaker. I heard both this weekend, and they both do things good and really good. Both need only modest power, and are near the end of the road as far as I am concerned. The new Legacy will also be having a special edition in the future with V-caps in the Xover which is said to be just spectacular. The price will be a little over 20k, but well below the TAD sticker. I have heard the legacy at length and was at a loss to recall anything at the CES show that really did anything better overall. Listen and see what you think. Jallen
I have been listening to the CR-1's for a week or so in a tube based system. I don't have them Fully dialed in yet, but there is clearly something special going on. I wouldn't mind getting another opinion or two if anyone In the NYC area wants to take a listen before I make my decision.
I'm an idiot - the review is of the S-1EX loudspeaker, but you can guess that from the URL.

In case some readers are looking for a review of the S-3EX ... Dave Clark on Positive Feedback


They look pretty.

Did you have the more expensive Pioneer S-1EX speakers or the S-3EX (as you listed). the S-1EX should even be a better speaker with the beryllium dome tweeter instead of the tweeter used in the S-3EX.
I've heard the Thiel 3.7 and it is outstanding and really hard to beat without spending more than $20k.
How was the Pioneer better than the Thiel - I'm very curious.
Bugman03, Congrats on the speakers. Now you have the whole enchilada - top, middle, and bottom. Seems like you are having alot of fun.
For the money the Pioneer S-3EX is a hard speaker to beat period. I bring in many pairs of speakers over the years and easily can say the S-3EX is a contender for one of the best bargains out there. I had a room full of people comparing S-3ex vs the Thiel 3.7. I can say everyone in the listening room agreed the S-3EX out performed the Thiels.
The Pioneer speakers which have the same type of concentric drivers do not have the same richness of sound because they have aluminum and not berylium deposited on the drivers. This is what Andrew Jones told me. I have the good fortune to own a pair of TAD Ref 1 since a week before last Christmas. They are so amazing that even a pair of Neforce 9SE V3 sound fantastic. I have tube preamps (CAT Legend and VTL 7.5 Series2) and a couple of pairs of tube amps (CAT JL-3 Sig Mk2 and custom made monos along with the before mentioned Nuforce). The sound is fantastic with all of the equipment I have listened to on these wonderful speakers. The sound is very detailed and very musical. The image is holographic and large. My previous speakers were Avalon Eidolon which I loved but I could not go back to them. I am sorry that I can't describe in more detail my experience but several audiophile friends that have heard my system have agreed with what I have described.
The TAD Reference speakers are great sounding speakers.

Poor man's version of TAD Reference speakers are the Pioneer S-3EX speakers which incorporate TAD drivers and design by Andrew Jones of Pioneer/TAD.
I have heard (twice) the Reference One. It is absolutely amazing. The soundstage is awesome. As pointed out by others in this thread, the speakers need a amplification of very good quality. Playing with Mcintosh MA7000 the soundstage was small, but with amplification by Hegel the Ref 1's played heavenly.

Until this week, I considered them (and even contacted my bank who said the loan would be OK). My reasons for not buying them at the present moment are: 1) the cost (together with the cost of top amplification) 2) the size and shape of my listening room.

Some information on TAD Ref 1 here:

and a great picture here:
Very good speakers but pricey. I heard them at a Pioneer specialty store here in Southern California and they throw a vast soundstage and feature excellent mids. With that said, for the money, I think you can do better with ATC pro reference monitors. I think the ATC 100s and 150s are superior to these models, especially the active ones.
I would agree with Rtn1. While there are some fantastic holographic speakers out there, I have not heard a single system that did so many things so right as the TAD reference One.

Interestingly, the smaller TAD Compact Reference speakers come very close, yet can't quite match the Ones in sheer authority, power and soundstage in very large rooms. For smaller rooms, the TAD compact reference is a fantastic speaker (priced reasonably at mid thirties for what it does), given the competition we heard - with very few excellent exceptions like Marten - rolls out speakers that cost more and do less right.
Weseixas, The Avalon Isis remains ideal for me. In the reproduction of classical music, both large and small, I have not heard better.

I think the TAD Ref 1 might be good if your collection leans more heavily on jazz and pop. They are not as holographic, but very dynamic and involving.

If it is really down to these 2, I think people should seek a demo at a store or home set-up.
Hello Rtn1,

Sounds like a very good speaker, are they better than the Avalons?

i'm interested too---but they have like no dealers in the US, so an impossible chore even if i could afford them.

Audio Video Logic, out od Des Moines, Iowa just picked up TAD. They are an excellent and trusted dealer and a long time member of Audiogon. Give John or Mike a call.

The feedback on the TAD's from RMAF 2010 is very positive. IMO & IME I find them overall excellent speakers with the typical advantages and disadvantages of Be drivers. That is detailed and needing very fine amplification to sound their best. Not tolerant of a weak upstream chain. If all is set up well; (Sirspeedy's recommendation of Pass XA200 sounds spot on) these might deliver all that one desires from a dyanamic speaker. They do need power and are not a warm or colored speaker. High power tube amplification might be an interesting match to consider but I have not heard. I would definitely put TAD on a short list for a top 10 speaker of all time at any price. But it needs to be listened to as it might be too neutral for some. I still prefer my Maxx IIs overall but I like a little color.
i heard the tad 1s when they were introduced at ces ,in 2004 or so. they were only a beta type , with more design time and resources to spend on the design. these speakers were incredible ,but not a finished, complete product.i've been following them since...with great admiration , i must admit........
at this year's ces the ref.1s were simply transformational with their sound- vey musical and engaging.
these speakers should be on anyone's short list of state- of the art designed speakers.

Excuse me, but the technology that adds dimensionality that the VanL speakers are using sure sounds like Polk Audio's Space Dimensional Array, available on the SDA2's and SADA3's. They to had a seperate coil for each channel, phased L-R and R-L. I do not refute that the technology works, I owned SDA2's, still do, but these new speakers sure sound like they are using the same methodolgy.

The Vivid speakers sure look interesing, but they would not fly in my home.


I have not had the pleasure to listen to the TAD REFERENCE monitor. They are "drop dead" gorgeous from the pictures. I have, however had time to listen to the MAGICO and KEF designs. Also, very fine speakers but perhaps not quite the cosmetic appeal of the TAD. But let's get down to audible reality. $37,000 for any loudspeaker places it into the realm of the rich and idiotic. Yes I have heard the Wilsons and many other extremely expensive speakers. From that perspective, you might want to take a look at VIVID. Their top end speaker is very special. Capable of playing at any volume that pleases you with absolute clarity while maintaining a sense of "0" audible strain. They only get better based upon the quality of the source electronics and recorded media.
Now here's my spin. If you are in Chicago, I suggest you look up VanL Speakerworks. John is a designer of custom loudspeakers that utilize a patented principal of imaging enhancement without the use of electronic "trickery" and at an unbelievably low price. Approximately 1/10 of the cost of TAD's. I have (2) pair, one of which I was somewhat instrumental in the design. The one I speake of uses HIQUPHON custom made tweeters out of DENMARK. Perhaps they can't do everything the VIVID's can (for instance) but my lifelong quest for sonic excellence (I once owned 8 AXIOM 80'S and let them slip through my fingers), has been pretty much put to rest, even if I had the cash to spend obliviously, into the "Megabuck" range. I have had several people listen to my current systems who attended the VIVID demo here in Chicago. My system totals up to about $13K, in comparison to the system we listened to, associated with the VIVID demo. It totaled about $250K (TRANSROTOR TURNTABLES, ETC). Virtually all agree that the systems I have with the Van L's at the heart, sound ouverall as pleasing a listening experience, for "mountains" less money.

Believe it or not!! That's all I have to add.
Sounds awesome. I need to do an in-home audition. I've heard nothing but praise for them from several well regarded people I know.
They were mated to the TAD CD player and the Dartzeel amp and preamp combination. When we substituted the BAT Rex for the Dart preamp, they sounded even better. Great mid-range depth and texture, along with an increase in dynamics from top to bottom.

They were set-up in someone's home, which is usually much, much better than a dealer's set-up.
Under what circumstances did you listen to the Tad R1's?

I had auditioned the R1's before but the audition was quite bad because of the very bad room (sloped ceilings, lack of sidewalls). They were also mated with Viola electronics which I don't consider very suitable.
I finally got to hear the TAD Ref One loudspeakers. They are excellent and truly something special. I heard absolutely nothing that was bright, metallic, or forward. Quite the opposite, in fact.

They were big, coherent, involving, and fun. They have wonderful bass. I would rank them ahead of Magico, Wilson, and Rockport.
Btw,I should have mentioned in my last(final post)....

Sorry Peg!You are actually an innocent bystander....and....

I "am" getting to bitter and vindictive.Time for a reality check.

My apologies to you for alluding things out of your control.

Time for everyone to move on.....
Sorry folks,

I realize this is personal,and really has no place on this forum.Things got out of control,and I guess the need to have the last word was overused.Especially by "me".

The soap opera is over.....I promise!
I'm only bitter to "liars and cheats".

Quite happy otherwise.

Nice that the "always angry one" keyboarded your last thought.You surely are not that good with punctuation.A "dead give-away".

NOW,I'll go have my life....Kids,business,"actually playing an instrument",etc etc....Life is good....and...

Yes,I am spending too much time on this subject...Done!
Enjoy your life you bitter and Vindictive JERK!! Ps get a life and a stereo so you can be bitter with manufacterers again!!!!!!
Ebm....yes it is an audio forum.Enjoy your show....btw....

Denise was SO RIGHT!!