Tact Pre Amps

Thinking of purchasing one of these. The 2.0S or 2.2XP. Cost is a factor. Can anyone weigh in as to whether it's worth the investment?


Showing 2 responses by ndeslions

The Tact is not a easy to use gear if you want to get a good result... you will need to spend a lot of time to find the best settings.
Also the analog I/O are definitely bad, forget them if you want to get a good treble.
I think the 2.2X is better as there's a way to correct the signal only below 350Hz, you can't do that with the 2.0S and from my experience correction higher than 350Hz are not interesting... a few Echobusters panels are way better.
My 2.0S was totally modified with external wordclock, top quality diodes and rectifiers, blackgate NX etc...
The A/D and D/A boards sounded much better after the modifications but still not very good.