TACT & Lyngdorf user satisfaction?

HEY ! I am wondering if anyone would like to comment on their experiences with either of these type units . Perhaps a summary of the system , room , speakers, how you integrated it , were you able to bypass the use of a preamp and still get audiophile soundstaging.? Anyone design their own crossover points and slopes ? I have noticed a good deal of these units have their own amplification , are the amps really something for high end systems ? Which is more user friendly, is it the most effective ? WHAT SAY YOU ! !

Showing 2 responses by samujohn

Chadeffect has just make the argument for the Tact version of room correction.
There is no automatic way (yet) to achieve room perfect (pun intended) results.
I am on my third Tact unit and the learning curve is steep. Obviously I think it is worth the effort, but it is not for the faint of heart. Yes, I do my own slopes. No I do not do crossovers, since I use full range electrostats.
My first system was a Tact preamp (2.0) with a CJ power amp. My current system uses their integrated (2150XDM). Room correction is a hobby within a hobby as one tries to close in on the perfect equalization.
In summary, the Tact approach is serious, but neither perfect or for everybody.
I decided that my previous response was too pessimistic in tone. My experience has been that I, and one of my audio friends have been very pleased with the results, while two others were not.
The two who were not satisfied did not wish to spend the time and computer effort required to get the best results, so gave up quickly.
The Tact preamp comes with preprogramed curves similar to the Lyngdorf. While they can demonstrate how effective the room correction can be, in my opinion they fail to satisfy. In order to get results that one is happy with in the long term, one must spend time refining the equalization curves. The Tact provides that capability, if one is willing to spend the effort.

All that said, the results can be stunning.
1. imagining is improved dramatically
(Electrostats are notorious for only providing imagining if one sits in the sweet spot. Sitting on the end of the couch got me mono. Now I get stereo from any spot, though it is still the best in the center.)
2. resolution, the same. Tonal masking is easy to hear and correct.

The Tact amplifiers are amazingly quiet. My CJ 2500A was an excellent amplifier, but I had no idea how much noise obscured fine detail until it was gone.

In addition, the Tact has digital inputs, which allow for a CD deck or computer to plug in directly without need of a DA converter.

In summary, I am getting the best sound ever in my less than perfect listing room. Is it the best I have ever heard? No, but its the best I have heard for anything near the price, and the best I have heard in my listing room.