Tact 2.0S or Tact 2.2XP

I'm looking for a room correction device to cure the bass boom I'm getting in my room.
I've CD and Digital source(Bryston BDP-1) and have external DAC and pre-amp from Bryston.
I don't have any sub-woofer and don't want to use any in future.
It will be connected through digital interface so I don't need any add on cards ... basic unit will do.
But my question is what is the difference between 2.0S and 2.2XP other than sub-woofer connectivity and PC free setup in 2.2XP.
Shouldn't I get the auto room correction and Dynamic room correction features in 2.0S? What will be the problem without those features?
Please share your views.
Thanks all for the feedback.
@Samujohn ...Tact 2.0S is still in their web site and new Tact 2.0S incorporates new features:

The 2.0S brings the processing power of the 2.2X to the RCS 2.0

Digital outputs are user programmable to output at sampling frequencies up to 192kHz

Digital inputs accept signals up to 24bit 192 kHz

ParaEQ is now included as a standard feature

A/D and D/A converters have been upgraded to the specifications of the converters found in the RCS 2.2X

@ Richards ... Thanks for your insight.
My room is small 11' x 16' feet and using Dynaudio Sapphire, bass is not always boomy but in some materials it create boom otherwise I like the bass and I feel I don't need any sub-woofer. I played with speaker placement and I come to a dead end, in my small room I cant pull the speakers any further into the room.
I've read reviews and user feed back on Tact and I am convinced that the Tact will serve my purpose.
There is a feature called Auto Room Correction in 2.2XP, it will be convenient to adjust Tact with this features ... some sort of plug and play and I wont get this featues in 2.0S.
I've seen lots of frustration setting up Tact 2.0S .... is it possible to set up the device without any additional device?
BTW I don't have any option to get it modded as I live in a remote area.
Thanks once again for all of your responses.
The Tact web site is a bit of a mess. The 2.0 and the 2.0S are shown on various pages but are not listed as products for sale. If you select the purchase button for either, the page cannot be found. Boz designs products that do fabulous things, but there are glaring short comings with the consumer information interface.
Samujohn, Thanks for clarifying.
Now we don't have any alternative but to go for 2.2 xp.
There is a 2.2 Mini version but not sure about the differences between 2.2 xp and 2.2 mini ..... any idea?

I asked Boz this exact question about a month or so ago. He told me that the basic delta with the mini is that it was built for low cost manufacturing - less labor intensity and fewer stand-alone components. He wasn't terribly specific, but kinda sorta hinted that the biggest differences might be on the analog side.


BTW, as to Buconero's suggestion (room treatments), it's a good idea, but IME effective only above 75ish hz. If your troubles lie south of there (as mine largely did, once I deployed hemholtz resonators), there's nothing like DRC.
I find a difference between 2.2 Xp and 2.2 Mini ie xp has balanced AES/EBU input which is not present in Mini version.
For balanced connection noise floor will be low.
But I wonder what are the other differences?
I emailed to Tact couple of days ago but got no reply till to date!!