Table/Cartridge price ratio

Say you buy a $1500 turntable without a cartridge. What price range should the cartridge be for maximum potential? Is there a point of diminishing return? Would you get the same result from a cartridge that is in the $800 range with one that is in the $1200 range?

Showing 1 response by ejlif

I'd have to say in my experience I totally disagree with Samujohn. There is a huge difference between 500 and 3000 dollar carts, more money gets you more magic usually. Now you can have a great time with a 300 dollar cart, just don't fool yourself into believing that the 3000 dollar one sounds just about the same IT DOES NOT! That said I don't know that you'd want to spend that kind of money when you are playing with a 1500 dollar table/arm setup. You may be better to upgrade that and stay reasonable with the cart for a while. So no 800 for a cart for your setup would not be overkill.