Sytem advice Upgrade? Help!!

I currently have Nakamichi AV-7 an mb-10 cd player and a set of B&W dm620s. I have the chance to upgrade to seperates starting with a B&K avp1000. Questions I have are: what amp recomendations(I will probably want a multi channel amp) Can I go with a tube stereo and then a 3channel amp for surround. Is this a decent upgrade? Help!!

Showing 1 response by ezmeralda11

I wouldn't do a tube amp at all, but its just because I'm from the transistor camp. I'm not saying that there aren't some nice tube amps out there, but solid-state does it better, and for cheaper. There is way too much romanticism surrounding those little glowing chrome-plated toys of yesteryear. If you want the pleasure of working on your own audio gear then tube amps are great. But, all things aside you would probably be happiest finding a nice high quality five channel solid-state amplifier, and there are plenty out there. Parasound builds some, Outlaw Audio does too and a whole bunch of others I can't recall off hand. Look around and see what you can find at a good price.