System Upgrade

Leben CS600; Harbeth Plus 5s; PS Audio with Bridge II linked via Blue Heaven USB; Chord Clearway interconnects and speaker cables (not bi-wired).

Sounds good but "flat" and I find myself having to turn up the volume almost halfway to get any "presence".

What am I missing, if anything?

Than you.

I saw where you listed your Leben CS600 for sale at a very aggressive price and it sold same day. Congrats.

What amps will you be auditioning to go with your Harbeths? I have read where Alan Shaw is somewhat amplifier agnostic. Depending on what you are after, maybe a pair of Schiit Vidar monobolcks and a Schiit Freya + preamp might meet your power and dynamic needs. They are really overachievers unless you are leaning toward an integrated. They are also incredibly easy to deal with, place, setup and return in the event they aren't your cup of tea. Best wishes and good luck in your search.

Saw too that  you sold your Leben, we wish you would have tried some different cables first but that is a different matter.

We also saw you are in New York City. Our shop, Audio Doctor is right across the water from you 3miles away in Jersey City.

We have one of the best selections of gear on the East Coast:

We have a few amplifiers that you might really like, the new Krell K300i at $7k is a 150 watts Class A in power, and is very tube like in its presentation. It is also quite compact. 

We also have the Norma Revo 140 another great intergrated amplifier very open and full sounding at $7k.

We have the Italian Tube line Synthesis A100T which is a $7k 100 Watt KT 66 another stunning sounding tube amplifier.

We also have the Micromega and Naim products. 

Plus Electrocompaniet, T+A. Cary, Conrad Johnson, and a few others.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Thank you All. The Leben sold very quickly and I am pleased with the sale - although I hate to see it go because it was a great amp, perhaps not for my setup.

My Dealer is suggesting the Gryphon Diablo 120 or 300 or the Luxman L-509x. Looking at the Forums it seems that the Luxman is an excellent paring for the Harbeths.

Need to make sure that my next Amp is the right fit. 
The Krell K300i is way more tube like then the Luxman if you like the Leben sound you would love the krell, many people who have heard the K300i can not believe just how good it is even compared to much more expensive gear.

The Gryphon is a bit dark sounding however their gear is fantastic.

If you like tubes the Synthesis A 100t is amazing and powerful and an outstanding buy for the price.

If you can bring over your speakers you can hear 6 integrated amplifiers in your price range.

Krell k300i
Norma Revo 140
Naim Uniti Nova
Micromega M100
T A Dac 8/Amp 8
Synthesis A100T

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor
You have only 32 watts at 6 ohms? You are under powered.   I would also change your tubes. That system should not sound flat. Are you 100% sure all your connections are correct ?