System too harsh Help

I have a Parasound HALO P-21. Thought it would be good to power my Revel 30 preforma's. I will use a Halo P-3 preamp to try to match equipment but not committed to it. Might need another preamp. I was told to buy Harmonic Technology biwires pro-9. I have nordost cable Balduer running from cd Player , CD player is a conosance ref. 2.2 . Tube output.
I have two balanced cables both of which have not solved problem. Harmonic Technology precesion link and some generic silver wires, both balanced. They run from amp to current preamp Nuforce P-8.

The question is :
1. send speaker cables back. Get different one???
2. Add new cables to the signal path to correct brightness problem.
3. get a different preamp.

It sounds O.K. but highs are too crisp .

Can it be fixed witout a amp change. That damed beast cost too much to ship as well as my revel speakers.

Please help, any input would be great
I am very thank ful for the interaction shown by the audiogon community. I started the change when I sold my avalon Studio pros because someone stole my NP evolution sub....
I bought a set of revel preforma 30's.
I wanted a bigger amplifier..

I deceided to buy a parasound Halo 21 to replace my jeff rowland 102 amplifier. This led to my sale of some of my higher end cables.

I love my CD Player. It is both balanced and rca out.
The balanced section is not in the signal path of the tube. The RCA connection is. So I can use both and have
two differnt sounds come from the player. The tube is a 6H30 dr. Russian super tube. Consance reference 2.2
Upgrades available.

My nuforce p-8 has sold. output impeadance of 40 ohms.
The parasound P-3 is on the way. It has a 60 amp out put impeadance. It has balanced out and one balanced input. I will run CD player through both.

I have a Pioneer PL1000 turntable . I listen to records as much as I use cd's. The P-3 preamp has a built in phono pre.

I have some silver balanced interconnects from Audioparts.
I have a balanced set of HT precsionlinks, low cost.
I have a set of Balduer Nordost RCA. I currently use it in the signal path of the cd player . My goal is to find a better balanced set of cables that might help better on the Amp to preamp side and balanced side of the cd player.

I have solved the speaker placment problems and now await the arival of the P-3 Halo preamp next week.

I use p.s audio power cords Plus models.

I have had more money tied up in other systems before but want to go this route. I am not committed to purchaseing the Halo P-3 and could spend more if needed on another preamp.

One thing that I like about Jaybo's comment is that speaker
placment is a number one priority. If it takes care of the problem, thats great.

As far as other items , I see the benefit there too.
I could either buy new tweaks or just move the speaker.

Either way , it only enhances or fixes what you here from your system.

Thats why audio is such a personal preference that one hopfully comes to appreciate over time.


It looks like tube rolling is not an option as you already have the DR version of the 6H30! Maybe CRYO it? Just a thought.
Opera Audio has a rep here in the U.S., Quest for Sound that does an upgrade on the unit I will try.

Thanks for the input..
Sansui80 - I have a Ref 2.2 (not Linear, but original) on which QFS did the "factory" upgrade. I am very pleased with the improvements - improved mid-range, smoother, more detailed yet less harsh. However, I've been told that QFS is no longer the U.S. distributor. I've also been told that the mod on the Ref 2.2 (replace output caps to 2.2 450 volt Auricaps precision caps, replace output diode, re-wire power supply for voltage to caps, replace output tube with JJ Tesla EC-99) is not really a good idea since tubes like the JJ Tesla EC-99 are not meant to be installed on their side, which is how the mod is done. I e-mailed Stephen Monte at QFS for clarification on this but got no response. So while I would highly recommend Stephen's mods for improved performance, I would be concerned about their application to the player. I have NEVER had any trouble with mine since (2 years now) but would be cautious since Stephen has not answered my conerns.
Sansui80 - I am not recommending you not do the mods. I am only suggesting you speak with Stephen about this issue and only proceed if you are satisfied with his explanation. All of my dealings (general questions, work done on my amp and CDP) with Stephen up to this most recent issue were great. Please let us know what you find out from him and what you decide to do.