System sounds different, depending...

There are times when my system sounds absolutely amazing. Then other times it's dull. And sometimes even unlistenable. All with the same CDs.

There doesn't seem to be any pattern, or rhyme or reason. My system doesn't seem to favor morning, noon, or night. It can be great or goofy any time of the day.

Does this have to do with the amount of people using electrical appliances at a given moment in my apartment? I'm using all factory power cords right now, but have some Absolute Power Cords on the way to me. I'll see what happens, then upgrade to better cords if warranted.

Maybe it's just my state of mind and body at the time? It's always a mystery as to how my system will sound when I sit down.

Or could it be the shampoo I'm using?

Very weird...

Showing 1 response by gunbei

Well for starters.

Yes Sugarbrie, I live in California. Los Angeles of all places! Arrggh!!!

Tail & Mane you say Dekay? I don't use that, but I am low on the head suds. Off to the bootie saloon. :)

Sean, good idea. I think I'll have my girlfriend serve me drinks and massage my shoulders during every listening session. SMACKKK!!!! OK, bad idea.

Prfont. I think I do need a vacation. My mind has been swirling with so many ideas for upgrades and tweaks, I can hardly speeaakkkk... [Doing my best Fred Astaire impression].

Hmmm... It sounded pretty good last night. Oh well.

Seriously. Should I really keep everything powered up all the time? I keep my transport always powered on, and so is the Bel Canto DAC 1.1. My Sim Audio Moon I-5 has a stand by mode, so in essence it is always on. But not "turned on".

Gosh, if I get too carried away with this, Governor Gray Davis may come over and kick my butt after he's done wrestling with George W. Bush.