System shutting down due to clipping?

From time to time my HT system shuts off when playing at higher volumes. The Yamaha AV unit is running out of juice and I assume it is tripping off as a self preservation function. I am guessing that the rear surround speakers are the culprits since they are 4 ohm. I am not sure whatload the center channel is.
SO how do I fix this? I do not want to change the AV unit and am not real keen about changing the speakers either. Don't even think of suggesting that I turn the volume down.

Showing 5 responses by erikt

Well you didn't say the exact full model number.

There was an older RX-V1000 that IS obsolete/discontinued.

The newer Aventage line is the RX-A1000.

Like I said in reply #1 - hope the 6-ohm setting works for you... ;-)

For some Yamaha AVRs, there is a setup option to run "6-ohm" speakers (which may work 'better' for your 4-ohm speakers).

Check your manual.

Also check to see what your max volume setting is: there are options to limit the volume and if you don't have that set to max then the AVR may shut down as well.

Check your manual.
Just to stir the pot a bit more.

The OP may be able to keep his current AVR and IF it has pre-outs, he could add an external amp.

Couple of choices:
1) 2-channel ext amp for Front L/R speakers - which may 'offload' the AVR enough to drive the remain speakers
2) multi-channel ext amp: 3 or even 5 channel and completely offload the AVR from driving any speakers.

Would be helpful to know which Yammie AVR model the OP has.

I still have my Yamaha RX-V1800 as my AVR for a 5.1 setup. At one point I had my old Carver M-1.0t hooked up via the AVR pres for Front L/R ext amplification, and could go "stupid loud" for all channels.
Your AVR does have preouts ("Main outs"):

It sounds from your above system setup description that you are using the main outs from the AVR, connected to your Sonic Frontier/Aragons to drive your Front L/R speakers.

If so, then your V1000 is only driving the center and surrounds.

How long have you had this setup? Is the AVR shutting down recent?
Maybe the AVR power supplies are is an older model.

If you've had this for awhile and the shutdowns are 'recent' - sure makes the AVR the probable culprit.

Good excuse for an upgrade!! :-)