System for weekly traveller to use in hotel room

I travel in my work every week. I can not bring a compact system like a Linn Classik with speakers to the hotel rooms I stay in. How have others solved this issue? I have more time to listen at the hotel in the evenings that I have when I am home over the weekends. Looking for how other have solved to get a travelling sound system that can satisfy the high end listening requirement.

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

I've been very happy with the sound quality of my Sony Minidisc player when driving Grado SR-80s. I record straigth from the audio output of my Classe DAC, but Sony also sells an cable that allows you to input a digital (Toslink) signal, so you can go direct off your CDP if you have toslink out. Haven't experimented yet with my Senn HD 600 to see if the MD will drive it.
I just tried my HD 600s with the MD player, works fine. Won't match the Airhead/CDP HD 600 combo, but each MD is about 1/4 the size of a CD and if you're traveling by air you can use the compression (not sure if its actually data compression or what) to store 5 hours of music on a single MD. So in the space of 1 CD, you could carry 20 hours of music, and the player is less than 1/4 the size of most CDPs (about 1/2 size of a pack of cigarettes). Another advantage is that it runs on a single AA and they last quite a while; a four pack would seem to me to easily yield a week of listening several hours a day.