System bottleneck?

Hi all. My system is made up the following:

Biamp with Parasound a21+ (LF) and Rogue ST 100 dark (HF)

Don Sachs 2 preamp, Marantz SACD 30n, Rega p3 tt,

Legacy Signature SE speakers, pretty good cabling throughout 

It all sounds very good together but if you were looking 

to upgrade where would you start? Just curious what others 

would see as weaker links in this system. 


Showing 1 response by goheelz

In your shoes, since vinyl is one of your things, I’d sell the Rega right away and upgrade your vinyl setup. Much better phono stage and cartridge too. Stop using Bluetooth for digital.  Once you upgrade the vinyl rig, digital will become less relevant anyway. Add a decent subwoofer(s) to help the Legacy’s below 50 Hz. Take a look at your room too. Lotta glass and bare floors? Not good. As needed, use a rug and maybe some sound panels.  Don’t have to do everything at once, but you have to do everything. Because why not?