Synposium Acoustics - Impressed!

Decided to give their lowest-end platform (Segue) a try under a Rega P3 to see if it could lower the noise floor a bit.  Amazing night and day difference that far exceeded my expectations.  Not only did it damped vibrations really well, it even eradicated what I presumed was a poor-grounding hum that was notable when moving the cart towards the record at higher volumes during cueing.  Arguably this was less than an optimal product match as I see I should have gone for the Segue ISO for use under analog turntables.  Nonetheless the results are stellar.  I now have a Foundation rack on order and look forward to resonance-free support under all my gear.

Questions - anyone else seeing similar results?  Anyone using the Svelte Shelf under speakers?

Showing 2 responses by ebm

I love the rack its 5 level Osiris it is pictured on Symposium web site under Osiris(em).The rack was a major upgrade to the sound of the entire system.It improved dynamic range,bass detail,bass impact,midrange,high end detail and made the entire system more dynamic.I have friends with racks that cost 2 or more times the price of the Osiris and don't come close to the outstanding sound I'm now getting.Plus you are dealing with a wonderful company as well.Tanks for you interest.
I totally agree i just got the Osiris all copper(legs) rack it is transformative in my system.Im using Symposium Stealth Edition Ultra for my turntable on top shelve of rack.All shelves using Svelte plus.My line conditioners (2) and power amp using Symposium Ultra stealth stands with Trillium copper adjustable spikes.My Magico speaker are using Symposium Super Stealth edition plus with adjustable Trillium copper spikes which go through the carpet to the floor. Every time i add Symposium to the system it improves the sound of the system.I have been using Symposium for over 25 years Peter is a wonderful honest and very helpful person.He knows everything about his products.