Synergistic Research Orange Fuses

Does anyone have the new SR Orange fuse? I'm considering it but currently have their Blue and wondering about the advantages of moving up.

Showing 5 responses by georgehifi

Would be good if it were that simple.
But these clowns that for each different SR fuse they try saying thing like this is massive my system has taken a giant leap, it 100% better than before.
And this goes on for half a dozen different fuses, and say the same thing every time, they must have a sound that is just out of this world that no one can better.
These are not reasonable people, these are snake oil voodooist of the highest order. And the gullible need to see/hear from the Electronic Engineering side of which none will back these guys one iota.
I don’t see the point of this thread; you can try it for yourself risk-free.’
That’s right that’s his answer, the OP can also then ask admin to close this down before it goes toxic, which it will inevitably do just like all the others.
You have no experience, therefore no knowledge.
You have no knowledge therefore no experience, you self admitted you couldn’t measure the phase shift @ 20khz on your new 1200as2 Class-D amp venture, , strange because all it takes is a decent dual trace oscilloscope. Any novice tech has one of these, but it seems you don’t.

This is why the gullible need to see/hear from both sides of the fence on this BS voodoo fuse ripoff.

If we like spending money on fuses, etc. that we say make better sound, how is this hurting you?
Because it’s one of the biggest cons in audio, up there with Shun Mook Mpingo Pucks, any anything geoffkiat sells

Is this one seriously imaginary world, or what??
Yeah and you can’t see the forest for the trees.
 Notice how there’s not one Electronic Engineer game enough on these BS voodoo fuser sights and lay their reputation on the line and back you "special" guys, to say yes your right miller! this $160 is better because it does this better than the $2 industry stand fuse and here’ is the proof!!!!!!

Yet it these very Electronic Engineers that design and build all of the equipment your listen to, and you think your smarter than them, pull the other one it plays jingle bells.

Save your money goofy. If it sounds better you probably had/have "fuse rot" as @wolf_garcia calls it.

 The only way a fuse can sound better, if it replaces old crusty one that seen too many switch on surges over time, doesn’t have to be $200 fuse, should be $2 same one but new, and the same result will happen, and switch-on surge ageing will be the same for both $200 fuse or the $2 fuse

A slow-blo fuse ageing over time right to left

A fast-blo fuse ageing over time left to right

Your better off spending $2 on a "new original fuse", and save hundreds.

Cheers George