synergistic research orange blue fuse direction.

Hi, I have two 611s, one 302 and one 452 McIntosh amps, and I just purchased three Synergistic Research (SR) Orange fuses. I also received one SR Blue fuse free with the purchase of the SR blue receptacle. Would someone advise me with some specificity on the directional installation of the Blue and Orange fuse. Again all the amps are McIntosh.


Showing 3 responses by guyt

Ok thanks.   I was hoping that someone has used the fuses with Mac amps and could give instructions on orientation of the fuse in the amp respective to the markings on the fuse.  You would think that SR would give instructions that were more suited for ignorant people like myself. Thank you for your input.

SR has directions that specify the direction of current left right and the fuses are marked left right.  I find it all very confusing.  Thanks for your input.
Thanks to you all for your input.  The S and R on the fuse is located on one end of the fuse. So correct me if I am wrong it is not the vertical rotation of the fuse outside the fuse  receptacle and reinsertion of the fuse,  but the  rotation of the fuse on the horizontal plane while the fuse is in the holder.  Please advise.

Thank you