Synergistic Research mpc question

Hi Audiogoners, 
I have a lot of older SR cables with mpcs connected to them but can’t find much info on the proper connection of them and was hoping that some of you with experience can help. I also have 2 master control centers to help keep the # of mpcs down a little bit. The question I have is, is I it okay to connect the mpcs and the master control centers up to a SR power cell 6 se which has the preamp, dac and transport hooked up to it as well or would it be better for the active shielding mpcs and master control centers to be plugged into its own isolated power strip? I also have a couple mpcs plugged into a shunyata venom 8 power strip with a defender conditioner on it which is also being used for the main amp and 2 subwoofer amps is this okay? Just wondering if you have to be careful where you plug them in? One last question I promise, does it matter which way the mpc is plugged into the socket or can it be flipped either way?
Sorry for the lengthy drawn out questions and thanks in advance for any assistance.


Showing 3 responses by justinm

I will most likely send the mpcs off to Spallone because it is affordable and saves me the time of trying to find the best parts for it. I have taken a dead one apart to see how the cable is made so I can duplicate it for the power center. I didn’t realize the mpcs had different sized transformers inside them and will check that out before having the mod done. As far as the subs go I might just utilize 2 of the 15" on the front wall and 3 doubled up 10" throughout the rest of the room. I’m currently just using 2 10" doubled up in the corner of the front wall now which is okay but definitely needs improvement. I’m using Daton 250w plate amps for each 10" driver and there in sealed diy sono tubes with a volume just under 1cubic foot. I use speaker design software for all my speaker and subwoofer designs. I love diy but unfortunately don’t have the time to work on projects like I used to so they go very slowly.
Thanks Millercarbon,
 It’s so refreshing to get such a thorough and helpful answer from someone who has first hand experience with SR products!!! I was expecting to get a lot of replies advising me to sell all my SR cables because there nothing but "snake oil" and buy something else. I have been slowly and carefully collecting them on the used market over the last few years and really like there sound. I did reach out to Michael Spallone a while back and am planning on sending him a few to mod for me. Your system looks awesome and although I haven’t tried it yet I am very eager to hear the swarm subwoofer set up. I have 6 Dayton hf 10" drivers and 4 of the 15" that need to be built and hopefully utilized throughout the listening/living room.
Thanks again, your answer gave me a lot of peace of mind since I have been plugging the mpcs in this way for quite a while and was never sure if it was correct even thought it sounded great.
Thanks lain,
Yeah I totally agree they are messy and my living room looks like a bad science experiment currently, which I plan on fixing by moving some of the equipment on the other side of the main wall where the speaker are positioned. I actually have 2 master control centers which help but I ran out of cables for them and need to make some. They are the older version of the transporter I believe and say Master Contol Center II and III and use a bnc connection for the active shielding cables.