Synergistic Research Galileo SX Power cord. (Opinions on sound quality appreciated).

Synergistic Research Galileo SX Power cord.
I know this cord is pricey, but can anyone share opinion or experience on the sound quality with this power cord?
I have owned in the past Synergistic Master Coupler (about 20 years ago) and the Apex.
It would be connected to a Lumin X1 into my Audioquest Niagara power conditioner.

I would appreciate experienced comments. Thank you.


Showing 1 response by birdymaker

I have a SR Galileo SX power cord. 

In my system power cords sometimes makes a difference, but sometimes not. I always test for sound quality and test with full measurements. Always eye opening.

Make sure you always test new cables. Use your ears. Good luck.

I also have an Analysis Plus Ultimate power cord, SR Euphoria power cord, SR Alive power cord and an SR Excite power cord to test with. All cords are setup approximately the same(5-6ft, 15amp iec).

I tried all cords in the following: McCormack DNA1 Deluxe amp, SimAudio Moon 390 preamp/DAC and an MSB Reference DAC.

For some reason no matter what cord I used on the amplifier it pretty much sounded exactly as it always had. I really heard very little difference with any of the cords on the amp. I am a little baffled as to why.

With the Moon 390 and the MSB DAC things are different:
SR Alive sounds very similar to the stock cords which hides details and blurs the soundstage. Not a lot of improvement over the stock cord.
SR Excite with shield activated(red bullet) sounded worse than the stock cord. Soundstage blurred worse. Edges of musicians were hard to define. Instruments were not natural. Everything sounded digital or hard edged. For some reason I could not make this configuration sound good.
SR Excite with no shield sounded way better. It is a pretty good cord with a good soundstage and the definition of separate musicians is pretty good. I would not activate the shield, but maybe it works for others.
SR Euphoria with shield activated(red bullet) is a great cord that really helps define all instruments and the players that are playing them. Sound is awesome. Dynamics are great. Bass is solid and well defined. Drummer is in the room.
SR Euphoria without shields still betters all of the cords listed above except it's shielded self. I would describe this cord with the same attributes as the shielded version above but the music is just a hair less dynamic.
SR Galileo SX is a outstanding power cord which flushes out details none of the other cords could produce. It was slightly better overall than the Euphoria. Dynamics were the best I have heard on this system. The presentation is completely natural with no digital glare with well recorded music.
Analysis Plus Ultimate power cord is the equal of the SR Euphoria without the built in filtering. Everything I said about the Euphoria applies to this power cord. 

I want to say that the SR Galileo SX & the SR Euphoria are both excellent cords that have the ability to filter other devices on a circuit. Another words you just plug in one of those SR cords in to an open plug and it reduces EMI/RFI in other connected devices. You do not have to have the IEC connected to a component for this effect. I found that both of these cords are built like a power conditioner. Amazing!

For the OP, I would say you cannot go wrong with SR Galileo SX cords. Please remember that they do seem to be device dependent. 

For anyone else looking at purchasing power cords, the AP Ultimate, SR Euphoria and the SR Galileo SX are all fantastic cords with very small differences in the way they sound. The AP Ultimate power cord would be my choice if starting over because it is cheaper/more cost effective for what you get.

The MSB DAC is Outstanding!