Synergistic Research Cable Risers?

  Recenty Synergistic  research  brought out some cable risers.

  The audio press said they made one of the biggest differences when taken out of the system, then re installed back in. Does anyone have first hand experience with these ?

  That being said, they seem like quite a bit of money for what you get, however if they  work at improving the sound it would be worth it. I do use Synergistic products  which have made a definite improvement in sound but am quite skeptical on this product.

Showing 1 response by gs5556

SR offers a full refund within 30 days, so I would be hesitant to call them snake oil salesmen. If someone offered me, say, a car that gets 500 mpg and said I could have a full refund no-questions-asked if I don't like it, I just may buy it. To satisfy my curiosity -- even though my degree in engineering tells me it's practically impossible.