Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 22 responses by jay23

I know this isn't fuse related, but it's Synergistic Research related...has anyone compared the Synergistic Research UEF Black Duplex to the Furutech GTX-D NCF (R) outlet? 

If not, can those that have compared the Black to the regular GTX-D describe the differences?

Thank you!
It took you guys long enough to find the patent. 😁

I am slightly dubious about the Blue fuses. Usually these options that lower noise throw out the baby with the bath water. Yes, you get a lower noise floor, but it's usually achieved by removing the low level high frequencies. If you want that pinpoint imaging, and in-room sound, then that's fine. Given OP's description of the Blue fuse, that sounds like the case.

I'm left unsure of whether to keep my order of the sale priced Black fuse, replace it with a Blue, or get both. It's too bad they won't replace the sale price Black with a Blue for the $20 extra.

In the meantime things are sounding incredible at my place. Someone mentioned the good results could be because of a reduction in high frequencies. Nope. The highs are more extended than ever .... as is the bass extension. Seamless.


That would kind of be me. The highs can still be extended in frequency, yet still be reduced in low levels.

To those talking about bypassing the fuses, or avoiding them...yes, there can be benefits in transparency and dynamics. Bypassing is obviously a risk. I only do so in a power conditioner that did not need a fuse. The one advantage to these audiophile fuses is that they use noise and vibration reducing materials, that you may not be able to (or some cases not want to) replicate when bypassing a fuse, or using a circuit breaker.
My Mother (age 93) is looking forward to auditing the Blue fuse in her new Nelson Pass amplifier !

I am looking forward to a "well done- son " reply from my Mother when she hears the effects of the new fuse.

David Pritchard

Priceless! 👍

Allan ...

The SR BLUE fuses are transformative. I’ve only heard the results in my system, but I’m left shaking my head. The system truly disappears leaving only the performers in the room.

And this is what concerns me, again. An accurate system should not just disappear, but transport you to the recorded/created location. If it sounds like it's in your room, you have colored your system. There is of course nothing wrong with this, as everyone should make their system sound as they enjoy.
To some of the other recent posters: Regarding "I am there" vs. "they are here," the following thread from 2010 may be of interest, in which there was an extensive and particularly intelligent discussion of exactly that question:
That was an interesting read. Some good points, some wrong, some missing. Thanks for posting the link!

Jay ...

What is the difference between transporting the recording venue into your listening room, or you being transported into the recording venue?

I'm getting sound out of percussion instruments that are unbelievable.


As far as accuracy goes, the bad would be that you are hearing the sound of your room - or some jumbled mess - in addition to the recording venue. The worst would be if you're only hearing your room, outside of audio with the greatest amount of reverb. If you are being transported to the recording venue, you should not hear your room, as any room reverb should be enforcing the reverb of the recording.
We're only hearing what came through the microphones.

This is NEVER the case. You are hearing every coloration after the microphone, including your gear, speakers, and room. The goal of an accurate reproduction means minimizing every coloration coming from your power, source player, and onwards. The source material has already gone through a boatload of colorations, after the microphone.
In other words, the best we can ever hope to hear is what entered the microphone? :-)


Less. Until that theoretical day when every component has no noise, frequency variance, resistance, impedance, jitter, etc.
Jay ...

Notice that I said "Hope for." 

That is fine, but useless. That is what I was saying. You're more likely to meet God or the devil, than have it happen in your lifetime.

The new BLUE fuses have brought everything up to a new, and unexpected level. I was just listening to Charlie Mingus’ "Tijuana Moods." I don’t care what others are saying ... they were in the room. *lol*



PS ... Has anyone else posting here ordered any BLUE fuses? It would be nice to compare notes
I know what I hear and I hear what I know. The BLUE fuses are a major step up from the BLACK fuses .... as the BLACKS were from the RED fuses ... and the RED fuses were from the stock fuses.

Once again, without hearing for themselves, the naysayers are coming out of the woodwork in an attempt to throw ice water on a perfectly good thing. Gets a bit old, doesn’t it??


Hopefully I am not being lumped in with that group. I have one on order. I just hope it's not less transparent, like your writing indicates to me.
I continue find some of the descriptions of the degree of improvement that "special" fuses provide in the systems of the proponents of these things unbelievable, especially since a new round of claims of MORE wonderfulness is begat by the New Blues. It’s a FUSE (a safety related device that’s supposed to MELT if need be), and until some rational explanation is provided as to WHY and HOW these things "massage the juice" before it runs through the power supplies and all the other caps, resistors, transformers, rectifiers, tubes, transistors and every other part of an audio component’s circuits, I’ll continue to hold the opinion I’ve had since doing my own little test of the black version of these things…they’re a silly and possibly dangerous (sketchy fuse ratings) waste of time and money when compared to less precious (like ultra reliable way less expensive Littelfuse products) "standard" fuses. Unbelievable.

And despite being a "waste of time," you are still in this thread. 🙄

All of the information needed to understand audiophile fuses is out there. It is just either going over your head, or going in one "ear" and out the other. It’s time for you to do further reading, as until you have that "ah hah" moment as to the reasoning, even someone explaining things to you with kiddie gloves will be lost on you.
Jay23 ...

With respect, I'm not trying to lump you into any group. Here in my place, the performers sound like they are in the room ... at least to my ears. I've used the phraseology "in the room" for many years to describe what I hear. Are they actually in the room? No. Have I actually been transported into the recording venue? No. But then there are the times when I kick back and close my eyes ... :-)

It behooves us all to remember that this hobby is supposed to be about fun.

As far as my writing being "transparent," what exactly does it "indicate" to you?

When you get the new BLUE fuse, please post your results here. Thanks ...


I did not say your writing is transparent. What you've written indicates to me that the Blue fuse is less transparent than the Black, while reducing more distortion. It appears that the low level highs have been removed along with the noise. The loss of low level ambient cues will create more of an "in the room" sound.

There's nothing wrong with this. Many prefer it. It's just like how when highs are cut in level, psychoacoustics deems that objects will sound further from you. This may be preferred by a group of people, but it is a coloration. This doesn't make the audio products that do this lesser, just less accurate. For those that love it, those products could be their holy grail.

To put it another way, sugar can be put on a piece of fruit. Some will say it's more delicious and sweeter. This doesn't make it more natural. Better or worse? That's up to the individual.

Hopefully the Blues end up being more transparent. I will see... 😎
He's for the same reason as Al and others are, to give honest technical views to the gullible who may be sucked into this snake oil/voodoo.
EG: picking up 3-4v of mains voltage, this is laughable, as are other improvement statements.

Cheers George

Wow! "Technical views?" Have you done any measurements of audiophile fuses, for their resistance, impedance, distortion, and so forth? No? 🤔

At least Geoff has provided measurements of another brand. But they were swept under the rug by your so called "technical views." Measurements only matter when you say they matter. Yes, that's very objective and scientific. 🙄

You should all buy some Revel Ultima2s, a Benchmark DAC3, and whatever amp measures the best, and enjoy your measured sound and cheap cables. 😜
"All of the information needed to understand audiophile fuses is out there." It is? Because it's certainly not in here! And not in the minds of most audio engineers and modern gear designers either. SR's gibberish about "Quantum" something or other certainly doesn't explain anything, and their apparent need to mention imaginary patents (a lie conveniently ignored by the "Fusers," as it simply doesn't fit into their SR worship format) doesn't either. Remember, you're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts. I don't consider my posts to be a waste of time as clearly I enjoy poking the Bear of Mythology, and shall continue to do so in the face of this steaming heap of nonsense because I can.

Some or all of it has been mentioned in this thread. For instance, the patent for "UEF Technology" is the paint. You're just a little, shall we say, obtuse. 😉

Jay23 9-29-2017
...the patent for "UEF Technology" is the paint. 

As a point of information, I had said as follows in a post in this thread dated 9-23-2017:

The Blue’s description at the SR website states in part as follows:

The new SR BLUE Quantum Fuse was developed over a two year period and represents our most advanced UEF Technology to date. At its heart is a completely new UEF / Graphene coating that delivers a dramatic increase in resolution and holographic realism over SR Black....

... At Synergistic Research we’ve isolated key factors that affect how electricity propagates by changing the behavior of electrons through Inductive Quantum Coupling methods we collectively call UEF Tech. In fact, UEF Tech is so powerful even an electrical chain several miles long is fundimentally [sic] improved with nothing more than a single fuse engineered with our patented UEF Technology.

Yet none of the four patents we have determined to have been granted to Mr. Denney make any mention of fuses, UEF (Uniform Energy Field) technology, or Inductive Quantum Coupling.

Mr. Denney’s acoustic paint patent is one of those four.

Also, FWIW, Mr. Denney responded in this thread shortly after a request was posted for someone to identify the patent referred to in the Blue Fuse description, and for whatever reason he did not address that question.

Finally, and also FWIW, it should not be forgotten in this discussion that Wolfie did in fact try several of the Black fuses in several different components, with the result being no significant benefit and two of them blowing.

-- Al

Yes, and you didn't make the connection. As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stated, "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." It should be clear. Your own post/comment has the three key words. A patent need not discuss every usage and effect. Ted Denney can wax poetic. "A rose by any other word would smell as sweet."

Yes, Wolfie claims to have tried the Black fuses. And by the "technical views" logic, we can say his system is not resolving enough, he is deaf, his listening skills are subpar, and/or his beloved tubes create too much distortion. See how fun that is. 😁 If people don't hear a difference, they can send the products back, and they save money. I see no reason to harp on things that you will not agree with, when any technical reasonings will be dismissed.
I expect vitriol about my personal hearing ability, my tube amp (I tested the SR blacks in a SS amp also…but mostly in a push pull tube amp), my questioning Denney's patent claims (if someone claims something is patented and it's not, that goes to their credibility unless their worshippers don't mind utter nonsense, which seems to be the case), and I get that. Religious people don't like my atheism either, and I see similarities when magic thinking is involved in anything. My basic beef with Oregonpapa and other Fusers is simple: Claiming that the FUSE has such a transformative and obvious effect on the sound of your gear heap is simply not believable, and when you understand why fuses are there in the first place, simply as a safety item protecting your stuff from catastrophic failure, it seems very strange indeed. The main reason I'm harping about technical explanations of this "magic" isn't due to being obsessed with technical explanations, it's simply because in the case of "special" fuses, there are none…a conspicuous absence. None. A scam by SR to sell an item to gullible fans at an insane profit seems to be working well, and since it's only judged by subjective opinion I'm offering exactly that…me and most high end gear manufacturers.

🛫✈️🐺🛩🛬  😁🍻

I guess this falls under, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." 🙄

If you're going to continue to harp, ask yourself this, do caps, resistors, (tubes, etc.) with the same values and/or that all measure the same sound different? If the answer is no, please replace all of such components in your system with the cheapest ones you can find, and enjoy your system.
Many have said that you should install the fuse and if it does not sound good reverse it and it is now in the correct direction. What if, like other audio gear, the initial listening isn't indicative of its true character? That is, how can you be sure that what sounds not quite right on first listen isn't in fact in the correct direction and will produce the best sound after break in?

I seem to recall Ted Denney saying to try switching the direction, after the fuse is broken-in. Go with what sounds best.
I am a little curious to know what ever happened to Synergistic’s terminology Quantum Tunneling? It was an excellent ploy. Has it been replaced by Quantum Coupling? Maybe someone informed them that quantum tunneling is a very specific quantum phenomenon that would almost certainly not (rpt not) occur, whether you pumped a million volts into a fuse or a kazillion. Unified Field Effects is also a very cool term, quite reminiscent of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory. 😛

Then there's this. Field effect (semiconductor) - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Field_effect_(semico...
In physics, the field effect refers to the modulation of the electrical conductivity of a material by the application of an external electric field. In a metal the electron density that responds to applied fields is so large that an external electric field can penetrate only a very short distance into the material.

The cables still refer to Quantum Tunneling.

Interestingly, the Black Power Cables now mention "UEF Technology Standard Level 2." I wonder if this differs from the "UEF Treatment 2.0" in the Blue fuses.
An additional thought regarding the recent posts on SR’s Acoustic Paint patent, adding to the previously stated facts that the patent makes no mention of fuses, UEF, or Inductive Quantum Coupling. Or for that matter anything that has to do with the processing of electrical signals or AC power. (It is about **acoustic** paint, after all):

A careful reading of the 10 claims in the patent makes clear that all 10 claims are limited to applications of the paint to the walls of a listening room. Therefore if another manufacturer were to market fuses treated with a paint formulated identically to the descriptions provided in the patent, he would be able to do so without infringing on Mr. Denney’s patent.

One more reason why the reference to a patent in the Blue Fuse’s description, which states that....
At Synergistic Research we’ve isolated key factors that affect how electricity propagates by changing the behavior of electrons through Inductive Quantum Coupling methods we collectively call UEF Tech. In fact, UEF Tech is so powerful even an electrical chain several miles long is fundimentally [sic] improved with nothing more than a single fuse engineered with our patented UEF Technology.
... is dubious at best.

-- Al

The devil is in the detail...and the manufacturer. You still can't see the forest for the trees. 😉 And there are already similar products.
Thanks, Tom. Yes, it was a different member, not you, who has been asserting that "the patent for ’UEF Technology’ is the paint," claiming that Mr. Denney’s Acoustic Paint patent is what SR’s description of the Blue Fuse is referring to when it states that the fuse has been "engineered with our patented UEF Technology." As you realize, I have disagreed with his assertion, and I have also stated that none of the four patents you and I have discovered to have been granted to Mr. Denney have anything to do with fuses.

All of this has been in response to a question that was posted several days ago asking if someone could identify the patent referred to in the Blue Fuse description.

You must either be book smart, and lacking logic and deductive reasoning, or just have reading comprehension problems. Either way, I would certainly be wary of having you represent a patent.
Jay23…unlike fuses, most component bits like the caps, resistors, transformers, tubes, etc., matched or otherwise, obviously all have plenty to do with the tone and performance of gear, and measurement isn't what I'm "harping" about anyway…it's simply that in the face of preposterous claims of tonal efficacy I would think somebody, perhaps the manufacturer of a product, could explain why and how a fuse would perform so many tasks that logic (and my previous fuse test) would indicate it couldn't. Carpal Tunneling (uh…make that Quantum tunneling), carping at me, eating carp, buying into SR's "fog of nonsense" when describing their pseudo esoteric methods of filling fuses with fudge or carbon or dog meat, all add up to not so much…a fuse is still simply a fuse, even if it "absorbs" the vibration of the cash in your pocket.

You just want to have your cake and eat it too. 🙄 Like that desire, you are fully illogical. All of these items can be in the power supply. If fuses do not affect performance, why do people bypass them or make use of circuit breakers? Manufacturers have measured the differences. But again, you don't care about measurements...only things you can't comprehend.
Jay23, since your last three responses to my posts have been largely devoid of anything substantive, I have little in the way of further comments. However, as best as I can surmise the key to what you may not be realizing could be reflected in your statement a few posts ago that:
A patent need not discuss every usage and effect.
A patent has no applicability to, and provides no protection against, uses and applications of something that is covered by the patent that do not fall within the scope of its claims. To conjure up a hypothetical example, if someone patents an additive to the rubber that is used in automobile tires, and the stated claims apply only to that usage, and someone else subsequently discovers that the same substance is useful as an additive to carpenter’s putty, that someone else is free to market the substance for that purpose. In fact he is even free to patent its use for that purpose, assuming usage for that purpose meets the requirements any patent must meet (i.e., its usage for that purpose must be new, useful, and non-obvious to someone reasonably skilled in the particular art).

That kind of situation, involving patents for new applications of previously patented substances or methods, occurs very commonly.

Similarly, use of Mr. Denney’s patented acoustic paint for purposes that do not fall within the scope of the claims in the patent, such as for treating fuses, is not protected by that patent, and that patent has no relevance to such usage.

-- Al

If you figure out the truth, you will realize how substantive they are. You are looking at this from the perspective of a patent lawyer. Look at it from a marketing perspective. 😉 That will be my last hint. Hopefully someone has had that "ah hah" moment regarding the patent, paint, and UEF Technology.
No your are sunshine, as any fuse is there to stop component/s from frying up ot even exploding, which can result in fire and even death. So who’s the ass?

(A typical fusers statement, please name one fuse that’s not there for protection.)

Cheers George

You are defining the purpose of a fuse. The original Shunyata Hydra and the Akiko Corelli both have zero electrical components. Given most of the downstream gear has fuses, and a quality surge protector is used, their fuses aren’t "needed." 
As a proponent of the Synergistic Black fuse in my Audio Research Reference 6, I was curious how the new Blue fuse would sound. Simply put, I do not like it in my system. It's as if some of the energy has been zapped from the presentation, especially in the highs. I'm going back to Black.

Did you break-in the fuse for the recommended 200-300 hours?