Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 14 responses by fazee

Hi oregonpapa,

Thank you for starting this very informative thread. Seems like this thread has gone global and you have one very happy user of the SR Black fuses out here in Singapore. 

I am very new to hifi and audio and ill qualified to comment on a system's sound quality but I do know that these fuses have taken my modest system to a different level.

My system consists of AVM C9 integrated amplifier, Sony HDD HAP Z1-ES music server, Gauder Akustik Berlina RC3 bookshelf speakers and PliXiR BAC 3000 power conditioner.

The SR components I have are; HFT level 3, Core Active Speaker Cable, Universal Interconnect Cell, Galileo Basik RCA Interconnect, one set of MiGs, 3 Black fuses and a Black UEF Duplex.

I have a Black fuse in the power conditioner and 2 in the Sony HAP Z1-ES. I have about 90 hours on these fuses and the sound just keeps getting better and better. I do get startled on certain music I am listening to sometimes, forcing me to glance at my front door 30 feet to my left, thinking that someone has just knocked on it, amazing.I also notice that even though I play my music at a lower volume now, I can hear even more details than before with my volume way higher.

I have also installed the SR Black UEF Duplex a couple of weeks ago and have got about 100 hours on them and again the improvement in my system's SQ is clear. Noise floor very much lowered with tighter bass and even more details emanating from my system. 

I have ordered 3 SR Black UEF Power Cords after my experience with the Black fuses and am eagerly awaiting delivery in a couple of weeks, I hope.

With the arrival of the PC, my cabling will be virtually an all SR affair. :)


Hi butler,

Yes, it seems like there were only 2 fuses in the Sony HAPZ1-ES, unless my eyes are failing me. So you need to get 2 x Black Fuse Slow Blo 3.15A 20mm 250v

I intend to get the fuses for my AVM amp once my Black Power Cords arrive and are run in.

Have fun, you will start grinning from ear to ear like I did after you install those fuses. :)

Alright, back to Page 29 where I stopped reading to register and post here this afternoon.

Regards, Les

Hi oregonpapa,

Not to worry about mis-spelling my name, I have been called worse ;)

Thanks for pointing me to the power cord thread, I am already finished with that.


Hi butler,

One issue to consider is that Singapore's electricity voltage is 230V whereas the voltage for the U.S.A. is 120V, therefore I have no idea if this would affect the fuse values in the Sony in anyway? Perhaps someone more qualified can hazard a guess? In any case, you can confirm after popping the fuses out and using a magnifying glass to read the values.



almarg, thank you for the very informative post, very helpful for someone like me who has limited knowledge of AC/DC, current, amps, ohms, voltages etc. 

I remember being sceptical when first introduced to the Black fuse at the local SR dealer; Sound Decisions, when I went down to purchase some HFTs and MiGs. Nevertheless I asked Mr Google for help and he directed me to Audiogon and oregonpapa and enjoyed reading through this thread. After the many favourable reviews I decided to take the plunge and gave Sammy a call.

The results for me were immediate and I was blown away. I have more than 100 hours on the fuses now and my system keeps sounding better. I told my buddy about it and he scoffed at the idea that a couple of fuses can make any difference in sound quality. Guess there will always be unbelievers amongst us.


I've just scored a used FEQ today for a very good price of USD 580. As you have one of this in your system, could you kindly describe what it does and the improvements you get from this unit?

I would most likely be collecting it next week.

I am still waiting for my 3 10 gauge black PC to arrive. Ordered them about 3 week back, am getting rather restless :(

Hi OP,

The local dealer is saying there's some delay from SR's end. They are good, honest people so I have no reason to doubt them.

Just getting impatient to have the PC's into my system that's all ;)

Hi OP,

If I have my equipment on stand by mode, are the PC's considered to be breaking in or do I need to physically turn on my equipment and let music flow from my system?

Sorry for the newb question but that's exactly what I am :(

Thanks jmcgrogan2, that's very helpful indeed. A light bulb has been lighted up in my head. Will probably go and look for those adapters at my local electrical shops :)

Hi Al,

Thanks for the very detailed post. Since I can't connect my fridge through the PC's, the best thing would be for me to just listen to and enjoy the music while the cords break in.

I may decide to leave the system on for a few days to hasten the process. Any idea if I can just leave the volume at extremely low levels so as not to start WW3 with the missus?

Hi Al,

Thanks for the useful suggestions but I doubt I will be able to do any swapping out of the cords due to their different lengths. I ordered identical 10 gauge cords with slightly differing lengths, from 5ft, 6ft and 7ft due to the positioning of my components. The Sony and AVM cords go direct to the Power Conditioner.

One alternative would be for me to physically swap the location of the Amp and Sony player, that might work :) That would be a good way to spend an afternoon.

Not sure if I am allowed to post a YouTube video here but this is how my components are placed. Apologies if the music is offensive to some of you.

Oops, just realized it doesn't work

So my long awaited 3 SR Black UEF Power Cords arrived today after a long but rewarding wait :)

Decided to use one of them with my PliXir power conditioner first and the improvement in the sound quality was immediate and not subtle at all. The second PC went to my Sony HDD HAP Z1-ES music server while the Third PC was connected to my AVM C9 Integrated amp.

All I can say is wow!! For lack of an audiophile vocabulary, there were extra details I was picking up from very familiar tracks and the bass was deeper and sounded so much tighter. Have never heard the intro to this particular track sound so aggressive before. Love what I am hearing so far and have decided to leave all the cords as it is in the system and enjoy the music in the break in process.

Apologies for not being able to articulate what I am hearing into words but one thing I know is that I will be looking to purchase the SR ground block next, after the PC's break in.


Thank you for your kind words. I replaced my power conditioner today with the Kemp Electroniks power strip, and it was another eye opening upgrade, or should I say ear tingling.

I was skeptical when first introduced to this product and it doesn't weigh much at all compared to my 20kg PliXiR BAC 3000. However when I brought it home for a trial test, I was stunned that the noise floor was even lower than my much bigger BAC 3000. It made details clearer and images more precise which improved the overall musicality of the sound.

Don't let the modest price deceive you, it will surprise many with much more expensive power conditioners. New power cords and power strip this week, hope my wife doesn't get suspicious. :)