Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 12 responses by butler

Well Wolf, I can’t help but think that you comparing `Believers' to scared sheep is akin at this point to crying `wolf’ one too many times. I have absolutely no dog in this fight, haven’t touched a fuse in my equipment for years, but your continued railing against the subjective experience of posters here is getting a bit tedious at this point. Let it go, dude, you can’t save everyone, even as religion has proved time and again. If I were to only realize contentment based upon knowing why/how everything in this crazy world ticks, then anxiety would be constant……..and I, for one, don’t mind a little mystery in life. Give it a try sometime, you may like it.
Hi Les,

Excellent that the SR fuses are working their magic for you.  Actually, I've been meaning to track down the fuse info as employed in my Sony HAPZ1-ES, sounds like you can help in that regard.  You mentioned replacing 2 in your Sony with the Black's, is that the total fuse count? And if you have it handy, can you specify what the fuse values are (or which SR fuses you purchased)?  

Thanks very much!

Thanks for the input Les & Al, guess I'll need to look before I leap just to be sure.....will need to purchase a BIG magnifying glass cause my near vision sucks but what the heck, also have an EAR preamp that I will likely re-fuse too so might as well bite the bullet. Intrigued to see if these fuses actually provide all the positives listed here.
Hey thanks Brownsfan, that is very interesting and good info to have.  Do you suggest purchasing just the 1 fuse and trying it in both locations to see which is which or would you be able to ID the location of the one I would need?  I guess with the return policy it wouldn't matter much at any rate, if one wanted to experiment.

Thanks again Brownsfan, didn't realize you actually described all of this in your previous referenced post, I certainly appreciate you posting those results again.......

Good point Brownsfan, I figured when you mentioned Dan that your's was modified, so I'll experiment with 2 fuses to see what is what, thanks for the clarification.  Since you mentioned it, was the MW mod worth it, and do you happen to know the cost for updating an existing unit?

Well, Brownsfan, that is very interesting. The HAPZ1 already performs at a decent level, I’ve found it equal to a Berkeley DAC/Sim Moon transport combo in my system, which kind of shocked me. If it can be made to improve upon that performance level to a good degree, then that is definitely something that I will consider. Appreciate your input and kind offer to provide further insights if I choose to go that away. May take you up on the offer in the near future…...
Hey Brownsfan, never thought I would so completely ignore my dac/transport, but having my own personal jukebox with 7,000 tunes (so far) at instant disposal and great sound is addictive........random play is my favorite way to listen to all that music these days. Will keep an eye on the MW site for special promotions, thanks again for all your input.
Hi PTSS, there are actually 2 fuses in the Sony, both are Small (5x20mm), 3.15A, Slow-Blow types.  I only replaced one of these, after a discussion in this thread back in October with Brownsfan here:
Admittedly I was skeptical about what a little fuse, which I remember buying for a nickel a pop in the old days, could possibly do for sound quality. After following all the fuss here, mostly positive though paying close attention to the persuasive `cannot-make-a-difference' minority, I went ahead and ordered one for my Sony HAP-Z1ES server and another for my almost new integrated amp (Absolare). What’s to lose, I reckoned, we can’t know what can be known if we fail to experience the unknown, and I’ve frequently discovered that technical truisms do not universally tell the tale (after 30 + years in this game, I don’t believe that everything can be measured, our ears need to play a primary role in the final analysis).

The amp already has a Synergistic Red, so I will not bother changing to the Black until it is thoroughly broken in, and further to ensure I limit the system changes to one thing at a time. So, with just the one Black in the Sony, my first reaction was… way, this can’t be happening! When I slowly recovered my senses and pulled my jaw off the floor, I reasoned that reality can play tricks sometimes, though my next 6 listening sessions told the same story: Increased texture in the bass, more gravitas to the overall sound, more pop from silent-to-loud dynamics, and a seemingly more relaxed yet just as detailed sound.

This after a week of listening, pretty amazing for a lousy fuse. Do I think it’s worth the price based upon what I’m hearing? Yes, I’ve encountered quite a few equipment/tweek upgrades that disappointed comparatively. Expectation bias? I don’t think so, I had no expectations one way or the other except to have an open mind and to keep the boxes intact in case I needed to return them. We shall see if other improvements (or indeed any negatives), reveal themselves in the coming weeks, but so far I am impressed.
Thanks Frank, it's always a nice surprise when we discover things that we never knew were missing, especially if one loves music.....and of course the music should always be the end priority but with the recognition that even better illusions of real flesh and blood performers in our respective listening rooms can be realized.  

Hey PTSS, not sure what you need but it is pretty straightforward.......remove the top cover on the Sony, locate the 2 fuses toward the middle of the unit and pull the old fuse out of it's horizontal holder (I used a device, don't know what it's called, but is somewhere between a tweezer and pliers to make it easier to grab hold) then pop the new one in.  Of course, disconnect the power first.  Is there something specific otherwise that I can answer?