Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

How much did you spend for a high quality circuit breaker in your various modification projects? What case did Paul Weitzel make in favor of circuit breakers ?
Hello mac,
I’m glad that the SR Black fuses were successful in your system components. here’s more good news for you, they’ll improve with further use. I imagine the Decware Torii and Tekton speakers sound very good together. Mac, I also have the P.S.Audio PWT and it’s fabulous mated to my Yamamoto DAC.
Hi Mac,
Did you hear the Coincident system in the home of an owner or at an audio show? I’ve had the Coincident Frankenstein MK II and the Statement Line Stage for over 7 years. My speakers are their discontinued Total Eclipse II. This system has genuinely "exceeded" my lofty expectations and continue to be a pure joy. I believe that you’ll be very happy with your proposed future system.

You demonstrate good taste with your past, current and future components, and yes I am a bit bias 😊
I use the  Coincident power cables and Ocellia Silver Reference interconnects and speaker cables. I've been told that Israel's latest Statement cables are wonderful. Mac your listening impressions of Coincident mirror mine. Again,  you'll be very happy for years. Feel free to email me anytime, 
Hello George (jetter),
I agree with you regarding the fun and discovery of sharing recordings and introducing unfamiliar artists.
Regarding audio systems and upgrading there seem to be 2 general approaches of equal merit.
1 Buy /replace components to improve one’s current sound quality.
2 Keep the current components and attempt to maximize their capabilities.

I have gone both routes over the years and had sucessful outcomes.
I’ve decided that my current system is the best I’ve owned and after 7 years of joy this is very likely my final system. For this reason I want to extract all or nearly all it has to give sonically. Vibration management, better tubes, capacitors, fuses, wall AC outlets have all been exceptionally gratifying tweaks.

IMO it has elevated the "very good " to the tier of superb, resulting in even a greater and deeper level of listening pleasure.

George, these are needless to say personal choices we make. I can only attest to my experiences, in my case the tweaking and selected upgrading of parts and accessories has been utterly rewarding. As we all can appreciate, to each their own. I spend many hours listening to music and enjoy every moment of doing so. 
Hello Highstream,
Although I’ve had no blown Black fuses (slo blo) in my components I believe as others have stated,  moving up 1 step for ampere rating is an acceptable practice.

Good sound quality and bass from a 1928 recording? Now that is truly a special and rare treat. Who are the artists and what music is being performed?

As a frequent and happy poster here I'd like to suggest a truce. One side isn't going to convince the other. Let's keep this very enjoyable thread as it has been. It seems the back and forth has run its course.



I know you enjoy the vibraphone as much as I do. Here's a list of 4 current/active jazz vibraphonists who are all first rate musicians.

1 Jay Hoggard

2 Steve Nelson

3 Stephon Harris

4 Jason Marsalis

I believe you'd really like them.


Hi Frank,

Thanks for the follow up information regarding the 1928 recordings. One thing they had in their favor (by default) DHT tubes powered electronic equipment  LOL.


With your 50 CD box set of MLP recordings you own far more than I do. I have a few MLP CDs of Janos Starker accompanied by pianist Gyorgy Sebok and both the music and recording sound quality are fabulous.

Al, I know you are an aficionado of the classical music genre. My classical music collection and knowledge is miniscule compared to jazz music. Gyorgy Sebok was a complete unknown to me up until 2 weeks ago. I spent hours a couple of weekends ago listening to him accompanying cellist Janos Starker, it was beautiful.

Are you familiar with Sebok?
Do you enjoy his playing?
What is his stature amongst the hierarchy of classical pianist (yes I know, purely subjective)?
Do you have any recordings of him and/or any suggested recommendations? As a classical music novice I really like him playing along with Starker.
To Al and others who are classical music listeners,  I've discovered pianists Ivan Moravec  and Tatiana Nikolyeva during my forays into this genre a few years ago.   Anyone familiar with these two? I really enjoy both .
It's funny how you buy a recording due to the featured or lead musician and inevitably discover other musicians previously unknown to you.  This has happened to me on numerous occasions purchasing jazz recordings over the years.  As familiar as I am with this genre it still occurs,  obviously a reflection of the depth of talent that exists. 

The Starker and Sebok collaboration is so pleasing to me that I'm going to seek out recordings featuring Gyorgy Sebok. In doing so I'll likely discover others as well.  That's fine with me. 
Hello Al,
Thanks for the follow up. I have the 2 CD set of "Chopin Nocturnes" by Ivan Moravec, simply beautiful music!

Tatiana Nikolayeva "Plays The Complete Beethoven Piano Sonatas" I am attracted to her playing style , lighter touch but I sense much expression and emotion. This is a live performance in Russia.

Classical music is an interesting contrast from my beloved jazz music.
Hi fleschler,
Andy is a very knowledgeable and reliable source. I’ve bought from him in the past and was pleased with his tubes and service. As I’ve mentioned in this thread previously, the SR Black fuses were sonically more impactful than some tube swaps that I’ve done. As with you my music listening hours exceeds my television viewing. You certainly have an  "enormous " (and I am sure wonderful sounding) library of recordings 😊.
Hi Jond, 
 Let me know what you think of Breau's playing style and music.
Mentioning Wes Montgomery made me think of another wonderful jazz guitarist Kenny Burrell.  "Midnight Blue " this is another gem early 1960s Blue Note recording. I believe that you'd like it a lot. 
I’ve suspected that the Audio Magic Beeswax fuse is a very good one. I may try one in my DAC or Line Stage at some future point. Admittedly I’m not in a rush to do so as I’ve been content with the SR  Black fuses. I feel that the Audio Horizon fuses are likely terrific fuses  as well.

Thanks for the Milt Jackson recording recommendation, I am yet to come across a disappointing recording from this brilliant  vibraphonist .
Here’s one for you, "Bags Meets Wes" Bags was Milt’s nickname.
This is a quintet featuring Milt and Wes Montgomery. This is an early 1960s Riverside recording and it is a gem , just beautiful playing by these giants of jazz.
Hello Frank,
I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to prepare and send these recordings.  I can’t wait to hear them. The last batch of recordings you sent me were excellent and a pleasure to listen to. 
Hi kedoades, 
The differences you note between the Red fuse and the Beeswax fuse is what I and others hear comparing the Red vs Black fuses.  I honestly believe that both (Beeswax and Black) are terrific and will always be listener and component/system specific. Enjoy!
No diatribe needed. Consider this,
71 pages
15 months
Over 3500 posts
Overwhelmingly positive vibe here
Friendships formed
A multitude of happy users of upgraded fuses
Informative posts regarding recordings and musicians with new discoveries to explore. 

All of that vs some redundant negativity from actually a miniscule number of people.
Verdict? Undeniably sucessful and interesting long running thread thanks to you.. Rejoice in the sheer volume of listeners who’ve improved the sound of their systems and have heighten their enjoyment of hearing the music. Take a bow, you’ve earned it 😊
Yes, the way this thread has evolved with the many suggestions of recordings is really a satisfying by product. I’m eagerly looking forward to receiving the recordings from Frank’s bottomless reservoir, especially the Milt Jackson Savoy recordings.

As an aside for anyone who likes Miles Davis and is interested in him besides the iconic "Kind Of Blue"
"Sketches Of Spain" arranger Gil Evans.
"Seven Steps To Heaven "
"Love Songs" (compilation) very good sampling of ballads by Miles.
"Miles Ahead" features a 19 piece big band , arranger Gil Evans.
Good stuff!
Yes, I know very well the qualities of that table and I had it for about 15 years. I sold to a friend who lusted after those turntables. I am doing very well with Redbook CDs through my current system. Frank it wouldn’t surprise me if you have the Victor Feldman recordings I suggested somewhere buried in your vast collection.

Thanks for the music recommendations, I’ll seek them out. Regarding Victor Feldman, here are a couple I believe that you’ll really enjoy.
"Merry Ole Soul" he alternates between vibraphone and the piano. As I’m sure you know he’s excellent on both instruments.

"The Arrival Of Victor Feldman " recorded in 1958 on the west coast and features a very young (rising talent) Scott LaFaro on bass.

Regarding rim drive (Idler arm) turntables, Arthur Salvatore has written extensively about their merits on his website. As you note, he also believes that they have superior musical drive and as a result sound more "live" like. As much as I really enjoyed my Well TemperedTurn table if I ever returned to playing records the rim drive table would be my choice.
It's inevitable that as a thread has grown such as this one and as posters have gotten to know one another that topics of shared interest will emerge.  This only makes sense to me,  the majority of the posters here are quite obviously music lovers.  That common bond will lead to discussing favorite artists and their recordings. 

I find there is only so much I can post in regard to the fuses. Either people accept my listening impressions or they don't. It won't affect or alter my actual experiences.   Those who consider this upgrade fuse experience hogwash and voodoo will continue to do so.  That's fine by me. 

Most of us here who've found the premium fuses to improve our sound quality also share similar taste in music.  From my perspective its been a double win  scenario ,  good fuses improving the sound of good music. That isn't going to change. 

It's an open forum and the anti upgrade fuse proponents are here to express themselves freely which is as it should be.  I'm of the assumption that we're all adults and thus capable of forming our own opinions based on individual experiences. 


Some of the posters here have tried the upgrade level fuses and reported they made no difference at all. I accept their findings. No audio product I'm aware of has 100 % positive results for everyone.

Where are you using your Beeswax fuses? I bet they are quite good.


Yes, the subjective perceptions we experience and comment on with other interested listeners/thread posters is "half the fun " as you put it. Since my initial exposure to the world of High End Audio nearly 30 years ago its been nothing but fun and definitely a learning experience.

I’ve been able to sidestep the angst and frustration that some have gone through in this endeavor for one simple reason. It was never a goal to achieve so called "perfect sound" or to obtain the " best" component/product that exists. Fortunately for me I recognized early on that there’s no such thing.

I accept the reality that there are indeed plenty of very good to excellent audio products available and finding wonderful synergy among them to complete an enduring satisfying home audio system is very doable. It does require some trial and error, time and sometimes a little bit of luck. With the right approach and frame of mind it can be enjoyable and no doubt informative along the way. Attending audio shows and listening to the systems of numerous people over the years has been fruitful and again fun.

As you have noted the main focus is what can I do to improve the sound and as a result enhance the experience of listening to music. This is a different mindset than developing what may evolve into an obsession with the "perfect sound " /"best" product objective. Anyway that is what’s worked out better for me and I assume others as well.

The higher quality fuses have contributed a positive musical effect in my quest for improving the level of listening to music in the comfort of my home. They will not be the answer for everyone quite obviously. As for myself, , you and a significant number of people on this thread they have been a cost effective asset. Woogie58 I hope life is treating you well in the land down under and welcome to this thread. By the way I read the description of your components/system on another thread. You’ve assembled a really nice system that must reproduce your music beautifully. I’m unfamiliar with your Australian Whatmough speakers but I suspect that they are  quite impressive 😊
Gary is actually making the same point as you.  Unquestionably the power supply affects the audio signal and significantly impacts sound quality.  Each part in a power supply has an effect as you've pointed out with your examples.  All who aspire to build a high quality audio component put much attention and effort toward the power supply. 


Helen Merrill with Clifford Brown is a classic! So is Sarah Vaughan with Clifford Brown, timeless music. Agree with your opinion of Doris Day’s vocal talent. Two excellent male vocalist from that era are Billy Eckstine and Johnny Hartman. There’s an enormous amount of wonderful music available as this thread often confirms. I will checkout Jo Stafford "Ballad Of The Blues" this sounds like something I’d really enjoy.



You are welcome. I like making others aware of good music and I enjoy the recommendations from those posting here. No matter how large one's music library is there are always new discoveries introduced.

Allan I've used the PS Audio PWT (memory transport) for the past 7 years and it is truly excellent with Redbook CD.



Here's one from that era I believe you and others would enjoy. Peggy Lee "Blues Cross Country" features her with a big band with arrangements by a young Quincy Jones, very good music/recording.


Hi Frank,
I ordered 2 Jo Stafford CDs from "Ballad Of The Blues " and "Jo +Jazz" which features an 8 piece band (members of Duke Ellington’s band). I also ordered Al Hibbler "Unchained Melody " (thanks Al). Can’t wait to listen to them.
Hi Butler,
My introduction to upgrade fuses came via positive comments from fellow audiogon members Grannyring and Agear. I’ve had listening experiences with various components they both were impressed with and my impressions mirrored theirs. Four years ago I had a "what the heck" attitude and bought a SR 20 Quantum fuse from the Cable Company knowing they’d easily accept returns without any hassle.

That fuse stayed and I subsequently bought 3 more. I moved to the Red and eventually the Black fuses and the sound improved each step along the way. I’m glad your willingness to try the better fuses resulted in a sucessful outcome. I think it’s good to have negative posters contribute here for a sense of balance, so to speak. My belief is that sensible adults can simply decide for themselves as you have demonstrated (among many others).

Hi Jason,

Very nice and sincere post from you and I'm glad you're yet another listener who has found success with these better fuses. For the record Geoff has not been anti upgrade fuse in his commentary on this thread.


Jason wrote "this stupid tweak is fantastic! " nice summation 😊😊
Hi Jason,
Your findings are consistent with many other Black fuse users. No they do not alter the innate sonic character of a given component. Instead they have the effect of enhancing what good qualities were already there. It’s as if things become a bit purer and as a result realism takes a step forward.
Wolf did try the Black fuses in his system and said it offered no improvement compared to his stock fuses. Very different experience from mine but I certainly accept his result. Different ears, room, components etc. We can only report what we hear.
Jafreeman, I’m sure most reasonable people will acknowledge that "expectation bias " is applicable to both positive and "negative " positions. . You can certainly be convinced that something is not possible and this adamant mindset potentially inhibits the possibility of fair and open minded assessment.

If one were to take a very strong and repeated stance that a given product offers no value or improved performance if could be quite difficult to approach this product with any degree of genuine objectivity. In this scenario the mind is already made up.

It can be difficult to step off a soapbox and admit that you were wrong. Not an impossible task but definitely not easy either. Is it possible to try these Black fuses and hear no difference? Yes. But to accuse those who do hear improvement as simply suffering from expectation bias (which is possible in some cases) the converse is just as valid for the deny campers  as well. 
Yes I agree there are limits to expectation bias. My point is that those who attribute all positive outcomes with the Black fuses to this bias are being disingenuous and ultimately intellectually lazy. Even at the late stages (15 months at this point) of this long running thread new users of these fuses continue to emerge with their positive listening experiences. To dismiss them and the many who preceeded them as mere expectation bias victims borders on the absurd.
For the record so do I. If he heard no difference so be it. . I also trust the listening impressions of the multitude who report very positive findings, many who happen to be well seasoned members on audiogon. They represent every bit as much creditability without question.
I notice we seem to agree with each other often on these forums .
Here we go once again 😊 As with you I have no problem with the anti upgrade fuse brigade. All opinions and experiences should be presented. At the end of the day it’s audio which means that you listen and make  a determination. Jond I’m not sure if you have tried the Black fuses or not. They are terrific in my system but don’the know how they may workout for you. Common sense dictates that not everyone will find them beneficial.
Hi Frank,
I've listened to 2 Jo Stafford CDs,  "Ballad Of The Blues" and "Jo+Jazz".
I find the latter to be the better of the two both musically and recording quality.  She's terrific with these first rate musicians.  Ben Webster,  Johnny Hodges,  Conte Condoli, Jimmy Rowles etc. This is very nice!
Hi Frank,
I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of the "care package".
Barba papa,
I'm not for any form of censorship but ignoring repetitive pablum is advisable.  Its futility is pretty plain to observe,  many, many satisfied fuse users and new users  still continue posting  their  happy discovery.  That was the very reason Frank began this terrific thread, spread the good news of a fine audio system tweak. I'd say he succeeded 😊😊
Folks reading this thread are obviously capable of deciding for themselves despite the self-proclaimed saviors. 
Hi Frank,
I received the "care package " today, 9 CDS! You are indeed my musical brother for sure 😃😃.
I’ll begin with the two Milt Jackson recordings tonight as I can’t resist the gorgeous vibraphone. Going out of town the next few days and will resume listening when I return home. I'm curious about the Audrey Morris recording. 
Frank is a good person and has excellent taste in music. 

The Jackson recordings "Second Nature" and "Opus deJazz " are just pure beautiful Bebop masterfully played.  Lucky Thompson,  Hank Jones,  Frank Weiss, Kenny Clarke etc. Playing along with him, this is first rate bop and blues.  I missed watching the NCAA basketball tournament tonight,  could not pull myself away from this music and these marvelous musicians this evening. 
IMO Lucky Thompson and Harold Land are two superb Tenor saxophonists who were historically under appreciated.  These two men can flat out play!
Hi Toddverrone,
When Jond wrote "folks everything matters" he isn’t kidding. Granted some accessories or tweaks are more impactful than others and vary according to the particular audio system. I haven’t heard the Beeswax fuse but those who’ve use them say that they’re fantastic.

Why not get one and compare it to a standard 10 cent fuse as George often advocates?  If the cheap new fuse is as good then return the more expensive fuse for a refund. If you hear no differences you’ve saved yourself some money. In my system premium quality fuses make a difference just as better wire/cables and tubes do. Your outcome may or may not be the same.
I enjoyed the two Milt Jackson recordings so much that I played them both again last night in their entirety,  just good stuff!
Here are a couple of his collaborations I'm certain you'd like. 

"Bags And Trane" Milt with John Coltrane. 

"Beanbags" Milt with Coleman Hawkins.

As you know Coltrane and Hawkins have very different styles of playing the Tenor saxophone.  Yet predictably both are wonderful paired with Milt Jackson. In my next life I'd love to be a jazz musician 😊
It's still strange to me that Maryland is in the Big Ten conference.  My mind still associates them with the ACC and particularly for basketball. 
Hello Toddverrone, 
IMO there's no clear cut answer to where to place an upgrade fuse. This was discussed earlier in this thread and responses were quite varieđ,  depends on the component and system.  In my experience the most effect with the fuses were,
Line Stage 
Power amplifier 
Other listeners would reverse that order. Bottom line however is all 3 were positively impacted. 

OK I'm getting ready for my Alma mater  University of Michigan to play a tough Louisville team in the NCAA basketball tournament. Should be a good one. 