Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

Hi jetter,
In general terms I agree with your simple logic statement.  Where I differ is I believe fine tuning tweaks enhance even excellent quality audio systems. The foundation of my system  (source, electronics and speakers )is 7 years old and will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future. Trying premium fuses was a simple proposition,  either there's improvement or there is not. 

The Black fuses made a noticeable and positive difference so they stayed. A system I truly appreciated and enjoyed pre Black fuses simply became more so ☺. I am a firm believer in that virtually all audio systems can benefit with careful fine tuning. I respect the fact that we may disagree on this viewpoint, that's okay. 
Hi Frank,

Your mentioning the Well Tempered Turn table (WTT) brings back memories. I own that (the original classic model, early 1990s) and the Linn Sondek LP 12, the WTT was easily the better turn table. The Linn was a very good table with proper set up but the WTT was truly special IMO.I owned it for many years and finally sold it to a friend who literally begged me to sell it to him.

In hindsight I should have probably kept it as it would’ve been a superb mate with my terrific  Yamamoto YDA DAC. Both cut from the same natural sounding cloth that just gets the tone,harmonics and fluidity /flow of music right. Frank here’s a recommendation for you. Lee Konitz, "Live At The Half Note" 1959. It’s very good.

Hi Frank,
Oh yes, Gerry Mulligan,  I consider him and Pepper Adams genuine masters of the baritone saxophone. I have the CD version of the recording you cite.  I'll list a few that I believe you'll really enjoy. 

"Mulligan Meets Monk"
"Mulligan Meets Ben Webster "
"Night Lights "
"What Is There To Say ?"
Hi Andy,
I hear you in regard to the very recent exchanges on this thread concerning the Black fuses. Personally it  has now become stale  for me, what more can be said? Three people tried the fuses and derived no benefit. Multiple numbers of people have enthusiastically reported very positive results. No product pleases everyone. So there it is, the 8 months length of this thread speaks to the obvious overall concensus. The maturity and community/friendly atmosphere has been much appreciated by me (and many others I’m sure ). I’ll continue to post music recommendations and look forward to others posting the same. There are lots of music lovers participating on this thread. ☺☺

Hello Al,
,Thanks for the links. If I can find the CD of this recording I’ll buy it. This will be fun and interesting hearing it reproduced with my low watt SET system. Besides I need at least one majestic organ reference recording in my jazz dominate music library LOL. Al if I’m unable to find this  CD is there an alternative good organ recording you might suggest?
Hi David and Frank,
Off topic question, do  either of you recall visiting the Concert Fidelity room at the Newport Show? They were featuring their new 300b amplifer driving Maxonics speakers (104 db sensitive coaxial ).

The "For Duke" recording was often cited as a reference standard by many reviewers in the early 1990s but I have not heard it.  What you say about the LINN is true and it was a standard bearer for generations,  yet I still found the Well Tempered table better in my system. 

My familiarity with Von Gaylord is through their highly regarded line of amplifiers and preamplifiers.  I wasn't aware of their cables until Frank mentioned them in this thread. 
Hi Frank,
Just out of pure curiosity what is the metallurgy of your Von Gaylord cables and are they shielded? I’ll acknowledge that many factors determine the final sound character of audio cables. We share very similar priorities I’ve come to discover from reading your posts over the past months. As you commented and I agree, for me it all begins with the demand for natural tone as the crucial necessity. Other important sonic factors follow once this mandatory criteria has been satisfied.

I use the Ocellia Silver Reference cables (unshielded and with a paper dielectric)as they have fulfilled this role admirably. No question however that there are numerous excellent audio cables to choose amongst. I imagine that your Von Gaylord cables are wonderful.
Hello Al,
"The Power And The Glory " is this excellent  in music and "musicianship " terms or would you describe it as strictly  a sonic/sound demonstration type of recording? 
Hi Al,
Thanks very much for the recording recommendation, I'll buy it and look forward to the listening experience. I'll take heed of your warning ☺☺
Regarding "early"digital recordings I have no fear, as you note there are excellent sounding examples to erase any  stereotypical assumptions. Once I found the appropriate digital source components I was able to move from vinyl without any looking back. In my early experiences Redbook CDs  weren't the problem, inadequate playback  components were the issue. 
Hi Nayme,
From both a philosophical and design perspective the WTT is the polar opposite of the massive and extravagant Acoustic Signature Invictus table you mentioned. The WTT was in my opinion a brilliant yet simple turntable that yielded superb sound quality. I truly enjoyed it for years. Conceptually it reminds me of a top quality SETamplifier, pure and natural due to well engineered simplicity. I fully understand why Frank loves his WTT.
Acman3, wrote  "I have never seen a helpful troll" 
Beautiful! It could not be said any better. 
Tommy lion,
Clifford Brown is a genuine iconic jazz trumpeter.  As I became more deeply involved with jazz I discovered the fabulous  Bebop trumpeter Fats Navarro and could hear some similarities between him and Clifford.  It was later that I read Clifford credited Navarro as being an early and significant influence on his developing style. "Sarah Vaughan With Clifford Brown " is an all time classic recording in my opinion. 
Hi Barbapapa, 
I do not doubt your preference for the Audio Magic Beeswax fuse,  taste and variables determine choice. There's an ongoing thread about a product called the Holo Audio Spring DAC which is an interesting R2R configured converter. A good friend of mine has ordered one.

He told me that they are very enthusiastic about the Audio Horizon Platinum fuse.  They apparently have tried the SR Black and the Beeswax and they believe the AH Platinum is better in their DAC. So as expected preferences and opinions will vary. P.S . Audio also advocates premium fuses for their components but not a specific brand/model of fuse. 

I believe any of the three fuses are quite worthy upgrades for all good quality audio systems. I happened to have chosen the SR Black but I'd likely be very pleased with these other premium fuses. 

Due to your efforts this thread has made many music lovers aware of a very good tweak, myself included. You should be justifiably proud. 

Different topic,  
Frank do you have any recordings of Hampton Hawes? He was a first rate West Coast style pianist.  I really enjoy him, as they used to say, this cat can play! He did some wonderful collaborations  with Harold Land and Jim Hall in the 1950s.
Hello David,
I look forward to your listening impressions of the Sophia blue glass 300b tubes. I’ve auditioned many 300bs over the years and it was both fun and informative.

I believe that the vast majority  here at this point share your recognition of "agreeing to disagree ". It seems that the arguments have been exhausted with no new points being made. Either the fuses improved your system or they did not. For many posting here they did. For a few they did not.
Hello Frank,
For clarification I was not suggesting that you need to be muzzled.  I was just expressing my own observation that what more can be said in terms of rebuttal from either side. 

Harry Connick sure was a big name during the 1990s primarily as a vocalist.  I'll check into his piano recordings, thanks. 

This weekend  my wife, her cousin and I attended the Detroit Jazz Festival downtown on the riverfront. Beautiful sunny,80 degrees and no humidity,  perfect weather and large, happy enthusiastic crowds.

We got to hear Rod Carter, Russell Malone,Roy Hargrove,  Marcus Roberts and other terrific jazz musicians.  Wonderful live jazz the entire weekend! What a treat.
Sorry folks but I just don't view Al as a troll,  simply doesn't fit.  Significant differences between his approach, substance and comportment as contrasted with Garcia.  Two entirety different levels in my opinion. 
Hi Frank,
I have many of the Harold Land recordings you posted but not the "Hear Ye Hear Ye " with Red Mitchell. I’ll rectify that in short order 😊. Land is definitely underappreciated as a masterful tenor saxophonist.
How about we all as gentlemen agree to disagree as mitch2 graciously suggested? Everone's position pro, or con has been duly acknowledged at this point and the redundant back and forth name calling is stale.
Best Regards,
Hi Frank,
I ordered the Harold Land-Red Mitchell  "Hear Ye Hear Ye " . An added bonus is that trumpeter Carmell Jones is a member of this quintet.  I can’t wait to hear it,  thanks for the  recommendation. 
Wow! As much jazz as I've listened to over the years yet I wasn't aware of any Harold Land and Montgomery Brothers collaboration.  I'll happily seek those out.  The Montgomery Brothers were really good 😊. One could spend a lifetime exploring jazz music and still you'd keep discovering new/unknown musicians and recordings. Such a joy.
Thank you very much,  I look forward to listening to this rare treat. 
I'm glad to see Harold Land getting some much deserved appreciation. 

Hi Jond,
I know you find many excellent music titles via Tidal streaming. Here are a couple I suspect you'd really enjoy.

Pianist Tardo Hammer,  "Look, Stop And Listen" A wonderful tribute to Tadd Dameron.

Pianist  John Hicks, "Twogether"( spelled correctly) features alto saxophonist Frank Morgan.
The great vibraphonist Bobby Hutcherson passed away last week.  He and Milt Jackson are probably my favorites of the top tier players.  I really like Victor Feldman also. 
Hi Frank,
I'm a fan of Hubbard's trumpet playing and I love the vibraphone  (I'm only familiar with Buddy Montgomery as a pianist). Can't wait to listen to this recording. 
Thanks again. 
Wow! Boy do we have similar taste.  I've owned "Motor City Scene " for about 10 years.  This is excellent and classic hard bop music played by musicians who were masters of that idiom. This is truly one of my favorite jazz recordings. You gotta love Pepper Adams and his beautiful baritone saxophone.  As you note it's so well recorded but the music is what makes it so special. I don't know why this sextet didn't produce more recordings. 
Yep, I have that and it’s very good. Another fine one from him is "Merry Olde Soul". He alternates between the vibraphone and piano. As you know he was a wonderful musician with both instruments.
Hi Frank,
I really like Zoot  Sims and I don't have this recording  (stumped😊).
Thank you, 
That's terrific regarding the flexibility of your amplifier towards 300bs. You're in store for much  fun with these various tubes to listen to,
Four winds,
I'm happy for your  positive results.  I began with the SR 20 Quantum fuses four years ago purely out of curiosity and was delighted with the outcome. Each step up of the SR fuses has led to improved sound in my system. 

It's really impressive the large number of people your thread has exposed to the merits of premiun fuses. The list of satisfied listeners  continues to grow.
Hi David,
If your amplifier is relatively easy on the 300b tube I believe that you’ll be happy with the EML mesh plate. This version of the 300b is a bit more delicate than the standard tubes. I heard them for a few weeks in my amplifier and the sound was beautiful!

My amplifier circuit however puts too much stress on the gentler mesh plate. The solid plate EML XLS is a better fit due to its more robust construction. It sounds exceptionally well in my amplifier. You may have an 300b SET amplifier that can utilize either EML equally well. Let us know your results. Curious as to how the mesh plate compares to the Sophia blue glass tubes. There are many choices available of 300bs. In my experience the 300b is an excellent choice for authentic and very tactile reproduction of voice and instruments.
Hi David,  
I know that you drive your Tersonic speakers with your 45 SET.  Have you tried the 300b amplifer with these speakers?
Just finished watching the Detroit Lions comeback against the Indianapolis Colts in the final 37 seconds and win with a late field goal. Taking a break from football and am listening to Baritone saxophonist Leo Parker and some Oliver Nelson. I'll catch the Sunday Night game (Patriots vs Cardinals) in a little bit. 
If the NFL's first week of games is indicative of the remaining season we're in store for some dramatic action and compelling battles the next 4 months.
"Blues For 2" is an excellent recording featuring a duet of Zoot on tenor saxophone and supreme jazz guitarist Joe Pass. This is first rate across the board.

I grew up in Detroit, hope springs eternal for the Lions 😊.

Jazz music is either something you really get or you don’t, this has been my experience with people. For me it’s an astonishing art form full of emotional expression, to others it means nothing 😣😣.
Off topic, 
Anyone here a Lou Dobbs fan  (Fox Business News channel) ?
I really like this guy 😊. 
Hi Jond,
Don't worry, I wasn't attempting to turn this towards politics /ideology. I find Dobbs very interesting and just wondered if others here were aware of him, nothing more than that. Ok back to our regular topics 😊

I'm looking forward to hearing your CDS.
Regarding break-in of the Black fuses, it varied among my components. In my DAC the placement of an upgraded fuse resulted in an immediate improvement that progressed further with additional hours.

On the other hand my amplifiers and Line Stage actually took a step backwards when going from a broken-in Red fuse to a new Black fuse. It required roughly 60-70 hours before the Black fuse overall sounded better and then improvement continued as the hours accumulated. The upgrade fuse was more impactful with the Line Stage compared with the power amplifiers.

For whatever the reason may be the break-in process wasn’t uniform across the board with my particular components. The common ground factor with  them was the end result of improved sound quality.
Tommy I’m happy for your positive outcome with the CEC transport.
Yes nyame, Tommy summed it up succinctly and beautifully.  When you're able to say this you've assembled an audio system in the right direction. 
Very well said and true. The better the system the more attention/focus is drawn directly to the music and musicianship as opposed to cerebral/analytical dissection of the sound. 
Hi John,
It was just an analogy,  must we be that sensitive? . No harm no foul. Take care. 😊😊
Hello David,
I used the Takatsuki for 3 years in my SET amplifier and know quite well their excellence! Have a ball at the RMAF. OK it's  time for Michigan Wolverine football 😊.
The voltage rating of the fuse is a non issue in the USA. 
I'm happy that you are having such success with the Black fuses. 
Asia, Europe and North America,  this thread has reached far and wide. 
Yes, topics other than the fuses have been freely and enjoyably discussed here.