Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 18 responses by davidpritchard

Actually I did just what you said. I first replaced the stock rail fuses with the SR - 20 fuses and then upgraded to the SR Blacks. There is a further improvement in using the Black fuses in the rail circuits. But to me there is still a significant improvement in replacing those awful sounding stock fuses. If you can get the values you need at the SR-20 sale price I would not hessitate to do so.

Both High End Electronics and Parts Connexion are good companies to order from.

It certainly is a wonderful time that we have these excellent fuses to alow us to enjoy music in such a meaningful way. I do think one can often get that special sound by using more than one brand of product. Each of stereo systems is on a household circuit that has 5 wall A/C outlets. My systems sound their best using a mixture of wall outlets. Currently I am using Synergistic Research Black, Synergistic Research Teslaplex, Furutech GTXD - R, and PS Audio Premier outlets in a mixture to achieve the best sound.

I think you have expressed a wonderful analogy. I want a bit of grit, funk, texture, and palpability in the music environment I listen to and so the the Audio Magic may not be the best fit for my system. But I also love Mozart. There is simply no other composer for that style of music. I do hope to try an Audio Magic Beeswax fuse in the future.

Find the right fuses and A/C wall outlets for your system and you will be rewarded by truly great sounding music.

David Pritchard


Thank you for such a thoughtful post. It is the perfect statement why it is worth the effort to audition the audio grade fuses you listed.

David Pritchard
Well Zoot sure sounds good on a Benny Goodman album- cd recorded in Europe on the Vocallion (sp) label.

I just finished installing an audio grade A/C wall outlet (that had been in the system for months) after putting it on the Audio Dharma Cable Cooker for 6 days.

What a nice improvement. I will condition some of the other outlets on the audio circuit to see if I obtain further benefits from their conditioning.

Also just obtained a pair of Emission Lab 300B Mesh Tubes. It will be fun to hear the interaction of Mesh tubes, Black fuses , and Black outlets.

David Pritchard


I am finding your description of the 300B abilities to be quite accurate and attractive. My  amp was designed with the Mesh tube in mind so I will not have to worry about an overstress circuit causing tube failures. 

It will be an education during the next few weeks evaluating these wonderful tubes.

David Pritchard
four winds:
Thank you for posting a very articulate description of what the Synergistic Research SR-20 fuses can do . They really are the current bargain in audio upgrades being on sale at 50% off. I know High End Electronics Inc.and Parts Connexion Inc.have them at this price. Possibly the Cable Company also.

Friday night high school football is a real treasure here in southern New Mexico. Las Cruces has a great well lighted field. Teams use an open passing style of play. And for the audiophiles in the audience, fabulous bands both in their music skills and in their complex marching routines. And for me it is a chance to see my senior daughter play the snare drum as part of the Las Cruces High School Bulldog Marching Band Drum line! Good Stuff indeed. 

Charles - I have not tried the Teresonic speakers with the 300 SET amp yet.
Getting ready to put in the EML mesh tubes in the 300 amp.

I hope everyone takes time to listen to some beautiful music this week. Today not many years ago there was no music playing but instead only the sounds of pain, death , and disbelief.

David Pritchard

I am going to the Rocky Mountain Audiofest in Denver next weekend - Friday thru Sunday. I would certainly enjoy meeting the participants of this thread. If you go feel free to give me a call or text - 575-644-1462.

David Pritchard
Spacial Audio speakers have certainly sounded good at past shows so thank you for the reminder to have a listen. I am going to also take time to listen to the new and expensive Focal headphones while at this years RMAF.

My systems are really dialed in and so no pressure to jump from room to room. I think it will be a fun weekend.

David Pritchard

A special audio event was experienced last night. Renowned cello player Zuill Bailey and the Ying Quartet played live last night at a small wine bar to celebrate the release of their recording of the Schumann Quintet. With catered tasties, wine, and the intimate atmosphere, it was a perfect musical venue and event..

And then I had the fun to go home and play the same music I had just heard live  on my headphone system. Now I experienced the same music as  a private uninterrupted conversation where ideas were exchanged at the highest satisfying level.

The right audio grade fuses and A/C wall outlets are a big help in achieving this type of experience. So if you have not given them a try, discard any preconceived expectations and give them a try.

Charles 1 Dad - well I pulled the trigger and bought the Takkatsuki 300B tubes yesterday that were on Audiogon! I decided experiencing Aural Sushi was better than Oral Suchi as I don't have funds for both!

I hope all get to enjoy wonderful music today.

David Pritchard
I am glad you have tried the fuses. They made a wonderful improvement in my system. The music is flowing at my house this weekend! 
Enjoy and expect the fuses to continue to improve during the next week.

David Pritchard

My goodness what a wonderful Christmas present to read the above posts.
First I did get to spend both morning and evening time yesterday with my Mother who turned 93 in November. She recently changed her Synergistic Research Atmosphere Tuning Module from the original Red to the new Green. More detail in sounds such as solo guitar. Chet playing his guitar sounds even better now. The positive effect of a satisfying music system is clearly shown in my Mother's attitude towards aging and dealing with day to day life. She did not become an audiophile until age 88! She often comments on her pre and post audiophile life.

Nyame is absolutely correct about thinking in terms of the whole system. In fact concerning cars, do not forget that as it is important to replace tires as a set,  it is also important to routinely get those tires and wheels balanced twice a year. Very similar to periodically cleaning your stereo system's connectors. The household's new Honda Accord did not impress me at speeds above 40 mph. With 5000 miles on the car I had the wheels rebalanced. Wow! It now drives smooth as silk and quiet at 75. 

My sincere wish to all who read this thread is to have a satisfying and joyous 2017 and to start that by having a satisfying and joyous today.

David Pritchard
There is a wonderful and new  10 page + review of the French audio resistors made by Lefson written by Jeff Day. These resistors are 35 to 90 Euros each !  He has considerable experience using audio quality parts with his Duelund capacitor + resistors in his Tannoy crossover project.
He points out the final voicing of a system can best be done by only the owner of the system in the room it is to by used in.

I think this approach is correct and can be appreciated by even the non soldering types such as myself. However, I can trial fuses and wall A/C outlets in my system and can achieve significant improvements. Unlike Lefson resistors and Duelund  parts, Synergistic Research and Audio Magic fuses and outlets are sold with a 30 day trial or return policy. The results of using the SR Black fuses and SR  Black outlets in my systems have been substantial. I do hope any new readers of this thread will summon  up the courage and give the audio grade fuse and wall outlet an audition.

The process of making this effort is a worthwhile endeavor.

David Pritchard
To Frank and Charles 1:

Thank you for the kind words. I do hope all audiophiles who are reading this thread will try and attend the LA Audio Show this June 2-3-4 (Friday thru Sunday. It is a great opportunity to see and hear a lot of great equipment and perhaps as importantly meet the people who design and build this equipment. Also there will be playing live, a fabulous 16 piece jazz Big Band the  "BBB ". This band will be playing some serious swinging jazz that is now nearly impossible to hear live.

Mother is doing quite well with continued upgrading of her system! Not many 93 year olds use a computer based system streaming music thru an Antelope DAC to a type 45 tube amp. She does however wonder what Charles 1 does with all that extra power his  300B amp puts out (her amp max output is 1.5 watts!).

David Pritchard
Readers of this thread who are going to the LA Audio show and use 300B tubes please let me know. I am planning on bringing a pair of specially treated 300B tubes to the show to compare with what is being demonstrated. That is if I can find a list of amps that are to be used !

David Pritchard
Frank and all readers:
I just received a bottle of Graphene contact enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio (New Zealand ). I am looking forward to giving it an audition.
Samsung is spending three Billion dollars on Graphene research this year!

David Pritchard
Congratulations on having the courage to experiment. I am glad you did this experiment because I had the same results in both of  my Marantz SACD players.
David Pritchard
Friday night football is great. Night games, open stadiums, and fun food to eat. It is serious stuff here in Las Cruces New Mexico !
If I can't make it to a game, I listen to it on a restored 1935 big Philco AM radio. For me High School Football sounds best on the static filled AM waves.

Just bought a wonderful used Mactone push pull 300B tube amp. With the original fuse replaced with a Synergistic Research Black fuse, the soundstage is competing nicely with my Art Audio PX-25 amp.                    
David Pritchard

This is wonderful timing for me. My Mother's type 45 tube amp lost a channel recently and I have not been able to get hold of the builder Fred Voltz of Emotive Audio to diagnose the problem. Thank goodness for the spare 300B tube amp that got installed the next day. Charles1dad to thank for inspiring me to have one handy. But a problem arose that the on off switch is in the back of the amp. Reaching behind a hot tubed amp to turn it off is a burned arm waiting to happen. Get frustrated - NO. Instead I now have a reason to get a Pass Labs First Watt F7 Amp. It is a leave it on all the time amplifier. Nelson Pass designed this 14 watt amp for the SET type audio systems. And it is designed to be left on all the time.

The amp already  sounds wonderful with the 100 db efficient Teresonic speakers. It has a ordinary spiral wound fuse. It is going to be fun to compare the ordinary fuse with the Synergistic Blue fuse- and of course in both directions.  

Remember that Samsung is spending Three Billion dollars this year alone on Graphene research. I would hope the rate of product improvement accelerates rather than slows.      

David Pritchard


First and most importantly thank you Frank for your detailed report on the sonic changes you experienced with the Synergistic Research Black fuses. I am so glad to see your energy level is back after your surgery.

gbmcleod makes a very important point. These fuses and wall outlets do have a dramatic effect on a system's sound. My main three systems use a combination of different wall outlets (Red and Black) to achieve that most perfect sound.
So experiment and have satisfaction in doing so. Gb is absolutely correct. Utilize the Synergistic Research (or other fuse makers ) return policy to your advantage. Only the end user can determine if the fuse makes their system sound better.

My Mother (age 93) is looking forward to auditing the Blue fuse in her new Nelson Pass amplifier ! 

I am looking forward to a "well done- son " reply from my Mother when she hears the effects of the new fuse.  

David Pritchard