Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

Venture speakers are very good.  I heard a Venture system(their speakers and amplifiers ) at CES a few years ago. Even under show conditions the sound of that room was exceptionally engaging,  music rather than hifi, very memorable. Those fuses will shine in a system of that caliber. 
When I ordered my Yamamoto back in 2010 I had to wait about 2 months for the shipment from Japan  (probably  not built until order is received ). Upon the very first listen I knew that the wait was worth it. I've been happy with it ever since. 😁😁
Hi Bob,
I'm familiar with the Veloce preamplifier and the Playback Designs player,  you have assembled a very fine system. With the addition of the Black fuses I certainly see how you arrive at your  "happy place ". 
Hi Lak,
Clarity and naturalness summarized the Black fuse effect. I am glad to read that the fuses worked out well in your system although I am not surprised 😊.  Frank I agree regarding bowed string bass(and Cello). Con arco bass is simply beautiful on my jazz recordings.  It was already very good but improved further with insertion of the Black fuses..
Congratulations Jon. Your descriptive writing  ability is  just fine IMO.  My improvements weren't "earth shattering " either,  very noticeable ? Definitely yes!
The album cover is a bonus 😊.  As a former trumpeter back in my youth I can say that Jack Sheldon is a beautiful sounding player. 
Hi Frank,
I know you're a huge fan of West Coast jazz so I have a good recommendation  (unless you already own it )  for you. John Lewis,  "2 Degrees East-3 Degrees West". The CD version has additional tracks that are very good. Ýou get Bill Perkins on tenor saxophone and Jim Hall on guitar, Percy Health-bass and Chico Hamilton -drums. I think that you'll enjoy it. 
Hi Jond,
I hope you like it. Here are two  that I just got today,  both by pianist Eric Reed "Manhatten Melodies" and "Pure Imagination ". They're very good pure straight  ahead jazz recordings.  Knowing the system you have this music will just flow 😊. 
100% agree,  Clifford is unquestionably an all time great and he gets his due recognition. Sheldon is one of those fine jazz musicians who seem to be relegated to relative obscurity. 

When Clifford and Max Roach had their legendary quintet, it is said that Roach preferred Harold Land to Sonny Rollins. I can understand that.  Rollins is by far the  better known saxophonist but I enjoy Land's playing more. Frank you were fortunate  to have those experiences with Bill Perkins. 
While I'm at it,  here's a very fine early stereo recording  (1956 -57 ) that's just plain good music. You Get More Bounce With Curtis Counce " Counce is the leader on bass. This recording features two very talented but underappreciated players. Harold Land on tenor saxophone and Jack Sheldon on trumpet. I believe you'll really enjoy it. 
Thanks for the music link.  Frank I agree with you regarding the artificial reverb.  He's a good trumpet player with a nice   tone and I would like to hear him recorded in a more  natural manner. I'd be interested in hearing him playing straight ahead as opposed to the smooth complementary genre.  I suspect that he'd be very good. 
The Eric Reed recordings I suggested to Jond yesterday are modern recordings with a natural presentation.  Another good one from him is "Cleopatra's Dream". He does a beautiful rendition of Billy Strayhorn's "Lush Life".
As Frank said in an earlier post,  it's all just a matter of taste. 
The term "cool jazz" is often synonymous with "West Coast jazz". MIles Davis "Birth Of The Cool" is credited as the orgin of this genre. 
Smooth jazz is an entirely different genre from Cool jazz. West Coast/Cool is beautiful music IMO. Smooth jazz doesn't stimulate me nearly as much. To each there own. 
When it comes to the vibraphone, Jackson,  Feldman and Bobby Hutcherson are my all time favorites,  but there are many good ones to choose among. Lem Winchester is featured on a really good Oliver Nelson recording "Nocturne ". Quite good! 
Well Chris it's good to know that the Red fuses worked out in your Frankenstein. By the way are you using a preamplifier or direct source to amplifier? 
Hi Cal,
As you probably know I am a very happy owner of the Coincident Line Stage and Total Eclipse II speakers. Both are terrific. However if I were you I'd address your AC power deficiency issues first.  I've found that high quality AC power is crucial to maximizing the potential of an audio system. No matter how exceptional the components or speakers,  they'll be compromised without good quality electrical power. 
Hi Nonoise,
That's why I am glad there are two threads discussing premium fuses. One for the skeptical and this  thread for happy users of these fuses. This is good IMO , one side will never convince the other,  waste of precious time. 
In my experience I'd recommend a range of 70-100 hours for sufficient burn in time to judge their worth. With the exception of a tube power amplifier just about everything else can be left on 24/7  so that range can achieved in only 3 or 4 days. I guess I don't understand why something so simple is being made complicated. Audition the fuses with adequate burn in and then you make a decision. Keep them or return them. As this thread has demonstrated most users have found that the fuses were indeed an asset to their audio systems. A few had alternative results as would be expected with any product. It's wonderful to find a reasonably priced audio tweak that's generated such an overwhelming % of happy listeners and shared on audiogon.
If you've been following this thread you must be aware that this forum has been open to all viewpoints. Granted the vast majority of posts here are very positive but that's due to the users satisfying results. There's has been no arm twisting for conformity. Almarg, Mapman and others have freely expressed their opinions here without being attacked. 

The proposition for these fuses is really simple if someone is interested.  Buy them with the knowledge they can be returned if you are underwhelmed by their contributions. 
Hello Mapman, 
I think you miss my point. It isn't a case of rah rah (not sure why you'd characterize it this way). I definitely have no issue with open discussion and have said so several times. After awhile redundancy sets in.  That's why the alternative thread concerning the fuses is an effective outlet for those such as you.  You have plenty of company there and that's good as far as I am concerned. 

Many people here have reported sucessful and very gratifying outcomes and certainly that includes my experience with the SR Black fuses.  We all understand and appreciate your impression and commentary but why the need to repeatedly state it on this particular thread?  We clearly get your point. So IMO the availability of the two opposing fuse threads each address the  different perspectives. 

I don't post repeatedly on the other thread extolling the benefits of the Black fuses, what would be the point in doing so?  Minds are made up over there regarding their virtues and that's fine with me. I see no need for endless squabbling and the inevitable name calling. Two separate but interesting threads is the better route. 
Leaving tube equipment on 24/7 likely varies among numerous components. The builder of my Line Stage told me that I could run it 24/7 without any problems.  Just out of habit I turn it off once done listening for the day. 
Hi Jond,
Given the effects our sluggish economy is having on many people these days it's actually good that you're so busy with work. Glad the fuses  are a success in your system.
Hi Frank, 
For clarification I am not purchasing the SR Black AC outlet. I have no doubt that they are an excellent product. I'm using the Avatar  Acoustic Afterburner 8 outlet  (with the Oyaide WPC-Z outlet cover ) and I'm very happy with it. This outlet combined with the SR Black fuses is truly a delightful tweak upgrade to my system. 
I agree and have said  (along with others here ) that the more highly resolved (finely tuned ) the audio system the more apparent the impact of the Black fuse. Thus their effect is greater than what one would assume a fuse can contribute.  In theory a minor tweak,  but much more in reali
You view 100 dollar fuses as very expensive as you compare them to generic fuses,believe me, I get your point. My perspective is focused on actual sonic improvement added to an audio system. So two very different approaches. As I and other participants here have said, they have more genuine impact than certain cable,accessories and tube swaps have yielded. I can only relate to my listening experiences and yet I accept the fact that yours was a different outcome. That's how it goes. We both have to  stand by what we respectively heard. 
I mentioned the cost of the Black fuses as you've raised that concern  several times, certainly you're not alone with that view. To me it's pretty simple, you tried the Red fuse and it made no difference for you. So its a no go in your opinion, understood. Many posters have had terrific results, but no product will please everyone. Mapman have you tried any vibration /resonance control products?  I use the Star Sound Apprentice platforms and I am very happy with them. I love finding audio products that tweak and improve music reproduction enjoyment in our homes. 
Hi Tzh21y,
Your results are atypical compared to most others here.  Either you still may need more burn in time or they just aren't meshing with your system. If they don't come around, return them and get your refund.  As with Oregonpapa , the Black fuses are simply wonderful in my system.  I'm glad you have given them an audition. 
I believe that it is component dependent regarding the length of sufficient burn in time. In my DAC and Line Stage the positive effects were heard fairly early on. On the other hand my amplifiers required much more time to improve with the Black fuses. In all of the components the sound continued to improve up to 150-200 hours. The same very similar situation occurred with my friend's audio system. My belief is that this is truly an individual component by component phenomenon. 
Congratulations and I'm very glad you remained patient. I know what these fuses bring to a good system.  You're in store for further improvement with thease  fuses as they settle in. 
In my experience,  three different systems  (mine and two friends) all with quite similar improvements. Couple that with the high % of good results reported on this thread,  very sucessful tweak for the vast majority. So it seems fair to say for most users a positive result, for a few users that wasn't the case. Tzh21y is the latest success story. ☺☺
The Red fuse is very good in my components  however the Black fuses are an improvement across the board based in on my listening. 
They're worth the modest increased cost. 
I'm sure your mother deeply appreciates your loyalty, devotion and caring. She must know how fortunate she is given the neglect some elderly parents endure from uncaring children. It's wonderful that she's able to enjoy listening to music just as much as you. 
Hi Ron rags,
You are correct,  synergy is always a major variable and the Audio Horizon fuse has many satisfied customers. No doubt that the Beeswax fuse is an excellent choice as well. I believe that any of these top tier fuses will be an asset in most systems. I'm glad you found what works best for you. 
When I replaced the SR Red fuses with the Black fuses there was an immediate improvement with my  DAC. The sound quality took a temporary step backwards in my Line Stage and amplifier. It required roughly 70 to 80 hours for these two components to sound better with the Black fuses. Frank's  (Oregonpapa )comments are on the mark IMO.Once settled in I believe that you'll be very happy with the benefits of this fuse tweak
Charles, . 
Hey Frank,
Last night my friend Jeff (Jwm) and I had the great pleasure to hear Roy Hargrove live in a terrific jazz club near us called the Dirty Dog Jazz Cafe  (Grosse Pointe,  MI. ) . This is an intimate venue with excellent acoustics, we had a front table and sat 5 feet from the stage. Wow! What an absolute joy it was to hear this top notch quintet. Beautiful music, high energy and superb warm and natural sound, what more could you want? He alternated between his trumpet and flugelhorn,  both horns sounded gorgeous 😊 This quintet was just captivating. 

Frank I had to change the  topic briefly as this show  was so much fun! Besides the back and forth between pro and con camps  about the fuses is redundant to the point of becoming stale.  At this stage we all know where both sides stand. Thanks to you  for starting this thread  "many" have been able to  improve the sound of their respective audio systems. 
My point is simply what more can be said about the upgrade fuse issue that hasn't been expressed. There are always new products or tweaks that come along.  Their merits will be determined by user experience. Some may be as effective as the premium fuses and some won't be. 
Hello David,
The feeling is mutual as I find value in your insightful comments. You come across as someone with honesty and integrity. I only have significant experience with two output DHT tubes, the 300b and 845 (limited experience with the 2A3). I absolutely cherish my 300b amplifier.

I’ve only heard good things about the PX 25 tubes.  What 300b amplifier are you awaiting?  
I’m very interested to read your listening comments. I’ve heard many different 300bs but not specifically the Psvane. Word of mouth says that it is a very good sounding tube.
David regarding the derogatory comments about Frank (Oregonpapa ) simply consider the source.
Hello geoff,
No fancy footwork intended (or needed). I thought yours was a general comment rather than directed towards me personally. I'm very pleased with the sound of my system and have been for a long tine. It's nice to discover effective fine tuning tweaks however. I am casually looking into some power cords at this time but am in no hurry. Cerious Audio graphene and the SR UEF Black cords seem very promising. I have Coincident components so their latest Statement cords are also a possibility.
Hi Frank,
Thank you for the recording recommendation,  well recorded mono is just fine with me. Honestly when you hear live unamplified music as I did that night it sounds like hugh,warm and beautiful mono. There's very little sense of musician placement precision it is rather vague. The overwhelming effect (at least for me ) is the gorgeous blending of the instruments with resulting richness and harmonics. Dynamic energy and the musical pace and flow just grab you.  My foot just spontaneously taps and my head nods in time with the music,  its as though you can't control this reaction 😊

This type of listening experience always reminds me that the High End audio direction towards ultra detail just misses the boat IMO. My recent visit to Axpona in Chicago confirmed that in a number of rooms. To be fair there were rooms that got it right. Frank,  I hope you , Robert and David have a wonderful time at the Newport show. I look forward to show impressions from you all.
Hi Frank, 
Thanks for the Howard Rumsey recommendation, here's one for you. 
"FluteFraternity " features Herbie Mann and Buddy Collett. They play flute, alto and tenor saxophones as well as clarinet. They lead a fine west coast quintet. This is a 1957 stereo recording. It's very good. 
Hello nyame,
Yes that is a fine example and I've had that one for years. Here's one for you, "Sarah Vaughan With Clifford Brown ". This is an all time classic. 
Hi Frank,
Given your appreciation for Buddy Collette I'm certain you'd enjoy "Flute Fraternity ". Frank,  I have a sneaking suspicion you really like Hampton Hawes 😊😊
Hello and welcome to this very fun and friendly thread. I’m not familiar with your components but can’t imagine why you wouldn’t derive noticeable sonic improvement. Here are a few examples.

My system, Coincident electronics(Line Stage and 8 watt SET amplifier ) and speakers.
Friend #1,Absolare Passion  preamp, Krell mono blocks and Rockport Altair  speakers.
Friend #2, ARC Preamp and amplifiers with Martin Logan speakers.

Three very different audio systems (and rooms) yet we achieved the same level of improvement using the SR Black fuses. If you have read much of this thread you know that the response of users has been exceptionally positive for many of them.

If you do try them let us know your listening impressions.
Hi Frank, 
Oh boy, Hawes with the esteemed Barney Kessel  (one of my favorite jazz guitarist ) I'll definitely get that one. I can just hear all the beautiful chords accompanying between those two stellar players. By the way I'd buy it for the album cover alone ☺ Frank you were privileged to have the many live jazz listening experiences during the prime period of West Coast jazz.
You raise some very good points. I can recall the ridicule and skepticism when capacitors were  first said to vary in sound quality despite identical specifications.  Same ridicule regarding power cords and interconnects. People aren't laughing anymore.  The problem is that often  people can hear sonic differences long before a reasonable scientific /technical explanation is formulated.  

I accept this lag between observation and explanation but recognize that others find this difficult to do. If given the opportunity to hear an audio product I'll report what I hear ,good, bad or indifferent. If  I can’t provide a technical argument to support what I've heard, that's okay with me. Eventually one will be found,  in the mean while if the product sounds good I'm going to enjoy it. 
Hi goldencutt,
It's good to know that the Black fuses are burning in for you successfully and improving your system's performance. The number of people who have posted their positive listening experiences with the SR Black fuses is really quite remarkable. 
Charles, ,

You note that the sound changes based on the fuse direction  (as many have also noted). Choose the fuse direction that sounds best to you. As Geoff pointed out that the fuse lettering is done randomly and isn't current flow /direction specific. 
Hi goldencutt,
Congratulations on your very gratifying outcome with the Black fuses. 
I'm happy  for you and your sucessful results with these Black fuses.  Improving your system sound quality is always gratifying. 