Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by davidpritchard


You are most welcome. I find it fascinating that these three types of fuses make such significant differences in the music. For me the results have been more dramatic than tube rolling. They allow one to really dial in a system.

David Pritchard

I absolutely agree the Synergistic Research Black fuse gives the most dramatic change. If I was just trying an audio grade fuse for the first time , I would absolutely audition a Black fuse first! They are that good.

David Pritchard


I continue to enjoy my Ready Set Go 300 B tube amp. I am now comparing the Sophia Electric Carbon Plate 300"s to the Psvane 300  WE tubes. The Sophia have a little more punch to them and the Psvane more air and relaxation. The new Sophia Blue tubes arrived yesterday. Jeffery Catalano at High Water Sound uses these Blue tubes in his $45,000.00 amps!

Of course a Synergistic Research Black will be installed in the amp tonight. Hello increased sonic bliss in  100 hours.

David Pritchard 


A nice summary of what to expect when putting the Black fuse in a self powered sub. I experienced much of the same you have so nicely described. After two weeks the fuse was fully settled in and the music had a better flow than the sub with a stock fuse.

It is worth the effort to upgrade the sub fuse to a Black fuse.

David Pritchard


I have had a Synergistic Research SR-20 fuse blow on start up on my tube headphone amp. I went to the next larger size and no further problems for the last two years. The fuse is at risk to blow on start up and especially if the amp goes through a quick off and then back on for a quick tube change. If turing a tube amp off give it a few minutes for the tubes to cool before a restart. Hot tubes have less resistance to current flow.
David Pritchard

Jessica Williams- Live. That CD really captures the club ambience. The music is moving and she has her own style. Big thumbs up.

David Pritchard

Thank you for the suggestions. I will look into Kenny Barron's "Live at Bradley's". The 300B SET amp does like the Synergistic Research Black fuse more than the RED fuse. The music is just more alive with the Black fuse.
Presently comparing the Sophia 300 Carbon tube versus the Psvane 300 WE tube. The Sophia has more punch and the Psvane We more of a softer delicate sound. Both sound very good but different. A set of Sophia 300 Blue glass tubes are awaiting their turn in the amp.

Between good music listening, good equipment upgrades, and good people posting good suggestions for music and upgrades, it just doesn't get any better.
David Pritchard


What a triple shot of great guitar players! Mundell Lowe"s playing is always thoughtful and beautiful. He is not afraid to let some silence between notes create that deeper mood that is so satisfying.

Joe Pass and Oscar P.- that would test my system to see if it can keep up with all the notes played.

The Sophia Electric 300 Blue Glass tubes are new to the market. They also make a 274 Blue tube. Could be just good marketing to have a blue colored tube ala the 1930 Arcturis tubes. I saw and heard them at Newport Beach Audiofest. Jeffery Catalano from High Water Sound (New York ) was using them in his very expensive turntable - 300B mono block amps- Cassaro Horn system. He is impressed with the sound of the Blue Sophia's. I am looking forward to their audition.

The combination of using these Black fuses and Synergistic Research Black outlets has just improved my system's performance to such a degree that I am really concentrating on the communication these talented musicians are achieving.

David Pritchard

The Black outlet will give you more space between instruments, better flow, and a more relaxed feel to the music but with better detail. The Tesla plex does not sound as "sophisticated"- it has a little less detail. I do like the Tesla plex. Since my systems are each on circuits that have five outlets , I have a combination of outlets on each circuit.

SR essentially took the sound of the Tesla plex and improved it without loosing the good qualities of the Tesla plex. The Black takes a week of current passing through it to break in.

It is worth the price to me and does have the 30 day return option.

I think it is worth the time and effort to audition a Black outlet in one's system.

David Pritchard


I agree 100%. The Synergistic Research Black fuses will give a major upgrade to one's sound system. And they will improve the  sound in all the components you have listed- even the sub woofer. 

I do think these fuses give the highest performance to cost benefit of any audio product available.

As you found out it is a fun and sonically rewarding experiment.

David Pritchard


I congratulate you on undertaking this experiment.  It is both a lot of time and effort to really dial in a system and there are no sure short cuts.  I do think you plan has great potential and will answer many questions about the best Wall outlets for your system.

The Synergistic Research Black outlet in my system had a significant effect on the system when I replaced a PS Audio Power Port Premier outlet (grey colored body). The background became darker, and the music has a richer harmonic texture. There is a more relaxed flow but with excellent detail.

Upon installation I found the music to be more forward but with some hardness. Give these outlets a week to really settle in. I think you will be happy. If not, send them back!

I am enjoying my 300 B tube amp as a change to the Art Audio PX- 25 amp. I first tried the Psvane WE tubes (nice)  and now am listening to the Sophia Carbon Plate Princess tubes. These have a more punchy palpable sound. More of the excitement of a live musical event. Both types of tubes give a satisfying music listening experience.

David Pritchard   


When I replaced my Oyaide R1 wall outlet with a Synergistic Research Tesla Plex outlet , I heard more music emotion coming into the room. With replacing the Tesla Plex with the SR Black. I still obtain the more music is present sensation but now added is better detail and focus.

I am very happy with the Black outlet in my system.

It needs a week to fully settle in.

I use and like the Oyaide wall outlet cover - mounting brackets. That is a good price at Amazon. They are occasionally sold at Audiogon in the $129.00 price range.


I sincerely do feel fortunate to have the SET amps using the PX-25 tube and the 300B tube.

I hope all the readers of this thread will enjoy some great music and great sonic presentations this special Holiday weekend.

David Pritchard

My set amp is a "Ready Set Go" design (this is a circuit design released to the DIY community in 2012). Much like some of Nelson Pass's designs that he has published for the DIY family. Built with premium parts throughout. It has a volume control and so no preamp is needed with my SACD player or Antelope DAC . This amp can use the EML mesh 300B tubes without overstressing them and so I bought it here on Audiogon. But I have not found any used EML mesh tubes as yet!

David Pritchard

Well today is July 4 and I have the day off from work. So I spent the last several hours changing out one of the wall outlets in my Mother's living room. There are 5 outlets on one circuit. Previously she had One Synergistic Research Black, One Furutech GTXD-R (rhodium), and three Synergistic Research Tesla Plex (red) .  The primary power conditioner is plugged into the SR Black outlet. Today I replaced a SR Tesla Plex (red) which the dual subs are plugged into with a SR Black.

This occurred while she was out of the room eating lunch. When she got back I fired up the system. Her initial impression " better bass- firmer and more emotion to the music. Details are easier to hear".

We then spent the next hour listening to her streaming service and were impressed that we could hear the music presentation improve song by song. "It is like watching a flower unfold and becoming more beautiful"

A very nice time indeed.

David Pritchard
The change in the system certainly was not subtle. The SR Black outlet makes a big improvement over the SR Tesla Plex or the Furutech GTXD-R. I made sure not to change the volume during the outlet installation. She is indeed a very focussed listener. It was a very nice afternoon.

David Pritchard


The Synergistic Research Black duplex may well have started out as a Pass-Seymour outlet. Then SR takes that outlet and does several thing to make it sound better.

The SR Tesla Plex  apparently starts out as a Levitron hospital grade outlet and then is modified to sound better.

Porter outlets takes a Hubell outlet and then cryo treats it to get a better sound. 

PS Audio sells their outlets that look like the main bodies are the same as Furutech"s. It sounds different than a Furutech.

All of these outlets sound quite different than the outlets sold at Lowes.

I am very impressed with the sonic qualities that the Synergistic Research Black outlet imparts to a system. I think the sonic gains I have obtained with the Black outlet are worth the price.

I do think the changing the wall outlet produces a greater sonic change than most tube rolling does. Each type outlet will have it's own sonic signature. It is tedious and time consuming but for my audiophile education, it has been worth the effort to audition  many outlets.

Excellent listening to all this week.

David Pritchard

I think you are going to be very happy with a Synergistic Research Black outlet is your system. The Black outlet interacts with the Tesla Plex Se outlet in a special positive way.

David Pritchard

In your last post you mentioned what has become for me the foundation on which to build a music system that is emotionally engaging and satisfying.
That foundation is Black fuses, Black A/C outlets, and the Synergistic Research Grounding Block.

My systems have become so much more enjoyable since I began using these devices. There is so much great music to enjoy when you have reduced the digital glare.

Yes the table has to stay out of the path of the music. I tried very hard to put a small antique table in front of the listening chair. It looks great there but sounds bad there. It was a worse experience than watching a Broadway play behind the 80 year old lady with the three foot hat. 


Congratulations on installing the fuse, allowing it time to break in, and then trying it in both directions. Many audio users would not have persevered and thus would have missed out on improving their system.

David Pritchard

Tomorrow evening - Wednesday, I believe the preamp will be in a relaxed state and the music will have the wonderful qualities of better flow, more detail, less fatigue, and more emotional involvement . This will become it's maximum at the 100 to 150 hour mark. Somewhere along the line your brain will quit analysing the changes and just hear more meaningful music.

Well with the Black fuses and Black outlets in place, I am listening to really old Jazz. Vivaldi - 1725!  Yep it is all there in a two CD set  of his trio Sonatas with continuo. Starts with a formal very strict phrase and then slowly but surely tears it up, and puts it back together with at times frantic and vitueostic playing. Is that a very young Jerry Lee Lewis I hear on the harpsichord :)

With the fuses and outlets in place I now can clearly hear the emotion the harpsichord and lute are adding to the three solo instruments. Before it was like listening to Cream with Jack Bruce playing an unplugged electric bass.

Antonio Vivaldi - Trio Sonatas Op. 1: CPO records

Begona Olavide - Salterio: MA Recordings (MA recordings are recorded using only two mikes and only acoustic instruments. Sold direct.
This is Spanish - Moorish music. Both of these two CD have a knockout version of "LA Follia".  Real tear the house down music.

David Pritchard

Shelly Manne can really swing. Never flamboyant. Drives the song forward with a firm sense of rhythm. Most if his CD's are well recorded.

"Complete Live At The Black Hawk". A four CD set recorded over three days, 1959. This is Good stuff.

One of the rewarding projects for me is trying to improve the emotional satisfaction my 92 year old Mother achieves when listening to her audio system. She streams music via computer to an Antelope DAC outputted to an Emotive Limited Edition Type 45 Tube amp which powers Teresonic single driver speakers. She is legally blind, does not read audio reviews, and does not read Audiogon forum posts. What she does do is listen without prejudice. She A-B's a change and makes the decision "better or worse".  What it costs, who makes it, how does it work, or do others use it is never discussed. She has no pride of ownership but does have pride in the quality of sound. She listens to music 4 hours a day.

She greatly enjoyed the improved sound obtained first with a Black fuse in the tube amp. Then she heard a further improvement when the Antelope DAC had it's two fuses replaced (one on the hot side and one on the neutral side). She noticed an immediate improvement in presence and as the week progressed commented on the music being more relaxed and flowed.

She had the same response when the SR Black outlets were installed. She preferred these outlets to Oyaide R1, and Furutech GTXD-R.

Many changes do not stay in the system. The Audioquest Jitterbug is gone. The Black Discus products are gone. The Teresonic Speaker cables are gone, etc.

Today she got the wonderful news that her oldest son's (age 69) most recent bone marrow biopsy was free of cancer. She called me at the hospital with the good news crying tears of joy only a Mother can know when her son's life has been spared. She then celebrated with listening to "her music".

I do hope all have a joyous weekend and do get to listen to some meaningful music. 

David Pritchard

charles1 dad:

That is a nice list of excellent sounding record labels. It is fascinating that some labels and their teams can produce great sounds are so many others just can't get it.

This weekend experimented wiht  the 300B amp's sound. 

I got a big jump in sound quality by adding three Synergistic Research ECT's (  Electronic Circuit Transducers )  to the amp. One ECT near the rectifier tube, one near the driver tube, and one near the volume control. Other locations that had no effect or a negative effect  were near the output tubes, near the transformers, near the power cord inlet, and on  the sides of the amp.

With the ECT's in the right location, the soundstage greatly improved and the harmonics were much more musical. I have had a similar improvement using ECT's with the Art Audio PX-25 amp.

I think this is  a fun and worthwhile experiment with a product that has a 30 day return policy.

David Pritchard


Congratulations on the sonic improvement, and having the courage to try an improved fuse. For me the Synergistic Research Black fuse has improved the sound in everything from the inexpensive Home Theater ZVOX self powered speakers to the expensive custom Fred Voltz - Emotion Type 45 tube amp.

I can feel your excitement and am happy for your discovery.

David Pritchard
Charles 1 dad and jib222

I hope you will be able to try The Synergistic Research ECT's (Electronic Circuit Transducers) on your 300B and 2A3 amps. I am very happy with the sonic enhancement I am hearing with the ECT's on my PX-25 amp, Type 45 tube amp and the recently purchased 300B amp.

Today "nmmusician" in the Misc.  forum suggested a Synergistic Research HFT (High Frequency Transducer) be placed on top of the Rectifier tube.
Having a spare HFT on hand I decided to give it a try.

This simple tweak has really brought forth a fuller and more emotional sounding music using the 300B amp. A fun and exciting experiment. And no 150 hour break in to endure! It either works or it does not.

A  HUGE THANK YOU - to "nmmusician".

David Pritchard

Thank you for the kind suggestion - I will order it today. Yesterday my Mother was very upset at herself for burning popcorn in the microwave. Being sight limited she had set the microwave to hours instead of minutes and then went outside the apartment while answering a neighbor's  knock on the door.. She returned to really toxic fumes- the microwave popcorn artificial butter becomes toxic when burned. 

So for two hours I clean the Kitchen floors, walls, etc., discarded the microwave and changed the air cleaners -  the Hepa and the activated carbon prefilters. While doing so I asked Mother to turn off the Hallmark TV channel and put on her music system. 

After 30 minutes of cleaning,  I realised I was hearing a faint female vocalist to some of the instrumentals. MY Mother has softly singing with the music! The powerful healing - relaxing - inspiring effect of music had taken place. 

This is a music system that has all Synergistic Research Black fuses, Synergistic Black wall outlets,and a Synergistic Research Grounding Block.

She hears and feels the improvement these products  give her system.

For those readers or readers with loved ones over 70, please consider a quality air cleaner that has a Hepa filter - for the bedroom and also for the main living room. Please consider once a week B-12 shots. The improvement in the "I think easier with less strain" can be quite remarkable.

Enjoy your music and enjoy life this weekend.

David Pritchard

Thank you for posting your results using the Audio Magic Beeswax fuse.
I do think the Synergistic Research Black fuses and (now with your report) the A.M. Beeswax fuses are the top performing fuses available for audio equipment.

From a practical standpoint the Synergistic Research 30 day return policy allows one to audition what a fuse can do to the sonics of their system with the peace of mind that if they do not like the change they can get their money back.

My systems have been upgraded to all SR Black fuses for many hundreds of hours of listening pleasure. I would not want to go back to the fuses available in 2012 such as the Isoclean or Furutech. And these fuses were a step better than the original stock fuses supplied by the equipment manufacturers.

David Pritchard

I wish everyone and his brother and their dealers offered  30 day or 60 day returns on their fuses and A/C wall outlets. Perhaps it is more common than I think, but it is just not universally true. The Cable Company does not allow for fuse returns except for Synergistic Research, if I am reading their fine print about returns correctly. 

So for non Synergistic Research companies I suggest getting a return policy approved prior to purchase. Audio Magic does not state their return policy at their web page that I just reviewed or at two of their dealer websites -Jaguar Audio and High End Electronics.

I do think knowing for sure what the return policy is for these products will allow those sitting on the fence to find out for themselves how much fuses and outlets affect the sound of their systems. I hope the untried will take the plunge and audition fuses and outlets. There  are many fuses sold that will sound better than the fuse originally sent by the manufacturer of the equipment.

Maybe Audio Magic will post their policy here at this thread. It certainly is an innovative company with a host of products. The owner has been kind enough to invite me to hear his personal system in the past while I attended previous Rocky Mountain Audiofest.

David Pritchard
That is great news about High End Electronics giving a 30 day trial on Audio Magic Fuses. The owners Alfred and Betty Kainz are fine people.

David Pritchard

I do think the Stardust is a great treat. At the time a very risky undertaking. Middle aged country singer who's career finally took off in the 70's by embracing the outlaw country movement now sings old standards (that your parents listen to). 

Produced by soul great Booker T and recorded at Emmy Lou Harris's L.A .house. Recording equipment was the famous Enactron Mobile  Recording Truck.

Just an outstanding and timeless SACD.

David Pritchard

Actually  Betty and Alfred Kainz  own High End Electronics and sell Synergistic Research and Audio Magic fuses, along with many other fine non fuse products. They had nothing to do with the fuse promotion copy you quoted.
Audio Horizons is a different company.

Audio Magic beeswax fuses are made to order and are not sold with a money back policy, either by High End Electronics or directly bought from Audio Magic. High End Electronics may in some situations offer store credit to a customer who wishes to return an  Audio Magic fuse. This is decided on a case by case situation. Best to discuss this  directly with Alfred Kainz prior to placing an Audio Magic Fuse order. Synergistic Research Black fuses are always sold with a 30 money back policy.

I do hope those that have not tried an audio grade fuse will do so. They have certainly improved the sound in the systems I listen to.

Just make sure ahead of time to find out exactly what the return policy is for whatever fuse that is considered from the exact seller you are dealing with.

Vivaldi trio sonatas and the out of print SACD of Willie Nelson's "Stardust" did sound most wonderful tonight.

David Pritchard

oregon papa:

I am glad you like Mickey Raphael's harmonica playing. I am the person who told Mickey to go audition with Willie back in the old days when I lived in Austin. He had just come to Austin and was playing solo gigs at the UT Austin- Student Union tea house. On Stardust, he is playing harmonica while in Emmy Lou's bathroom to get more echo effect. It does not have that digital reverb sound.

Keep the harmonicas - I hear the Harmonicats are holding auditions for their "long awaited" comeback album!

I got a Honda Accord this week. Now if I can just figure out where to install a SR Black fuse in the electrical system the world will be good !

David Pritchard
Many readers of this thread use or are interested in Elrog tubes. They have gone into bankruptcy with their assets  bought by Thomas Mayer  (Germany) and a new named company will restart production. Inquiries should be directed to Thomas Mayer's web site.

Thank you again for the CD's. Like at a five star drinking establishment your Cd's are sitting on the top shelf in my listening room.

Best wishes for a good week of music listening to all who follow this thread.

David Pritchard
I am glad to hear the Black fuse is making an excellent DAC even better.
You may get whiplash shaking your head at how fast yet clean Oscar is playing!

When does something as trival as changing a fuse become meaningful. I was reminded of that today when listening to Vivaldi's trio sonata op.1 number 12 (RV63) - La folia. Las folia is a simple melody that has been around since the 1400's. It's simplicity lend itself to variations in the melody, loudness, and tempo

OK. so what. It really is not a trio of two viloins and cello as the title suggests, but there is also the continuo of a lute and harpsicord. Before my fuse upgrades, the high pitched plucked lute and harpsichord were burried in the back of the soundstage and added more of an annoying bee buzzing than anything musical.

This piece reminds me of the rock songs that start with a simple melody and eventually end in a furrious climax of interplaying  instruments, speed and volume. The Yardbirds
with Jeff Beck on lead guitar and Jimmy Page on bass guitar springs to my mind. Especially the song "Over, Under, Sideways, Down".

With the Black fuses in place, the bee buzzing becomes instead a furry of individual notes and even the left and right hand parts of the harpsicord can be distinguished.

The improvement in sound was significant and more importantly the emotional communication even more improved.

So give a Synergistic Research Black fuse a try if you want
your music listening to have greater impact and more enjoyable.

David Pritchard

Thank you for a most interesting post. I am glad you auditioned the fuse in both directions.

Too much detail - and the emotional response to this change. This is a fascinating situation. The RED fuse does have less detail and background noise reduction than the Black. I hope you will send the Black fuse back for a refund. Synergistic Research is very serious about wanting you to return the fuse if it does not help.

In my system I preferred a Black fuse in the CD player and in the Tube amp over a Red in the CD player and a Black in the amp.

barbapapa's point idea may well work but it is difficult to return an Audio Magic fuse. It may be your system is now "there" from an emotional satisfaction standpoint. After replacing my fuses I did benefit from a small readjustment of speaker toe in. 

What is the value of the amp fuse? 

David Pritchard

What an interesting amp design from a real audio personality in Bob Carver. I will leave all the engineering to Al. This circuit is way more complicated than my thankfully simple SET amp circuits. 

Being you have an older amp , Al gives  very good advice in cleaning the fuse holders, power cord inlet, speaker ouputs and interconnect inputs. A good "spring cleaning" can be sonically very rewarding.

It sounds like the SR Black line of products are improving detail to a point that is not ideal for your system. That is my emotional response to my son's new 4K TV compared to my Panasonic Plasma TV. Too much detail that for me is distracting. He  loves the added detail.

The Isoclean fuse in my experience has a warmer, less detailed sound than the SR Black. Perhaps this or fuse or other fuses  that have gold in them would give you warmth but with less grain than the stock fuse.   

You may want to try one of the fuses offered by Music Direct. They are a fine company that has always honored their return policy.

Before ordering fuses from VH Audio or Parts Connexion be sure they accept fuses returns.

Audio Magic fuses are not normally returnable for a cash refund. At best one may be allowed store credit towards a future purchase.

When buying any product make sure to understand exactly what the terms of return are. 

Audio system enhancement and audio listening should be a rewarding and fun endeavor. I plan on having a very fun and rewarding session latter today.

David Pritchard
Al we share a common link in owning Carver products. In medical school, I "upgraded" to a used Bob Carver Phase Linear 700 amp. Well it certainly did make my Klipsch Cornwalls play LOUD ! I am not sure about all of his design skills, but he was one of the best self promoters out there. It would be interesting to tally how many companies he has started and then folded.

I think the ringing in my ears finally subsided when I bought my first
SET amp (Art Audio PX-25) in 2008! It took me a long time to overcome the audio dealers party line of the 1970's - bigger amps give bigger sound, no matter what the efficiency or type of speaker is used.

Thank goodness for the internet where approaches to a satisfying musical system can be discussed from multiple points of view.

Since this amp under discussion is a Carver product,
 is there a fuse made that has a built in fire extinguisher? 

A few of the Phase Linear 700 amplifiers could have used a fuse with that feature !

David Pritchard
A friendly reminder to all that replace fuses in their equipment to remember to turn off the equipment before replacing the fuse. I do not know why but changing the fuse recently with a different fuse resulted in the new fuse blowing. I would guess it was a current in rush situation but on a solid state piece of equipment. So turn off equipment - replace fuse - turn on equipment.

Today I am again listening to Vivaldi: "The Four Seasons" . The most recorded piece of classical music. Hundreds of versions are available.

Giuliano Carmignola lead solo violin with the Venice Baroque "Orchestra". On the Sony label. Why this version?  Vivaldi was a leading experimenter with getting more than pretty notes from the violin. This is not the beautiful but always proper music of Mozart, but fiery, passionate, expressive music.

While listening to  Carmignola's version, I was reminded of early Jimi Hendrix. Creating soaring, complex sounds with a minimum of effect pedals,  Hendrix instead used  extreme settings on the Fender guitar and Marshall amp. Likewise Carmignola creates a multitude of expressive sounds but is doing so on an acoustic instrument using creative bowing and fingering techniques.

On  Vivaldi's work, the Synergistic Black fuses in the system are allowing me to hear the individual instruments in a very moving way. I can focus in on an individual supporting instrument or simply listen to the combined sound of all the players. This ability to listen to one or all the musicians is one of the reasons I go to hear live music. But live I have my eyes to assist my ears in determining who is playing what part. At home the Black fuses are replacing my eyes in enhancing the listening of music.

A great weekend for music.

David Pritchard


Thank you for the reminder that to insure that a component has no active circuits,  it must be unplugged and not just turned off. Hey that's just what they always tell me to do at the computer "help" site after putting me on hold for 30 minutes!

Well the replacement Black fuse is in place and now has 75 hours on it. What a nice improvement over the back up Isoclean fuse. I am listening to Harp music to unwind after a stressful day. The shimmering harmonics of the plucked strings resonating with the body of the harp is most relaxing.

The plucked leading edge of each note is sharp and forceful, and then the relaxing full bodied complex decay of the note takes place. All this is occurring  with a jet black background and with a soundstage depth of a medium sized concert hall. Really quite remarkable.

An upgraded audio fuse has made this long stressful very hot day turn into a most satisfying and reinvigorating music listening night.

David Pritchard


Actually  I think your post is on topic because the improvement to a system that uses the Synergistic Black fuses and Black wall outlets allows streaming sources to really sound wonderful. The enhanced spacial information, the blacker background, and overall more relaxed sound makes streaming a much more satisfying experience than before I installed the Black fuses and Black outlets.

Congratulations on getting Tidal working and best wishes on getting it tweaked to reach it's maximum utility. 

David Pritchard 


Thank you for the interesting report on the PS Audio Forum by Mark. This is a good data point for those interested in the Audio Magic fuses. I hear significant improvements using the latest generation of fuses as compared to the fuses I bought in 2012. Likewise I hear major improvements using  the wall outlets currently available versus those available in 2012. 

Certainly a wonderful time to be a music lover and an audiophile.

This afternoon was spent enjoying beautiful music streamed to the Terasonic speakers after being amplified by about 1/2 watt courtesy of the Type 45 tube SET amp.  SET amps certainly do respond to fuse and wall outlet upgrades.

David Pritchard


I am glad you were listening to Savoy Brown. A talented British Blues Band with some real  good Marshall amp powered guitar playing. They did not get much radio air time but were quite good. They really torn up the Zephyer Club in Salt Lake City when I was there in 1990.

Who would have thought Salt Lake City would have such a hot club but there it was. A hardcore rock and roll oasis in the dessert. And lots of alcohol with the purchase of the three day private club membership.

Salt Lake City was an interesting place to visit in the 1990's.

David Pritchard

Last night was a night of wonderful live music. Zuill Bailey playing a program of cello pieces with Dominic Dousa on piano. The listening room holds 225 people and I was fortunate to be sitting front row -10  feet from the performers. The music were pieces that had a relationship to the impact Picasso had on the world of art. Casals, de Falla, Debussy, and Piatigorsky all these men had links to Picasso.

The interaction of the two performers was inspiring and enlightening. One brief practice of  parts of the program was held earlier in the day and then a confident  "Let's Go!"  Two consummate musicians  interacting and at times improvising from the score added a freshness and vitality not often heard at "classical" concerts. 

I highly recommend Zuill Bailey's cello CD's. Especially the beauty of his cello and guitar CD recorded with David Leisner (Azica Records). I believe his sound conveys wonderful emotions and has a freshness that gives the music a real sense of being alive and not merely performed.

And then to come home after the 50 mile  drive to put on the headphones was a sonic dessert that ensured the most blissful dreams.

I do so enjoy the benefits of upgraded A/C wall outlets and upgraded fuses.

David Pritchard
On the subject of changing fuses in SACD players, going to the SR Black fuse makes a major improvement. If on a budget please try a Black fuse the incoming power cord location, The Marantz has six additional rail fuses. And in fact I replaced all six fuses one at a time giving each fuse 150 hrs of burn in, before adding the next fuse. I really was surprised that the fuse that supplies power to transport mechanism made a significant difference but it did. 

It is so inspiring to have one's system really dialed in. I do think the Black fuses make that event much easier to obtain.

David Pritchard


I look forward to your report on the changes in sound with upgrading the fuse in your DAC. With the Antelope DAC, it was interesting that changing the fuse on both the hot side and the fuse on the neutral side made an improvement. I hope you are able to leave the DAC on 24/7. According to the Antelope DAC developer, a DAC clock needs to be on three days to reach final sonic stabilization.

David Pritchard

Wonderful music playing as I type. Shirley Rumsey playing and singing "Music of the Italian Renaissance" on Naxos. This is quiet expressive singing and solo guitar music at it's finest. The acoustics of St. Andrew's Church located in  Toddington, England are beautifully captured and complement the soulful voice of Ms. Rumsey.

I do hope all who read this thread will audition audio grade fuses and A/C wall outlets. They have made a major improvement in my sound systems and contributed greatly in increasing my enjoyment of the music I listen to. I do think they are worth the time and effort to audition.

David Pritchard
For those wanting to try an audio grade fuse in their equipment but are reluctant to do so because of a price barrier, High End Electronics Inc., Apple Valley, California is having a sale on the Synergistic Red fuses.

The horn system is sounding very three dimensional today with the added SR Black wall outlet. The circuit the audio system is on has a total of 5 outlets. Now it has 2 SR Black, 2 SR RED, and one PS Audio Premier ( copper with nylon body - not as dark as an Oyaide R-1 )

Bigger sonic differences than rolling tubes - even those 300 B tubes. Any more recent news on the Elrod 300B tube situation?

Off topic but put a SR Tranquility Base under the Samsung Blue - Ray player and had a marked improvement in the picture quality.

No bar-b -que this Labor Day weekend but I will be listening to some great sounding music.

David Pritchard

My Marantz SACD player has 5 rail fuses which I replaced one at a time. I heard a progressive improvement after each fuse location was updated.
So I definitely hear an improvement after replacing rail fuses.

One approach to your situation that requires 4 fuses is to take advantage of the sale of Synergistic Research SR-20 and Synergistic Research Red fuses just announced at highend - electronics Inc. They have an ad here on Audiogon under tweaks. The SR-20 are $29.95 and the Red fuses are $34.95. Be sure to determine if your 10 amp fast blow fuses are small (5 x 20 mm ) , or large (6.3 x 32 mm) .  They may not have all sizes available. Perhaps the Cable Company,  New Hope, Penn. is also having a sale.

I do think both of the fuses will improve your amp over the stock fuses.

David Pritchard

The Holo Audio Spring DAC is certainly generating a lot of interest. I think it is exciting they they have auditioned a number of fuses with their DAC.

My 300 B amp is sounding very athletic with the Sophia Princess Carbon Plate tubes versus the more ethereal - smoother Psvane WE tubes. I will soon be auditioning the newest Sophia Blue glass tubes. It really is exciting to have so many good choices to achieve that special sound so many of us seek.

David Pritchard