Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

Your explanation of the fuses to Mapman was simply clear,understandable  and educational. Your value to this site can't be overestimated.
The good thing about this thread is that all responses have been welcome. This includes those who have had neutral or a negative outcome with the SR fuses. Overall this group has been very small yet their voices are heard just as they should be. Everyone who has used these fuses and posted their impressions has called it as they heard it. What more can we ask for?

I have no explanation  as to why a few listeners had  less   success and improved sound quality than the vast majority of posters here. I do obviously accept their contrary results, that's how it goes with "any" audio product. .  All we can  offer is our honest listening experiences with these SR fuses. I have gotten significant sonic and musical improvement with these wonderful Black fuses and am very grateful for them.
Based on The results and responses on this thread the positive to negative ratio of success is about 10 or 12 to 1.  That represents overwhelming success, The neutral or negative results are quite rare.
That was  well said.
The great joy and gift of this hobby is we can listen and make our individual determinations, what else matters more than improving sound quality for our music reproduction at home? The SR fuses have increased your enjoyment of listening to music. I would assume this is the goal of all of us on a forum such as this. I am glad to read that your pleasure has increased with the use of these fabulous fuses.

Hi Bill (Brownsfan)
Yes. the very same effect in my system as well when compared to lesser fuses.
You have me curious, I'm going to get one of your  suggested Lute recordings.I have little exposure to that instrument and want to hear it.

In my friend's  (Jwm) system, fuse direction is profoundly  evident. 

Let us know how the Black fuse works out in your preamplifier,  I always appreciate your listening impressions and opinions. 
I ordered your Paulo Dette suggestion and the Nigel North recommended by David.  I look forward to listening to both of these performances. 

Hi Jond,
If you discover that you like the Black fuse in your preamplifier,  strongly consider placing one in  the splendid  Yamamoto DAC. It's a  beautiful addition becoming even more nuanced, organic and dynamic  (already strengths ).
Justubes2 has posted some  very interesting comments on this thread.  Unlike his description of the Black fuses,  I've have not experienced any "lean" bass characteristics. The obvious effect of the Black fuses in my system has been further unveiling of my system's innate sonic signature without any noticeable tonal alterations. The fuses seemingly impart minimal coloration. Openess and transparency is increased and my system's organic character remains. I have to say that the Afterburner AC outlet has mirrored the same qualities,  pretty much quite neutral with excellent clarity. 
I was pretty close to purchasing the Furutech GTX receptacle. An audiogon member named Zephyr24069 had tried numerous AC outlets and preferred the GTX. He said when he later discovered the Afterburner 8 he compared it with his GTX and couldn't tell them apart in his system.  This caught my attention and given that the Afterburner 8 is 1/3 the price I figured what the heck, .  It has unplatted copper prongs and is burned in with 80 hours. I have no idea if it equals the GTX,  I can say it's a very fine addition to my system. 
The SR 20 Quantum is an earlier model fuse.I replaced my component's  stock fuses with them about 3 years ago. They were a very noticeable improvement. The SR 20 fuses  were subsequently replaced by the Red and then the Black fuses. Each progression led to better sound quality. 
The Cable Company is another good source for the SR fuses, very good service. 
Hi Jond,
I like your taste in music (Webster and Evans) .  I did order the Tim Warfield and Chris Mcgregor  recordings you had recommended to me on my system page recently. The Black fuse will only get better with time.
Hi Gary,
You are part of an ever growing number of listeners who have tried the SR Black fuses with very successful results in your system. I'm glad you discovered this thread. 

Hi David, 
I don't follow any specific protocol in regard to new tubes.  I just let them acquire accumulated hours of burn in through regular use. There certainly could be a more effective approach than that ,  but I just play music. 

Jond and Frank,(and anyone else who is interested )
Here are two Ben Webster recordings I really enjoy. 
"Ben Webster Meets Don Byas" and  "Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster "
Both are stereo recordings from the early 1960s with as expected beautiful music. 
Frank (Oregonpapa ),
You have genuine good intentions no doubt,  but why waste your time on the skeptical few ? Your thread has reached ànd enlightened many who have expressed joy and gratitude for these superb fuses. If someone is unconvinced and set in their ways regarding a product that they have no familiarity with, why bother?  Listening is the final arbitrator. 
You're correct, ,the 30 day  return policy isn't unique but it is certainly useful and provides ample time for a thorough audition at home. I wish all audio products offered adequate return policy arrangements. 
No one's disagreeing with the reality of different results with the fuses and who is glossing anything over? You reported your results and I and others accept/respect that, no big deal. My point is that Frank  doesn't need to convince the skeptical. We all form our own conclusions  and that's that. Your opinion of the fuses is  no more or less credible than my or anyone else on this thread. It's an open forum and many impressions have been stated here. 
The beauty of the SR fuses is the 30 day return policy. You like the fuse, you buy. You don't like them,  return them and get your refund. No harm, no foul. Makes sense to me.
Hi Mapman,
To be clear, I've all the appreciation for technical explanation and understanding the "why and how" something performs as it does. I'm eager for information and further education,  so I understand your perspective. The thing is that even if I'm given a suitable technical explanation I'd still need to "hear" it to determine the merits of the product. 

Conversely if given the opportunity to listen to an audio product I can judge its worth and merits without any understanding of the underlying mechanism.  Either it sounds good or it doesn't.  No doubt that it's good to know why/what a product does on a technical level that satisfies one's curiosity quest. This knowledge won't answer the key question,  how does it sound?  There are things heard in High End audio that have yet to be fully  (or in some cases partially ) explained. 
Hi Geof,
Appreciate the recap.  I was addressing Mapman's stated need for  sufficient technical explanations prior to making the decision to buy a product. Bottom Line is that we all have our own thresholds /criteria when making purchasing choices. 
Hi Salyes,,
As I recall you have Atma-Sphere amplifiers. Are you using the Black fuses in them as well? 
Consider the number of individual listeners of these fuses who have successful results compared to the number who have not, pretty high ratio. I would not expect 100% consensus of opinion with these fuses(or any product for that matter). 
That's good to hear. Are you by chance using the Cerious Audio graphene power cables? 
Hi Frank,
I'm awaiting shipment of the O'Dette Lute CD.

Hi Whitestix,
I done quite a bit of tube rolling of various components over the years. As you note some changes are immediately obvious and some were subtle at best.   I have no way to explain your results with the SR Red fuses so I just simply accept your individual outcome.  

The effect of the Black fuses in my system were more noticeable and dramatic than a number of the tube comparisons.  Those were simply my results based on listening.  Although we had very different outcomes with the fuses I won't cast negative assertions and judgement towards you. You make many broad based assumptions about the many posters here whose results differed from yours.  All manner of audio products will inevitably yield a range of results from one end of the spectrum to the other.  Why the need to denigrate listeners whose impressions are contrary to yours?  The fuses were unimpressive for  you,I understand that.  For the vast majority on this thread the fuses have been a smashing sucessful tweak.
Earlier in this thread there was discussion of audio  equipment designers and builders regarding the use of premium fuses in their products. Of course the verdict is mixed among them.  There's a review of the highly praised French made TotalDACd1-6   on the 6 Moons review site. The Manufacturer offers the SR Quantum 20 fuses as an  upgrade in his DAC.  He believes that it is a clear improvement of the stock fuse. I don't know if he's aware of the Black fuse or not.   So some builders believe in these fuses and some don't. This review also offers interesting discussion/comparison  of the R2R ladder vs Delta Sigma topologies. 
Hi r_f_sayles,
I use the Ocellia Silver Reference IC and SC.  They're a fine match with the Coincident components and speakers. 
I'm not sure how familiar you are with this thread but music  and recording recommendations have been an ongoing feature. By no means are you the only music lover participating here. You'll find some really fine music titles shared in this ever growing thread. The fuses have only enhanced the music listening enjoyment. Stan Getz? Oh yeah. I can recommend some good Sonny Stitt and Daxter Gordon and much more. Frank (Oregonpapa)) can easily do the same. 
My fingers remain crossed regarding the Elrog 300bs. I hope they do prove to be durable long term. Their sound quality is sublime. I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your mother. 
That's makes a lot of sense.  This is why I and others  have written that the higher the audio  system's resolution prowess the greater the impact of the Black fuses. As one addresses distortion and lowers the noise floor in their respective system /components there's less veiling/limiting of what the Black fuses have to offer. You explain this progressive tweak  improvement well IMO.
Hi Mikirob,
You seem to have a consistent  knack for sniffing out the excellent audio products. So no surprise that you have found the Black fuses to be terrific in your system. Congratulations you hound dog 😊
Hi Whitestix,
I appreciate your comments, we're all just  music lovers looking for effective tweaks to further the enjoyment of listening to our music. 
Hey Jond,
Thanks for the Tim Warfield "Gentle Warrior" recommendation,  it's quite good!  Cyrus Chestnut plays terrific piano on this recording.   Here's one for you, vibraphonist Steve Nelson,"Sound-Effect"
Congratulations,  the list of happy Black fuse users continues to expand. Frank, see what you started ☺
I would say that given the number of new posters who continue to report such positive findings with use of the Black fuses, this thread is alive and doing quite well.
Well said! It's very gratifying to realize how many music lovers have discovered a wonderful affordable tweak as a result of this thread. The sharing of listening experiences,  information and goodwill is inspiring. The strong positive vibe this thread has maintained is also noteworthy. Many people have increased their enjoyment of music reproduction in their homes. What more could you want? 
Hello Jond,
I replaced the stock fuse with the SR Quantum20  over 3 years ago with good result. That fuse was replaced by the Black fuse with definitely further improvement.  The fuse is located on the rear panel at the IEC  plug site. It requires a 3 amp slo blo small size. À very worthy tweak for the Yamamoto. 
Jond, Yes,3.15 amp. I just rounded it off to "3" since it's so close in practical terms. 
The Yamamoto YDA-01 a is a one trick pony as it is limited to 16/44.1 Redbook only. The good news is that it renders it so organically, it just sounds right. I'm listening to a live recording of Wes Montgomery "Full House " and it is  a joy.

Congratulations on acquiring the Miyajima,  I really look forward to hearing it and how it differs from the ZYX Universe cartridge. More Black fuses will be a genuine treat given what we've heard them do in your system thus far . You have a lot of listening to do.
Hey why not? This is the best  way to determine which fuse is better in your system. 
Hi Jond,
You are correct,  the Yamamoto DAC can process up to 192K. I only use 16/44.1 and thus exposing my own bias based on my listening habits.  It's good to know that it handles 96K " brilliantly ". Regarding the "Full House " the version of "Born To Be Blue " is just beautiful. 
Hello Scott, 
The CSL and the Frankenstein  use the same 3 amp slo blo small size fuse. SR provides a 3.15 amp which have been fine for me. 
Hi Jond,
When you pull the fuse tray out there are two fuses. The outer one is the spare and the innermost fuse is the functional one. I placed the Black fuse in the normal reading i.e. left to right position. 

When you consider the enormous number of posts on this thread,  the positive ones are an overwhelming majority. Actually there's been only a minute number of negatives, which is to be expected. I personally don't consider Al one of the negatives. He has healthy skepticism but refrains from insults or put  down comments. He doesn't question the subjective findings of the many seasoned listeners here that he's familiar with. Al is the epitome of class IMHO.
Hi scott,
I just saw your question on my system page.  I left a reply for you on that site. 
Hi Jond,
If you pull the fuse in a downward motion it will pop out.  You'll push the new fuse in an upward direction and it will snap into place. So it's vertical rather than horizontal manipulation. 
To finish my point Jond, the Yamamoto DAC like all really good components seems to respond to better power  cables and fuses. That's been my experience anyway. 
II find the premium fuses so interesting. When I first tried them I began with the SR Quantum 20.sound quality took a step backwards in my Frankenstein SET amplifier but improved after about 1 week of regular use. This same fuse placed in the Yamamoto DAC was an immediate sonic upgrade, why the different response? Who knows. 

On the other hand the SR Red fuses were instantly an improvement in every component when they replaced the Quantum 20 fuses. The Black fuses were good initially and just kept improving over additional time. Each situation /interaction was unique. 

Jond,the Yamamoto lik