John Curl advocates this one: re-settable fuses They are starting now becoming industry standard as their prices have come down over the last year or so, they are now much cheaper than a good $2 fuse + the fuse holder, and that is a big fact to manufacturers. But there’s no voodoo inside them if you care to investigate. Cheers George |
re-settable fuses are yet another example of out of the box thinking.
I believe it's more called progression, and becoming viable ($ wise) for manufactures to finally start using in big numbers, as a few years ago they were way too expensive. Cheers George |
On my HT system I have an Marantz SR6004 which has two of these resettable fuses in it. The one on the standby transformer during a power blackout blew, instead of resetting. It was a pig to replace as it’s down the bottom of the three stacked boards and I had to remove all the boards and that bottom board to solder in a new one. If it was just a fuse in a clamp holder I could have replaced it easy with long nose pliers without removing anything. How a PTC resettable fuse works Cheers George |
Each time a person posts a negative comment (and the given return post), synergistic sells 2-4-10 more fuses
Got to keep thing honest, the gullible will buy it regardless. Cheers George |
So why don't we find some music that makes us happy, put it on, and if its your thing pour yourself a drink or light one up.
Yeah, and put your fuse in the other way around, and have an epiphany, aided by the above. Cheers George |
We get it already foolish and delusional folks who appreciate overpriced silly fuses.
And future "gullible" purchasers, deserve to hear both side of the fence, not just the voodoo side, every time they are bought up to be the saviour of good audio sound. And if some here want to turn this "fuse thread" into a "music review thread" can I suggest the "Music Thread" instead of just bumping this one for the hope of more potential fuse sales. Cheers George |
Paul McGowen of PS Audio expresses his beliefs that improving fuses can lead to improved sound on his site. It’s very well just because of this, not voodoo. This is all fusers need to know. All potential fusers need to remember that fuses deteriorate with age from switch on surges (as pictured).
And they just need to be replaced with good quality $2 fuse of the same value, as Almarg linked to. Cheers George |
Such a strong and relentless stance has been taken there’s no way one could ever concede these fuses have any redeeming qualities at all. Negative expectation bias in full glory. Only with pointing those to spend >$100 + on a fuse when the same result can be had by spending $2, because of the original possibly being an "aged" fuse. This is all fusers need to know. All potential fusers need to remember that fuses deteriorate with age from switch on surges (as pictured), and they just need to be replaced with good quality $2 fuse of the same value, as Almarg linked to. Cheers George |
PLEASE give it a rest Sorry but have to decline that request! As every time voodoo is repetitively presented about these >$100 fuses by fusers, I and hopefully others with even a small amount of technical knowledge will continue to counter it with with our views, and I believe we have the right to do so. Cheers George |
oregonpapa There are a few of us who have been given the full rundown on WHY these fuses work the magic they do. The problem is, we have been instructed to not tell you and Wolfie. Sorry. Really!!! this smells, if you have been "ordered" that we are to be left in the dark, then please tell the full "secret" rundown why these magic fuses work to others who are privileged, almarg ect. Let them see if it’s all smoke and mirrors. I will concede and become a believer if someone with electronic knowledge like almarg says it correct, even without knowing the "full rundown". Once again this is all fusers need to know. All potential fusers need to remember that fuses deteriorate with age from switch on surges (as pictured), and they just need to be replaced with good quality $2 fuse of the same value, as Almarg linked to. Cheers George |
Oh dear, no no no, lets not even go there
Cheers George |
fleschler67 postsHas anyone on this forum broke open an SR black fuse and analyzed what it is made of and constructed? Would be very interesting for one of the blown ones to be sent to almarg for a analysis of what’s inside, but then again SR may have insisted it be sent back to them for the refund or replacement of a bigger amperage one Cheers George |
Finally I just installed the fuse with direction along with the flow of electricity and decided to leave it then. Hate to tell you, but AC electricity doesn’t flow, it alternates back and forward 50 or 60 time a second (50hz 60hz) depending which country your in. So the directionality of an ac mains fuses is all "expectation bias". You'd have better cred if you belived in the tooth fairy. This is all potential fusers need to know: "All potential fusers need to remember that fuses deteriorate with age from switch on surges (as pictured), and they just need to be replaced with good quality $2 fuse of the same value, as Almarg linked to.
Cheers George |
Fuses - all fuses - have been measured to have lower resistance in one direction than the other. Please post links to proven scientific data on this, not just hearsay. Maybe old fuses that have had many switch-on cycles put through them, sag and get carbon build up, even then it’s doubtful. (see 5 different length of times same fuse, ageing over time first link) For anyone worried that your old fuses have been subjected to too many switch on/off surges. "All potential fusers need to remember that fuses deteriorate with age from switch on surges (as pictured), and they just need to be replaced with good quality $2 fuse of the same value, as Almarg linked to. Cheers George |
But they will sound different to those withl "expectation bias" because they just spent >$100 for a $2 item. BTW I asked you to "post links" for factual scientific non audio related data, any data supplied by the company selling the fuse can be dismissed as hearsay.
Cheers George
Get them yourself. Is your arm broken?
Hey your the one asking members here to believe you! Cheers George |
The HiFi Tuning fuse data sheets have been discussed like forever. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Like I politely asked. I asked you to "post links" which you refuse the do, from factual scientific non audio related data that says AC fuses are directional. Any data supplied by the Audio company/s selling these sometimes "re-bagged" audio fuse can be dismissed as hearsay/voodoo. Cheers George
These DCR results show nothing! and can never be heard even by you with your bat ears, they have differences in hundredth’s!!! of milliohms!!!!!!!! (.00001 of an ohm) which mean nothing, this can be the change by the hand warming the probes or the direction of the wind or humidity or the rotation of the earth, in other words it’s just VOODOOO sales speak!!!!!
Show me and the members here, a change in AC resistance 1ohm or even a tenth of an ohm, then your statements about fuse direction "may" carry some cred, but even then it’s flawed as AC changes 60 x a second as for now it’s still just marketing voodoo speak.
Cheers George |
IMO those numbers are so miniscule as to be:
Geoff continues to assert that the HiFi Tuning measurements support the notion that fuses are inherently directional. This is also laughable Thank you Al. But I’ll go with what Geoff hears as the effects of the rotational pull of the earth, or maybe himself, (rotating that is.) not to be confused with what most are thinking as you need a few to do that, then again??? Cheers George |
Al and George must believe directional Arrows
Al and George, the evidence is piling up.
Al and George are the poster children for the Backfire Effect
Slow down Geoff, or you'll blow your pooffoo valve, it just time to do a little weeding, to check an epidemic of Voodoo. Cheers George |
The answer to find a better fuse might be in some dynamic testing method
Only "maybe" if it looks like the same one on the right after many switch on cycles and carbon build up, then just buy a new one for $2.
Cheers George |
Yeah, welcome back Frank, didn’t know about this, wondered why all went quiet for a while, thought you just sat out out for rounds 9 and 10. Back into it yeah, ding, round 11.
Cheers George |
Buzzzzz. Voodooist! You loose. And you got 2mins
Answer= .318hz -3dB
Cheers George |
And all this means what? That Bybee is a crook? That his products are not quantum mechanical but ordinary plain resistors and whatever? That the Bybee reviews are rigged? That this Bybee stuff is nothing more than placebo effect and expectation bias? That everyone except you is delusional? That it’s group hypnosis? All of the above? You said it Geoff, not me? Just like Saun Mook and his black pucks, and reverse-able $$$$ fuses here. Pure voodoo that has no laws of electronics for any backup to claims whatsoever, just expectation bias. Cheers George |
Ok a simple test, must be done in the next 1min a source has an output dc bocking cap of 10uf, it seeing the input impedance of the next stage of 50kohm, what is the -3db point in hz? Cheers George |
That’s right if you couldn’t do that without the need to Google then your statement "I've forgotten more electronics than you ever knew. Assuming you ever knew any" Is moot and pure voodoo. If you want we can continue and I’ll throw some harder stuff at you, that you won’t find in your book of voodoo, or be able to Google, but if your worth your electronic engineering salt, as you say you are then you should be able nut it out also in under 1min. Cheers George. |
V.P. S-Agnew Good buddy, great knowledge of Ohms/Kirchhoff and Coulomb's laws of electronics. Cheers George |
Can't see the forest through the trees, look hard Geoff you may see it.
Cheers George |
veerapaneni I got blue fuse for my ARC REF 5SE but don’t hear any difference in sound when compared to OEM fuse. That’s because you are immune to "expectation bias." Send it back for a refund. veerapaneni There is no direction information on fuse and it looks same on both sides, but don't hear any difference what so ever.
Because it’s an ac fuse and it doesn’t matter, even if it were a dc fuse it still wouldn’t matter. Cheers George |
try both directions and let your ears determine the 'right' installation.
As he's stated "
but don't hear any difference what so ever." Cheers George |
And despite being a "waste of time," you are still in this thread. 🙄
He's for the same reason as Al and others are, to give honest technical views to the gullible who may be sucked into this snake oil/voodoo. EG: picking up 3-4v of mains voltage, this is laughable, as are other improvement statements. Cheers George |
Only idiots bypass fuses, risking fire and life, thinking the sound will be bettered by doing so.
Cheers George |
You are "assuming" that every fuse is needed for protection purposes, and that there is no difference. That makes an "ass" out of "u." No your are sunshine, as any fuse is there to stop component/s from frying up ot even exploding, which can result in fire and even death. So who’s the ass? (A typical fusers statement, please name one fuse that’s not there for protection.) Cheers George |
but have you tried a beeswax fuse Ear wax fuses are even better, as they have a more humane sound to them, they don't buzz like bees-wax ones, give them a go. I promised not give the suppliers name as he doesn’t want to rushed with orders. As he can only suck enough out of his families ears for one fuse a week. So you’ll have to search for it, but keep it to yourself. Cheers George |