Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by davidpritchard

Wes Montgomery + Black fuses = A great experience.

Charles and jond: I hope when your system changes slow down you will consider experimenting with the Synergistic Research ECT's. In the right locations they help to focus the music and enhance the emotion. They are a bit of trial and error but no 100 hr. break in to endure. They do come with the 30 day return policy. I found them to be a very rewarding experiment.

David Pritchard

For those who do not have a replaceable fuse (ala the Oppo 95), this is a good place to try a WA Quantum chip on the soldered fuse. It's benefit is not of the same magnitude as a Synergistic Research Black fuse, but it may be better than the stock fuse. It was on my Marantz SA11-S1. The Marantz SA11-S2  has a replaceable fuse and was helped by the Black fuse.

David Pritchard

Congratulations on the improved sound. I think you will hear continued improvement over the next two weeks. Where are you going to put the Synergistic Research Black Power Cord?

David Pritchard

What Pre amp are you using? I look forward to your listening experiences after you have more time on the fuse. It will be interesting to read your report of any differences the direction makes.

Note to Synergistic Research Transporter users.
 Upgrading the factory fuses (SR-20's) to the SR Black has made a significant improvement to my system. I very much think it is worth the upgrade to the Black fuse. The Transporter uses three fuses.

Reminder - The Newport Beach Audio Show is June 3-4-5 this year at the Hotel Irvine. Synergistic Research will have a major display of their products. I think this is a great show to go to.

David Pritchard


Congratulations on trying the UEF acoustic panels. Did they come with  the new UEF acoustic dots that go on the wall and ceiling? 
Synergistic Research is having a special promotion April 15-17 as these panels are being introduced at the Chicago Audio Show which starts tomorrow.

I would think your dealer would match the show special. 

Scott Walker Audio is handling the show sales. 

These were designed for recording studios. Scott Walker in an E-mail says he is very impressed with them and now has them installed in one of his listening rooms.

David Pritchard

I just looked at High End Electronics site and they are showing the special  package of the Acoustic Panels with the Dots.

I look forward to your impressions. 

David Pritchard


McIntosh and Synergistic Research exhibited at Rocky Mountain last October, and the sound in that room was the best of any show room I have heard in the last 5 years. Once that fuse has some time on it I believe you will be quite pleased.

But if not happy with the amount or quality of system improvement, send it back!


The UEF panels may not synergize as well with the Audio Horizon Bells as the Synergistic Research Dots. I know SR suggests the Panels be used with the Dots and not the HFT's. I look forward to your listening experience. Your situation demonstrates why this forum can be so helpful. You will be trying combinations of products that no one else has tried.

David Pritchard 



Congratulations on the sonic improvemrnts using the Synergistic Research Black fuses. What preamp and mono block amps are you using?
I agree that the SR Black fuse allows for more emotional satisfaction at a lower listening volume than when using a HiFi Gold, Isoclean, or original fuse. I am enjoying a system with more sonic information being sent to the listener. Over the next one to two weeks I believe you will continue to hear improvements.

David Pritchard


Congratulation on getting the lid off the Marantz Sa11-2. That unit has one main power fuse and also 6 rail fuses. The rail fuses are 1.6 amp and 1 amp rated. The main fuse is the 3.15 amp.

Leave the unit on 24/7 for best results. Give the fuse a week to settle in.

David Pritchard


I would put a Black fuse in the amp next and then the preamp.


I believe you are going to like the sound of the Synergistic Research Black fuse. There will be an immediate change but then it will take up to 100 hours of playing time to fully settle in. During this time there may be a sense of the music being constricted but then it will open up and have a wonderful sense of effortless flow.

If you like the change in sound I suggest putting a Black fuse in          CD  player/DAC next. finally replace the other internal fuses.

The SR Black fuses come with a 30 day return policy. So take your time listening and enjoy. 

David Pritchard


I second and third what Charles said about AC power. I do hope everyone reading this thread will try a high quality A/C wall outlet.

My personal favorites are the Furutech GTX and the Synergistic Research Tesla SE outlets. The SR outlets are fun to try as they have a 30 return policy.

I do think upgrading the main power fuses for each piece of equipment and  upgrading the wall outlets should be done prior to auditioning various power cords and interconnects. This allows one to hear the maximum benefit of a cable change.

Last night it was live music for 100 people at the season ending concert for El Paso Pro Musica.  Beethoven piano sonatas x two plus Bach. No written music on the stand. Just straight ahead playing. The artistic director of the series is Zuil Bailey. His Cd 's showcase some of the best in cello playing. The SR Black fuses certainly do allow me to hear the fine details of Mr. Bailey's expressive playing.

David Pritchard   


Thank you for the reminder to experiment with speaker toe- in after putting in better performing fuses such as the Synergistic Research Black fuses.

Also experiment with small changes in the position of the footers under the equipment.

The speaker and footer changes  can sometimes really improve the system's sound. Even after a "small" change like a fuse.

David Pritchard


Excellent initial description of a Synergistic Research Black fuse sonic change. The fuse needs about 100 to 200 hours to fully settle in. However in My Marantz I heard positive trends at 24 hours of playing time. Then a gradual more relaxed and open sound.

I was very happy at the end of two weeks.

We are fortunate that the Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player has a replaceable power fuse. The SA11-S1 has a non replaceable fuse.

Congratulations on getting the player's lid off - it is a challenge to remove.

David Pritchard

All of my amplifiers are tube amps. I found the "downside" that mapman stated was surpassed with "upside benefits" when each tube amplifier had 150 hours of on time with a Synergistic Research Black fuse in place.

Yes the sonic improvement was worth putting 150 hours on the KR PX-25 tubes , the Elrog 845 tubes, and the now unobtainium Valvo 6SL7gt Hamburg 1959 tube!


Listen closely to your system at 6:00 pm this Sunday. I believe you will have a most enjoyable listening session.

To all reading this. If you wonder is there any possible way I can enhance the enjoyment of listening to the music I love- audition a Synergistic Research Black fuse. If you know there is no possible way to improve the listening enjoyment of your music- turn off the computer and turn on the music!

Tonight Mozart chamber music. This past Monday, Beethoven piano sonatas live in a room that holds a maximum of 100 people. I would say a pretty good reference point.

David Pritchard
The two Synergistic Research Black wall outlets are on the way from High-End Electronics as of 10:00 am today. I expect to receive them Tuesday. Alfred Kainz of High End Electronics said the breakin is similar to the Black fuse in terms of sonic changes and time to settle in.

I have spent a lot of time comparing wall outlets:
Synergistic Research Tesla SE
Oyaide R-1
Furutech GTX-R
PS Audio Premium (grey body)
Original standard home outlets

David Pritchard
oregon papa:

What outlets of outlet are you presently using? My three systems -two loudspeaker systems and one dedicated headphone system all have 5 outlets on each circuit. No way to have dedicated lines. Today each system is multiple Synergistic Research Teslaplex outlets with one or two Furutech GTX-R on the same circuit. 

With the black outlets I will put one on a headphone circuit and one on the system with the Terasonic single driver. I will leave the horn system alone to be the "control".

All the outlets are mounted to the Oyaide aluminum frame with carbon faceplates.

I am a real turtle when it comes to evaluating system changes. So no every 30 minute updates, but I do try to be thorough, and objective. And I do not hesitate to send products back that do not make a significant improvement.

The most important themes from this thread to me are:

Do not be scared to try products.
Send products back that are not worth it.
The same product may not help my system but might be perfect for your system.
Get over being scared to open an audio device even if just to look inside.
After a new device is added to a system and settled in, do not forget to consider fine tuning speaker toe in orthe location of footers under components.
The human listens with his brain not his ears. The ears are only acoustic transducers. Therefore a large emotional impact  of an audio system change might measure very small or large .

Satisfying listening to all.

David Pritchard


I am confident that you will hear significant differences between the Furutech GTX-R, Synergistic Research Teslaplex, and the newest Synergistic Research Black wall outlet when compared to your present outlet.

David Pritchard


It is amazing how much the Marantz SA11-S2 CD player responds to a Black fuse at the main power location. Small group music ( such as the Trio you mentioned) really becomes much more emotionally engaging with the Black fuse in place.

Again  congratulations on getting the cover off the player and the Black fuse installed.

David Pritchard

You have the Black fuse installed the same way as I have in the Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player. If the original fuse sounds better send the Black fuse back. It is all a matter of optimum system synergy.

Glad to hear we both use the Oyaide WPC-Z outlet cover. I really like them. The SR Black outlets should arrive tomorrow. I will need to first condition them for a week before auditioning them .

I hope you will compare the fuses you presently use to a Synergistic Research Black fuse. I bet you have more experience with Audio Magic fuses than most of us. It would be less than a five dollar experiment (the cost of return shipping).

Relax and enjoy the music.

David Pritchard

I too am looking forward to the sonic changes I hear comparing the Furutech GTX-R, SR Teslaplex, and the arived but not installed SR Black A/C wall outlet. The new outlet is a modified TR brand with I believe graphene on the HOT wire screws and UEF coating on other parts of the outlet body. This would be in addition to what is done to the SR Teslaplex outlet.

To All:

Please remember your Mother This Sunday.

David Pritchard
Congratulations on getting the fuse direction optimized and in enduring the break in period. I have the Synergistic Research Black fuse orientated just the same as yours. I really like the sound from this model  Marantz SACD player with a least one Black fuse in place.

The Synergistic Research Black A/C wall outlet has arrived and I installed it today at noon. It replaces the Furutech GTX-R. I believe I am hearing the strong attributes of both a Furutech outlet and a Synergistic Research Teslaplex outlet. The enhanced signal conduction of the SR outlet combined with a deeper soundstage and mico detail of the Furutech outlet.

I certainly will know a lot more in one to two weeks. If you still have an ordinary household plug I do hope you will upgrade it to one of the several excellent audio grade plugs.

Instead of making the mistake of buying a new power tool for a Mother's Day present, I did actually buy my Mother a Synergistic Research Black A/C wall outlet. Of course it comes with free installation by me ! I know she will appreciate Chet's guitar playing streaming to her Terasonic speakers even more the more.

David Pritchard

The first Synergistic Research Black A/C wall outlet is now installed in the dedicated headphone system. It replaced the Furutech GTX-R outlet. At 9 am today it had a total  of 25 hours  on it. It has already started to open up and become more relaxed. It is a worthy improvement over the SR Teslaplex and the Furutech. It has the more music qualities of the SR outlet with the big soundstage and better high frequencies of the Furutech. It then has much better separation of instruments + lower floor noise than the other two outlets. There is no sense of damping as with an Oyaide R 1.

The Synergistic Research Black outlet is a premium sounding outlet. It will stay in my system.

Shortly I am going over to my Mother's house to install a Black outlet for her Mother's Day present.

A premium mom deserves a premium A/C wall outlet.

David Pritchard

Just returned from the A/C outlet installation. There are a total of five outlets on a common circuit. The power conditioner was plugged into a Furutech GTXD-R outlet with hundreds of hours on it (as it is on 24/7) . The new outlet is the Synergistic Research Black outlet. Since the systen already uses an Oyaide mountaing frame , changing outlets is easy.

Right out of the box this new SR Black outlet is superior in this system. Second songwas a Bobby Hackett trumpet piece. So much more detail, flow, and space between instruments. This system is the Type 45 tube amp (Emotive Custom Limited Edition), Antellope DAC, and Terasonic speakers with dual Gallo sub woofers. These are reviewer Jack Robert's former speakers. They need maybe 1/2 watt of power. Beautiful music was playing when I left the room.

As the door closed my Mother said " Thank you. I love you".  This outlet is sure better than any bouquet of flowers.

David Pritchard
You are absolutely correct that each outlet in my Mother's system effects the system's sound even though three outlets of the five total have no audio components inserted. The other outlets have previously been upgrade to three Synergistic Research Teslaplex and one Furutech GTXD-R. 

I plan to allow the new Synergistic Research Black outlet to break in for a week and then see if adding an additional Black outlet will obtain an additional improvement.

David Pritchard
System 1:
Plugged into the Black outlet is the Synergistic Research Power Conditioner 10 Mark ll. The audio system is then plugged into the conditioner.

System 2:
Plugged into the Black outlet is a Synergistic Research Power Conditioner 4. This is the headphone system. So SACD player and tube amp are plugged into this conditioner. The Black outlet is really improving the headphone experience. 75 hours on this system.

Neither my house nor my Mother's apartment is it possible to have dedicated circuits. I am looking forward to Mother's Day Dinner at the apartment tonight so I can also get listen to the break in progress her Black outlet has made -it will have 24 hours on it.

David Pritchard

She loves to hear music on a system where she can experience the artistry and emotion of the performers. She did not become an audiophile until the age of 88.

At age 88  she was critically ill in the hospital. I took a portable CD player with Sennheiser 650 headphones and CD of  Mozart concertos to the hospital. At night I put the CD on continuous repeat play. The music allowed her to both get some sleep and be at peace at whatever the outcome was to be. By the narrowest of margins she recovered.

Since then her music system has evolved to the satisfying system she enjoys so much

David Pritchard. 

I have not tried the new Furutech NCF outlet. I am quite sure it is in the highest level of outlets available ( going on the quality of sound their GTXD-R outlet gives. Before the Black outlet I was using three to four Synergistic Research Teslaplex outlets together with one or two Furutech GTX outlets on the same shared circuit. Each circuit has five outlets. Dedicated outlets not an option. A Furutech outlet was replaced with the SR Black outlet. This is the outlet the power conditioner is plugged into.

The SR Black has many of the qualities of these two outlets if they were combined, with the additional fabulous quality of greatly improved sense of separation of instruments and greater dynamic impact.

This is a wonderful rewarding outlet even after only 15 hours on the Terasonic speaker system.

My Mother called me at 9:00 this morning saying " I turned on my music system (with the new Black oulet) this morning at 6 am. I couldn't wait any longer to call to tell you my system has never sounded better".

I went over and listened and she was absolutely correct. The depth of emotion in Frank Sinatra's voice and Karen Carpenter voice was breathtaking. It really was a very special hour of time spent with my Mother.

David Pritchard


Congratulations on evaluating two fuses in a thorough and systematic manner. I believe this is the only approach that fine tunes a system in order to reach that truly special listening experience.

There are no shortcuts to achieving excellence in any endeavor!

Also great to know that Audio Horizons has a good return policy.

FUSES- the 21 century tube rolling past time.

David Pritchard 

Thank you for the link. That sounds good even over my portable laptop speaker! They have her voice miked just right. It is a small world. I was listening to some Paul Weston cuts on Mother's Day. A talented studio arranger - producer. It was on the Sirius Internet "Escape" channel .

David Pritchard
Congratulations on your system's improvement. I do think the Synergistic Research Grounding Block is a major advance. I also believe you auditioned the Grounding Block to maximum positive effect by installing the Grounding Block and letting  it settle in for 24 hours before listening.

This is a much more effective than the Acoustic Revive RG-24 Grounding device. 

The Grounding Block is  no where near the cost of the Entreq or Tripoint grounding systems.

It is easy to install and comes with a 30 day trial so it is nearly free to evaluate in a system.

I am now a firm believer in audio grade fuses, audio grade A/C wall outlets, and the SR Grounding Block.

David Pritchard
I would replace the fuse to the SR Black first. I replaced fuses first and then outlet. I think the combination of the "big sound" of the Teslaplex combined with the Black fuse in the source and amp is a big step forward. Not every room will need what the Black outlet brings to a system.

David Pritchard


The Synergistic Research Black A/C outlet has more complex and better qualities than the Teslaplex, Teslaplex SE, and the Furutech GTXD-R (Rhodium). I found your one sentence descriptions of these outlets to be accurate and concise.

The Black outlet has the best of each outlet's qualities put into one single outlet. There is better definition and micro detail than the Teslaplex, more forward and bigger presentation (more emotion) than the Furutech. The space between the instruments is excellent but not so dark that one gets a cold and sterile  soundstage. It has the air of the Furutech without the rhodium metal sound.

On the headphone system I am using 4 Teslaplex SE + 1 Black outlet. This is with the Sennheiser 800 headphones (these headphones have a big soundstage to begin with). When I put the Enigmacoustic Dharma headphones in the system I will try 3 Teslaplex SE, 1 Furutech GTX-R, and 1 Black outlet.

On the Terasonic speaker system I replaced the Furutech GTX-R with the Black outlet. This kept the big soundstage with less of a  metal sound and a more relaxed sound. The other 4 outlets are Teslaplex SE.

I do like the sound of my systems to fill the room and not be "over there".

The headphone system certainly is not limited to being "inside my head".

I do think the Synergistic Research Black outlet is a significant development showing improved qualities in several areas. I think this outlet is worth the premium price.

David Pritchard

Charles1 dad:

I have enjoyed your posts, and so I have taken the plunge and the 300 b tube SET amp is on the way. The Psvane 300b WE tubes arrived yesterday ( 4 day shipping from Grant Fidelity- via their Hong Kong facility). It will be interesting to see how the 300b amp compares to the Art Audio Px-25 amp. A battle of the high output giants- five watts versus six watts!

What do those Pass Lab owners do with the extra 295 watts?

David Pritchard 


Thank you. I am glad you tried this advanced modification and it enhanced your sound system. In fact I just repeated the experiment using the combination of Black fuses combined with  Synergistic Research ECTs placed on the fuse holders in my headphone system. The fuses now have over 300 hours on them so are surely settled in. The results continue to be positive. 

One can over do using ECTs. In my speaker horn system adding ECTs to the fuses on a Synergistic Research Transporter gave more definition but with a loss of the music having a palpable quality. The sound became more  like the way  electrostatics often sound.

It is always disappointing for me to read a post as the above post by wolf_garcia. He is a coward and cyber bully. He has made extremely serious allegations and accused Oregonpapa of illegal and unethical behavior. Of course he is hiding  behind the  screen of a moniker.

I use my legal name in all my posts so there is no doubt who wrote the thread. I have posted my phone number for all to see so if anyone wanted to discuss an audio topic off line and one on one they  could do so. 

I have found the Synergistic Black fuses to make a significant improvement in the sound and enjoyment of my audio system. I have tried to articulate the change in sound I hear  with installation of these fuses. I have emphasized the fact that if one does not hear a benefit with these fuses to return them for a refund.

Oregonpapa has taken considerable time and his money to investigate the effects of audio grade fuses. He  has then simply shared his results to this forum. I am grateful  for this information.

David Pritchard


The amp is the DIY Forum ( but already built Get Set Go ) amp that was listed here on Audiogon. It runs the 300b tubes conservatively and so output is 5 watts. I very much like the sound of the Psvane 845 WE-  in the Triode of Japan 845 amp. They and the Elrog 845 do  sound good. The Psvane perhaps more lyical and the Elrogs more detailed.

The tubes arrived from China faster than the amp has from Arizona!  Still waiting on the amp to arrive.

Rachael Grant who continues to manage  Grant's Audio was very prompt in my E-mail questions.

Newport Beach Audio Show in 2 weeks from tomorrow.

I hope all who read Audiogon and can go, please do so. I find the trip from New Mexico to Irvine, California well worth the time and money.

My son Jack who is an all state viola high school student has his final concert tonight. He has tried the WA Quantum chip (for acoustic instruments ) on his viola. He heard a definite change in sound with there being  "a sound with more presence and more forward ".    I was impressed he would try the Chip, and I am glad he is able to have a sense of adventure and experimentation in music and in life.

I hope all are able to enjoy music this weekend on the system of their choice and the fuses of their choice.

David Pritchard

oregon papa:

Living in Las Cruces, New Mexico, chilli both red and green types and then which variety is taken very seriously. I have had the pleasure of meeting the Family that developed the famous Big Jim  chile plant (Hatch, New Mexico).
When you get to talk with the developer+ breeder of a well known type of chilli you gain a lot of insight into the complexities of a respected product.

This holds true in the audio world. When you have the opportunity to talk to the developer of a product don't miss the chance. I think most of us will know quickly if that person's product is worth the time and money to evaluate. This is why I attend shows like Newport Beach.

Tomorrow Zuill Bailey is playing a "Pop Up Concert" in El Paso at 2:30 in the afternoon! This is spontaneous music at it's finest. Up close and informal, listening to a 1693 cello played by a master of the expressive school of cello playing. Is it worth the 100 mile drive round trip. Absolutely.

Is it worth trying a Synergistic Research Black fuse with it's 100 hour breakin. Absolutely.

David Pritchard


I have not tried the Wattgate. The Synergistic Research Black has the sound of a Teslaplex combined with a Furutech GTX-R. I think you would find giving the Black outlet  an audition most worthwhile.

I have just gotten home from a wonderfuly rewarding road trip. Yes it is worth driving 100 miles to hear Zuill Bailey play Bach cello sonatas when you are sitting in an acoustically fabulous room six feet from this gifted muscian. 

I hope all readers of this thread who enjoy cello music will take the time to explore his website and his music.

I returned to Las Cruces and visited my Mother who was listening to jazz guitar player Tony Mottola " The music has never sounded better. Thank you for putting in the Black fuses and the Black outlet". She is not burdened with having to have a technical explanation of how a component works or how it looks. She is legally blind due to macular degeneration. She only wants to know if the music sounds better to her. 

Hearing the joy in her voice was quite special.

David Pritchard


That was a wonderful five sentence description of the effect the Black fuse has on a system's sound. " The room is filled with sound" - like oregon papa, my system now has this quality  with the Black fuses in place.

It really makes the music and the artist's performance take on a very emotional experience. No longer is the music just " over there ". Now I am surrounded and immersed in the sound.

Zacho - The Singapore voltage will not be a problem with the fuses. I do think you will hear a wonderful improvement with the Black fuses in both your amp and DAC. I hope you will try the fuses. I certainly am glad that I did.

David Pritchard
I am glad you are enjoying the SR Black fuses in your already wonderfully performing system. I hope you will be able to give the SR Black A/C outlets a try in your system.

I am finding a very good synergy with using the Black fuse with the Black outlet.

Will you be able to attend Newport Beach this year?

David Pritchard


Congratulations on your sonic improvement. Your system sounds like it has achieved the level so many desire and yet so few obtain.

Ordering ten fuses and then taking the time to orientate the fuses takes courage and dedication that many lack.

I hope you will try the Synergistic Research Black outlets in your system. They do use the same technology as the fuses. And like the fuses, they need 100 to 200 hours to fully settle in.

David Pritchard


I absolutely agree. I now have a SR Black fuse in a Zvox TV sound bar that cost $399. There was a significant improvement in audio quality. 


Black fuses and morning swimming - two great ideas that improve the quality of life.

David Pritchard


What a wonderful post. I find it interesting that you and I have had good results with these Back fuses and both of us have serious musicians in the family - your wife playing violin and my son viola. I am also blessed to have a reference point for the seemingly obligatory audio show female voice in my daughter who is in band and choir. It is a thrill to hear her sing the national anthem at a school function. Acappella - no auto pitch- no compression - no retakes - no overdubs. Just heartfelt emotion.

That is more of what I hear with the Black fuses in place - emotion. This is with using three different systems in three different rooms.

So if your life experience would benefit from listening to music that communicates with more emotion give the Synergistic Research Black fuses a trial. If you are absolutely content with your system, quit reading these posts on Audiogon and go turn on your music system.

David Pritchard

What a great description of the sound changes the Synergistic Research Black fuse makes at the 10 hour mark. Three sentences that summarize what these fuses do for a system.

Better separation - more detail - relaxation - a sweeter sound.

The same descriptive words I thought of when listening to the new fuse after it had 10-15 hours on it.

Charles1 dad:

I big thank you for all your posts about 300B tube amplifiers. I bought the 300B tube amp listed here at Audiogon that is based on the DIY Ready Set Go circuit. It runs the 300 tube conservatively putting out 5 watts. To go with the amp I bought the Psvane 300 WE tubes from Grant Fidelity (I think a much better source for Chinese tubes than take your chances on E-Bay).

The amp sounded nice after 24 hours of playing. And then the fun. I took a fully broken in SR fuse and put it in the amp.
Immediate and Dramatic improvement! The room came alive with musical   emotion. 

Six days to the Newport Beach audio festival- June 3 to 5.

Two simple suggestions to improving one's audio system.
      1. Go to Newport Beach and listen to a lot of systems.
      2. Try a Synergistic Research Black fuse in your system.

David Pritchard

Here is my cell phone - five- seven-five-six-four-four-one- four- six- two.

Those You Tube posts were great.  I would listen to Lightning Hopkins play live on AM radio on the Jim Lowe Blues Show late at night. Alligator clip from the window metal screen to the antenna of my (4 transistors)  radio and the music going to my single ear plug. No air conditioning in my parent's house (Dallas, Texas) in the 50's and early 60's. You could hear the sweat in Lightning's voice and I could feel the sweat lying in bed with my head pressed against the window screen hoping for a little bit of cool air.

I still love the old blues from the 30's to the 60's.

A hundred hours now on the 300b amp that I have nicknamed Cutie Pie. It is small in size and light weight - 25 lbs. But with it's very good circuit design, high quality part utilization, new Psvane 300 WE output tubes, and Synergistic Research fuse it is really driving my horn system with emotion .

The amp is based on a design by Shannon Parks' Get Set Go circuit and was built by Greg Johnson.

David Pritchard
With your love of vinyl and great music systems playing great music, I hope you will spend some time at the High Water Sound Room - Rm. 228. Jeffery Catalano will have a super vinyl rig with big horns. He has a wonderful Blues and Jazz collection. Because of the Super Bowl last year, Rocky Mountain Audiofest was deserted by 2 pm. Jeff let me pick track after track. Lightning does sound better on a $ 200,000.00 system as compared to the old days listening with my Firestone Brand transistor radio.

We were like two kids given free reign in the candy shop. Together we both enjoyed some great music. 

See you and others at Newport.

David Pritchard
I loved that 9 volt transistor radio. The exotic 9 volt battery. Eveready  with the cat on the battery cover just looked cool. No more crystal sets shaped like a Rocketship  with the tuner wire coming out of the nose cone. No sir. I went Electric even before Bob Dylan did

With a great system such as my Mother's, it is interesting how good Sirius Internet Streaming can sound. Yes it has fewer bits than Spotify and way less than Tidal, but Bobby Hackett's Trumpet was playing in the room tonight and then Frank Sinatra sang. "You know I heard him live- singing with the Dorsey Band" she reminded me.

She loves the sound of her system with it's Black fuses, Black Wall Outlets, and SET amplifier.

David Pritchard
Charles 1 dad:
I do hope you find a way to get to the Newport Beach Show. It is well worth the money and effort. Oregonpapa is absolutely correct. The Synergistic Research room was spectacular. The team of Synergistic Research and Scott Walker really know how to make a giant room sound other worldly good.

Many good sounds this year- High End Electronics with Voxativ speakers, Acoustic Zen, High Water Sound with Cassaro Horns, Tonian speakers, Blue Light Audio showing the BIG Evolution speakers. I spent most of my time in the Synergistic, High Water Sound, and the Blue Light Audio Rooms just listening to great music

Yep- the Synergistic Research fuse sounds better in one direction ( After installing the Black fuse now in 21 locations for three systems).

David Pritchard

Congratulations on the improvement. For your amp you might want to try the Synergistic Research Black ( better dynamics with a darker background and imaging or the SR-20 which has more dynamics than the Red but not as many other improved qualities as a Black fuse.

Remember to give these fuses about 100 hours to fully settle in and to try the fuse in both directions.

David Pritchard