Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

I have several Red fuses that are now my spares.  They are 3 amp slo blo. If you can use this value fuse  I'll be happy to loan them to you. Consider it a small  token of respect for all of your excellent technical contributions to us here over the years. 
Hi Frank,that's a nice gesture and demonstrates the friendly  community environment I'd mentioned in an earlier post,. That's what I did with my friend  Jeff,  a borrowed  SR Red and then a borrowed Black fuse. He listened and that was all it took.  Why get too caught up in the marketing and questioning the materials. Interesting to know what things are made of but you'd still have to listen to determine the true worth and competence of an audio product. Frank  you're right, you can analyze  and speculate for ever, just simply listen. We're talking about 100 dollars  not thousands (thank  goodness)😊  Again,  a very nice and sincere offer Frank.
You are welcome Al. It would have been interesting to get your listening impressions. 
Hi gwalt,
I don't believe the SR BLACK fuses are being promoted as the "end all", certainly not my intention. I've written several times that I suspect that the Beeswax, Telos Quantum X2 or the Audio Horizon are also top tier fuses. 
I won't buy every single one to test,what would it prove anyway? The results are still listener and system dependent and anyone of them would be considered the best in a given situation. I enthusiastically recommend the Black fuses but I have never declared them the"best" and without peer. That can't be proclaimed for any audio products. 
Ĺet us know your listening impressions when you have the time. Be sure to reverse the fuse direction and compare. 
I certainly believe in the idea that there are numerous excellent products as opposed to an  "one and only best". I bet that I'd likely be very pleased with the Beeswax fuse as I am with the Black fuses. The thing is that I have the Black fuses and they happen to be superb in my system. Either of these fuses would make many listeners very happy is what I believe.  The big point for me is that premium level fuses are truly an asset in good quality audio systems. I'm just spreading the word.  Gwalt,I have no doubt that the Beeswax fuse sounds superb in your system. 
You raise very reasonable points.  I say if you have any reservations about premium fuses in your components still under warranty, don't use them if they'll cause you anxiety. I've used these premium fuses in all of my components over a period of 3 years without any problems,  just improved sound quality. We all know our individual thresholds and comfort zone. I'm perfectly comfortable with these fuses in my components. 
In terms of burn in hours I'm not sure if there's a precise answer. I can tell you that based on my listening, there's a noticeable improvement around 60 hours. They surely continued to improve to the 100-120 hours range. I don't know how much it really matters,  as they sound good early on and steadily improve. From the beginning they are clear, transparent and dynamic. With additional time they became increasing relaxed and organic while remaining very open and transparent. That's my experience with them. Different people will likely report various numbers of hours. One undeniable trait is superior lower level detail and nuance retrieval. 
Good observation. If these premium fuses were failing to protect components and causing damage,  believe me we'd know about it.  Owners would be very vocal and upset and those skeptical about the fuses to begin would say I told you so. I believe their track record of reliability is very good. 


I agree, he should simply begin a thread on the futility of premium aftermarket fuses. He will attract like minded opinions who also believe our  "many"shared experiences expressed here are merely make believe foolishness. This thread can remain for those who've tried the fuses or are interested. This way both sides are served. Count me out for any heated back and forth battles, waste of everyone's time in my opinion.



Just having the preamp powered up is all that's required. This long ER shift(7p-7a) is nearly done, can't wait to go home and get some sleep.


HI  Wig,

The Audio Horizon
fuse is highly regarded and has served your system very well. That the SR Black fuses outperforms it in your system by the margin you describe is quite an impressive testament.


In my opinion it will be clearly better than the stock fuses immediately. Without question the Black fuses improve with the accumulation of hours. Just leave your digital components on 24/7 for 3 to 4 days. They certainly seems to improve at minimum up to around the first 100 hours or so. It's easy and convenient to do this with the digital components. I believe that you'll be very happy with the SR Black fuses. 
Frank  (Oregonpapa ),
I want to  publicly give  you much credit for initiating this thread topic. It is approaching 700 responses and overwhelming the attitude and behavior here has been very courteous, mature and informative. Given the the way  many threads on forums inevitably deteriorate and lose their value,  this one is an obvious contrast.  The  large number of people who have posted their positive listening experiences with the SR Red and Black fuses is truly inspiring.  Frank, you've made many music lovers aware of a fantastic  audio product that is also very affordable and within reach of many . 

I'm a person who  enjoyed my audio system immensely. The introduction of these fuses into my system  has simply increased my music listening pleasure yet further, I'm grateful for that. Frank, this terrific thread you started has made numerous folks very happy and  appreciative.  Given the way, things are going, I believe that more will be  added to this ever expanding list. 
"Bluesy Burrell" is beautiful music that was recorded well back in the early 1960s. I originally had the album and subsequently bought the CD, I play it often.  Another excellent pairing of Kenny Burrell and Coleman Hawkins is "The Hawk Relaxes " on the Prestige label. Again exce
The main function of a fuse is to provide protection. I'm inclined to agree with Mapman and Ozzy in that the SR fuses could be  made to err on the side of being perhaps more sensitive and easily blown(Al's example of specification range). Better to sacrifice the fuse rather than damage the components. It seems that the SR protects with a quick trigger in addition to sounding far superior to the stock fuse. 
The only reason fuse sound is discussed now is there's a  relative yardstick for comparison. What ever level of sound quality provided with a stock fuse the premium fuses are so much improved, you cannot ignore the vast difference. There's a reason the response to this thread has been overwhelming positive by so many people. Just use them and listen, their impact is self evident. 
I also love the Hammond B3 organ as utilized in jazz. I feel just as strongly concerning the beautiful vibraphone.  It seems jazz musicians bring out the best of what these instruments have to offer. 
I look forward to  your follow up listening impressions as you acquire the necessary burn in time. 

Hi Cal,
I'm glad you are happy with the SR RED fuses, they're an excellent  tweak in the Frankenstein. It's good to know that you're continuing to enjoy this SET amplifier. 
Our audio systems have different components. Your amplifier is moderate power KT 150 tube based push pull. Mine is low power 300b tube SET. Despite the obvious contrast we have near identical results with the SR Black fuses. They have as you've noted increased further the sense of realism and presence factor. Power cables?  So many choices. 

Regarding the Hammond B3,  are you familiar with organist Shirley Scott?
If not check her out, I think you'll like her quite a lot. She has some really good recordings with her ex husband Stanley Turrentine (tenor saxophonist ), good stuff. Shirley has superb swing. 
That's true.
Components, cables and certain tube replacement/upgrading, it can become expensive in a hurry. What makes these fuse tweaks so attractive is their performance /cost ratio . The power cables could certainly be  worth every penny for what they  provide in sound  quality improvement.  However, 
"Whole different ballgame" is right. 
David and Frank, 
It's seems we all have very similar musical tastes, I've owned that Jessica Williams CD for quite some time and agree with your impressions. 
Frank, I'm really looking forward to reading your SR power cable listening experiences. 
I was stating a "ratio" not actual count. IOW, 30 positive/3 negative =10 to 1 for an example.
It does need to be repeated that these fuses are directional.  Not bad vs good sound but a clear preference will be noted with direction reversal. For some reason the reversal of fuse direction was more profound with the Red than the Black in my components. There are differences with the Black, they just were not dramatic, noticeable?  Yes.
I had written last week that despite the many positive posts on this thread regarding the Black fuses, the number would continue to grow. This has happily been the case unsurprisingly. To the point of being redundant these fuses represent one of the great  tweak opportunities available.  There are very few upgrades that will yield this level of sound quality improvement for so little cost. I'm just very glad that more people are discovering these fantastic products. Keep in mind that the better the quality of an audio system, the more impactful their effect in my opinioon. It is wonderful to realize that  you can noticeably improve your system's performance without having to spend thousands of dollars. 

Hi Bill (Brownsfan),

Thanks for reporting your findings. My moment of truth occurred at the 60 hour point and Frank's(Oregonpapa) around 70 hours with the Black fuses. It will be interesting to see if additional hours make a difference in your case. As always you have to call it as you hear it. I appreciate your input.

Curious to see where you find the greater impact between your Sony digital  or the Frankenstein.


Hi Frank,

If you take into account "all" the responses on this ever growing thread, the positive outcomes have been overwhelming. The negative or minimal improvement outcomes are very small. No audio product/component no matter how highly praised ever gets an 100% positive from everyone, it just never happens. I belie
ve Bill has a good chance of further sonic gains with additional hours placed on his Black fuses. If not, then so be it, I trust Bill's impressions in the context of his own system. Even though he and I use the same Coincident Line Stage and SET amplifiers, sometimes results are just different for whatever reason. I honestly believe my Black fuses continued to improve up to the 150 hour mark. They really click in my system.



Enjoy those beautiful hills and trails. I look forward to your future listening impressions with these fuses.


Pablo is a label that's consistently very  good with their high quality level musicians. I love jazz bassists who play Con Arco,  so beautiful. I'll have to seek out this live recording,  you can never own too many Milt Jackson recordings.  I have a bunch. Frank what's the title of this recording? 
Thanks Frank,
Pablo CD transfers are very well accomplished and sound exceptionally good just as their vinyl records. It seems they resisted the urge to muck around with the master tape. 
"Round Midnight" -and "Body and Soul" (not a Monk composition) have to be the two most covered jazz standards out there.  Monk is without a doubt a musical genius, both as a musician and composer. He's written so many titles that have withstood the test of time. 
You are absolutely right,  the many variables involved make it impossible to declare an universal  winner. No single fuse will be the preference for every listener and all system configurations.  The best that can  occur is developing a list of of top tier fuses based on consensus of many listeners. For example the Beeswax and SR Black surely have different sonic presentations. Depending on the circumstances one will be a better fit than the other. Gwalt  has both of these fuses, and I'm interested in his impressions in the context of his own system. 
I know your Krells require multiple fuses and cost can add up rapidly. Do you have a component that may require only 1 or 2 fuses? If so this would offer the opportunity to directly compare the SR Black and Beeswax fuses. Otherwise relying on others opinions can be tricky and with obvious limits. What's better in one component or to a different set of ears may not match your needs.
I can only speak for myself in this regard. The "placebo effect" may be occurring in your particular case (who knows?). In my situation recently I have re-inserted both the stock fuses and the SR 20 fuses.    Easily the SR 20 is heard to be better than the stock fuse.  When I return to the SR Red and/or the Black fuses, the improvement is undeniable, they are just superior sounding (the Black being clearly superior).

Not every tweak I've tried in past experiences has been successful, regardless of what they may have cost or my  expectations.
In my case I can state without hesitation that the SR Black fuses are an excellent addition to my system.  I can also accept that in your case the outcome is different for whatever the reasons may be. If the costlier fuses were only marginally better or just different, that's what I would report. That isn't the result of my listening.
Well welcome back to audiogon  r_f_sayles
I like your approach of beginning with your upstream components I look forward to your comments as your Black fuses burn in.
I view it this way, the fuses deliver excellent performance for their cost, that's the bottom line.
Given that fact, you could say the power cables are a fabulous value if their impact on performance is proportion to the SR fuses. What matters to me is sound quality performance gain per dollar spent.
Hi Bill (Brownsfan),
With additional hours on your Black fuses have they improved or is your experience different from most other users?
Hi Frank,
Thanks for the recommendation of  Milt Jackson "Memories Of Thelonious Sphere Monk".
It's very good and the Ray Brown bass solo of "Round Midnight" is a  con arco treat.
That good to know, it seems you just needed the required burn-in hours. If you haven't done so yet, be sure to reverse the fuse direction. It may not result in a "dramatic" (the degree of effect appears to vary with component/system) difference but one direction will be preferable to the other. I look forward to your upcoming comparison.
Bill I'm glad that the Black fuses worked out for you,  I was confident they would be beneficial in your system. You'll likely experience further improvement up to the 150 hours mark. I believe that you'll be happy with these fuses in your Frankenstein 😊

As David pointed out,  there certainly are manufacturers who recommend and  encourage using premium fuses. I've had no equipment issues with upgraded fuses ever and suspect that is true for the overwhelming majority of happy users. Do only what your comfort level allows. I can only say that the SR Black fuses are an  extraordinary value. I really don't care about how they do it,  just that they do 😊
For the record I don't consider Al a skeptic, rather I view his interest as an attempt to understand or explain the possible mechanism of action. Unlike others I believe that All would accept the offer of a premium fuse and simply try it and report back his genuine impression. Al has acknowledged that there are numerous  posters on this thread whom he respects and trusts  their listening results. In my opinion you buy audio products with the intention of improving the sound quality and thus the enjoyment of your system. These fuses offer this to occur. 

It would be nice to know why and how a device works, no argument. This knowledge isn't necessary for one to recognize an obvious improvement in one's system and music reproduction. The latter is my priority. 
Hello andynotadam, 
Your comments are logical and well stated. This thread is approaching 4 months and 900 postings with the experience of the "actual listeners" profoundly positive. As many have noted, it seems that the primary effect of the Black fuses is a lowering of the noise floor. I would agree with that impression. Why? With a lower noise floor there's increased nuance retrieval, dynamic contrast, inner detail and improved delineation of instrument textures and tone. The sense of venue environment is further revealed,  all of this equates to increased realism and inevitably more emotional involvement /connection with your music. It's remarkable that these Black fuses provide this level of sonic and musical improvement. 
Hello b_limo,
I invite you to try a Black fuse in one of you components, the cost of entry is very reasonable. I don't believe that you'll find their impact boring once you have listened to it. If you happen to be unimpressed with it you can return the fuse within 30 days for a refund. Regarding capacitors I've used VCap,Duelund CAST  and Jupiter copper foil. Depending on the application the SR Black fuses have equal or even greater sonic impact on the sound quality. This no hyperbole by any stretch. It's up to you, give it a try or continue to dismiss this superb tweak.  The barrier to experience them is so low, just let your ears decide. 
Hello David,
Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad that you gave these fuses an audition. Given the very high quality and resolution of your audio system I believed that you'd extract the full performance potential of the Black fuses. 
Take care, 
I'm not very familiar with your Peachtree,  I do recognize that it is a multipurpose component and may as a result have more than one fuse.
I think it'd be reasonable to begin with the main AC power fuse. Does your owner's manual list any fuse information ?
If there's no B&M retailer available,  the Cable Company is a good source. Top service and they honor the 30 day return policy. 
The ARC REF 10 is a very expensive high level Line Stage, just go directly to the Black fuse,  no point stopping off at the Red fuse. The Red is "very good ", the Black is in comparison "superb". As Frank, David and I have written previously,  the better resolved the components /system  the greater the impact of the Black fuses. 

You summed up very wel the SR Black effect , a bottleneck is replaced with an open, fully breathing sound. I am happy for you very successful results. 
Hi Jond,
6.3 amps is a very large value for a preamplifier  (must have a huge power supply ). My gut feeling would be slo blo. Are you able to get in touch with the manufacturer to answer your question?  