Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by davidpritchard

I am sure you have a good blend of power cords and interconnects.
Might I suggest four system upgrades that work for me in three different rooms with different speakers, amps, front end players, and acoustics.

1. If you have not already done so optimize your a/c wall outlets.
    I have evaluated the Synergistic Research Teslaplex SE, Oyaide R-1, and Furutech GTX-R. The Oyaide is rich and dark. The Teslaplex allows the most music thru to the system. The Furutech is the most detailed with a more etheral sounding soundstage- similar to Type 45 mesh EML tube. The Teslaplex is nice as it can be tried for 30 days and returned.

2. Add a Synergistic Research Grounding Block to your system.

3. Experiment with the placement of Synergistic Research Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT's) inside or outside your amp and CD player. I have about 15 of the ECT  in each system. These ECT units really allow you to fine tune your system. I think you in particular would enjoy the fact that you need to experiment with their exact placement. It is a very satisfying journey leading to audio excellence.

3. Try a Synergistic Research Atmosphere unit. Their latest mini model is $1499.00. I have the standard model and yes it does everything they claim it does.

I suggest this upgrade path because it is universal. These four devices work with any room and any system. They are adjustable. If you change components or listening rooms they still work. Each one can be returned if you do not like the change in sound.

I hope everyone takes time to enjoy music this weekend.

David Pritchard

Looking forward to your Atmosphere power cord thread. Atmosphere cables take longer to break in- equilibrate in a system than many cables.
I suggest 150 to 200 hrs. I do think the UEF technology in the fuses and cables do somehow interact positively with each other.

When replacing the A/C wall receptacle please remember to turn off the circuit breaker before starting the replacement. Make sure it is the correct circuit breaker! Take the time to clean the house wires going to the new duplex. Give the new a/c duplex 7-10 days to fully open up and enjoy.

Not as jaw dropping as installing Black or Red fuses but still helpful is treating the entire audio circuit all the way back to the power company's transformer with a Jim Hagerman FryCorder. This is a "cable conditioner" somewhat like the AudioDharma Cable Cooker but it treats the house circuit. The price is about that of two Black fuses. I have one and like it. I treat my audio circuits about every 4 mouths. I use my system while the FryCorder is plugged in to the system. Hagerman sells direct and he has a web site.

The Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player uses 7 fuses! One power fuse and 6 rail fuses. Each new Black fuse has made a sonic improvement.

These Black fuses also improve the headphone listening experience to a degree I simply did not think possible. With the Synergistic Research Black fuses in place, the Sennheiser 800 and Enigmacoustic Dharma headphones are producing sound stages that are thrilling to experence.

David Pritchard
That is a great CD. When a system is dialed in and the SR Black fuses are broken in, her piano sounds out of this world. Especially when she strums the piano strings with her hand.

Boy o Boy! The music coming out of the Teresonic Speakers that are powered by the Black fused Emotion Type 45 tube amp is great today.

I hope all have a good weekend.

David Pritchard
The Synergistic Research Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT) definitely have an effect on my Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player. I have about 7 in the SACD player and 8 on the tube amp. You can over do it and you can also put them in places where the sound gets worse. But after trial and error  (following Synergistic Research Guidelines) you can be rewarded with a much improved sound from the CD player or DAC.

I used a stick of Blue Stick from Home Depot to afix the ECT's temporarily while deciding where the best locations were. A good spot seemed to trigger a sense of more music or better focus. A bad location would trigger a sense of loss of music or emotional impact.

I like the ECT's a lot . They can be removed and used on the next piece of equipment when you get upgradeitis. Although since I have been using ECT's , upgradeitis does not seem to ocurr as often. The potential downside is they are not a plug and play but rather an install and evaluate.

Personally, I enjoyed the installation journey to sonic improvement.

David Pritchard

I did not make myself clear in discussing A/C wall outlets. Synergistic Research allows the most music thru of the outlets I have evaluated. The Furutech GTX-R gives a bigger soundstage. In my three systems I am using a total 14 Synergistic Research Teslaplex outlets and three Furutech GTX-r outlets.

I agree there is a much bigger improvement going from the SR-20 fuse  to Black than going to Red, and a bigger improvement going from RED to BLACK. Black is clearly a better sound than SR-20 or RED.

David Pritchard
The label direction on the Synergistic research fuses do indicate the direction the fuses were treated. Current flowed from the capital "S" of Synergistic towards the "R" in the second word Research.

I do install them with a best guess of how the current flows in the equipment, but then I always reverse direction and relisten. I do not use a multimeter to assertain the direction of electrical flow. Especially at the main fuse location the difference is not subtle.

David Pritchard
Of course what we need is a comparison of the Beeswax fuse to the Synergistic Research "BLACK "fuse. Then ideally the effect of multiple Beeswax fuses in one system.

My three systems are now 100% SR "BLACK" fused and each system has over 150+ hours  of playing time. The fuses were installed in stages and with each installation the sound improved. A combination of Black and RED fuses was tried and it was certainly better than stock fuses, but an all "BLACK" fuse system sounded better each time.

The music flows with less perceived effort. Imaging is improved. Soundstage depth  increased with decay of notes being longer in duration. Their is more felt emotion to the music. Solo guitar and voice (both male and female) are more alive and moving.

To those reading this thread- Give your innerself a present. Buy a Synergistic Research BLACK fuse. If you do not like it of do not think it is worth it, send it back. 

You do not even have to "Regift" the fuse to get your money back!

David Pritchard

Although you do not have fuses, Installing the Synergistic Research Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT) in your CD player may result in a major improvement in sound. I have them in both my SACD players and they are effective. Same return policy as the fuses and removable if you sell your player. The fuses + ECT's in a cd player is very nice.


Three screws in back secure the lid. After removal the lid slides back about 3/4 inch and then lifts straight up and off. You will have to use a thin Blade screwdriver to get the lid to slide back. There are 7 fuses in your player. I have replaced all  7 - great improvement. But you will get a significant effect replacing just the main power fuse. I suggest using a 3 amp small slo- blo BLACK fuse instead of the original 2.5 amp fuse. Fun to look inside that player. I like mine !!


I would suggest replacing only the 5 amp fuse at the IEC inlet. On my OTL Eddie Current Zana Deux headphone amp this made a nice improvement.

David Pritchard

Glad you put ego aside and tried the fuse both ways. The fuse direction is proof that one should not let the laws of physics formulated in the 18th and 19th centuries be our only guide to sonic improvements.

Spent a couple of hours googling "Graphene". Interesting stuff. Hard to make in big sheets but easy to make in little flakes . There is graphene on or in the BLACK fuse. I am sure we will see adhesive dots of graphene to place on various components soon. Maybe a new type of WA Quantum Chip coming.

I think your fuse will now gently improve over the next three or so days.

David Pritchard
A reminder to all satisfied "Black" and "Red" fuse users. These fuses help the TV systems also. I put a "Black" fuse in a ZVOX sound base that sits under the TV and it definitely was worth the effort. Movie dialog and music were improved. Increased clarity.

David Pritchard
I heard it at this years Rocky Mountain Audiofest and was impressed. The Synergistic Research Facebook page has a good description of what it does.

David Pritchard
Always check with manufacturer! My equipment is not under warranty so I do not worry about that possible issue . Having said that, If I screw up my equipment- I am the one to pay the bill. I believe that the Synergistic Research fuses are safer than the 10 cent fuses. My systems now have a total of 22 SR-Black fuses.

David Pritchard

Congratulations on your upgrade. I am convinced you are going to hear your Sony really open up in the best possible way. Going from Furutech to Synergistic Research "Black" fuses will be a positive major change.

Plug in those power cords and give them 150 hours to break in!
No fair peaking. Hard to resist though!

David Pritchard

What Preamp manufacturer are you talking about. I am glad my equipment is not under warranty. I know of no instance of a Synergistic Research fuse failing to blow. In fact they may  blow quicker than the 10 cent fuse.

Twenty one Black fuses in three systems ! I could not be happier. Plus I am no loner afraid to touch my components. I can open the top to a Marantz player faster than a Nascar Pit Crew can change a tire.

I have talked directly with Craig Uthus   of  Eddie Current and Moth amplifiers and he has no problem with me using Synergistic Research fuses.

David Pritchard

Indeed a "bully" did throw your baseball in the lake.
This particular manufacturer states that a fuse can not affect the sound of a system in a positive way. The Black Synergistic Research fuses have improved the sonics in my three systems.
1. Art Audio PX-25 amp- Marantz SA11S1 player- custom Horns.
2. Emotion Type 45 tube amp-Antelope DAC-Terasonic speakers.
3. Eddy Current Zana Deux headphone amp- Marantz SA11S2 player- Sennheiser 800 headphones.

In the Terasonic system the original fuses were compared to already burned in Black fuses and both directions were tried. The Black fuses had an immediate improvement in sound - in both the DAC and the amp. 

The Present of PS Audio has stated that aftermarket fuses can have a significant sonic effect on his equipment.

I hope you will try a fuse. I think you will have a satisfying improvement in sound. If not send it back. Listen to the fuse for a 100 hrs. and if your fears about replacing fuses still persists
send it back. 

Do not let the "Bully's win!

Enjoy music.
Enjoy improving your system.

David Pritchard


Now for some good info for Mapman. Several days ago I did a Google search for Graphene. I now subscribe to and get frequent E-mails about the latest in the world of Graphene. I think the time was well spent. Graphene's electron density is explained at multiple sites.

Samsung has allocated One Billion Dollars this year to Graphene research and product development. The University Of Manchester- England (where Graphene was isolated) has sixty million invested this year in Graphene research.

I have rather meticulously compared stock fuses to Isotech, Furutech, Synergistic Research-20, Synergistic Research RED, and Synergistic Black fuses in both directions.

I found the sonic changes in rank from best to least to be:
Synergistic Research Black-Best in all ways, Synergistic Red significant improvement, Synergistic -20 some improvement, Isoclean and Furutech mild improvement with careful listening, and in last place stock fuses.

To those who would rather know why one fuse sounds better than another and yet not want to hear the difference so be it. 

To those who are interested in improving the sound of their systems, I hope you will suspend any fears , or prejudices and try the Synergistic Research Black fuses.

David Pritchard


I do hope you will try a Synergistic Research Black fuse. I have found the improvement to be quite remarkable. Since they come with a 30 day trial, the risk is return postage. Give yourself a present- you are worth it.

David Pritchard

Do not know your location but I would suggest buying the fuse via E-mail or telephone call to Alfred and Betty Kainz at High-End Electronics, Apple Valley , Calif. He has multiple ads under power cords, and tweaks here at Audiogon. He is a leading Synergistic Research fuse seller and so has a large inventory ready to ship. Normally sends USPS in small box with no shipping charge.
Also he is very understanding about returns. He makes this a no hassle process.

I am a big believer in getting oneself a Birthday Present and seeing or calling one's Mother on that special day in your life!

Wa Quantum Chips: I spent a lot of time and effort trying them on fuses, power cords, interconnects, etc. They do produce a sonic change, bit in my system there was always a sense of information loss. Sort of a more detail but less emotion effect. Other users have had a more positive result. 

Boy the music sounds good at my house these days.

David Pritchard
The Synergistic Research Black fuse is definitely directional. This is coming directly from Synergistic Research in a call I placed. They suggest the flow of current to go From the "S" end to the "R" end.

The Stereo Times article was about the earlier Synergistic Research SR-20 fuse. I have several of those fuses and the Black fuses are much better. I did not find there to be nearly the direction difference with the SR-20 fuse. To me it was a small difference and not huge.

 Actually the Synergistic Research fuse may improve the sound better than no fuse or a piece of straight wire. It's time to get your headphones cryo treated! I had my Sennheiser 650 treated and I like what I hear.

David Pritchard

David Pritchard

Glad to read the headphones and cable have been Cryo treated. James at Stephan Arts Audio makes a nice Sennheiser 600 - 650 headphone cable.

If you at sometime change to the Sennheiser 800 or Audeze headphones, Synergistic Research (SR) now makes a headphone cable utilizing the technology found in their fuse- such as Quantum Tunneling and the use of Graphene. I really like what this SR cable does for the headphone experience. And they come with a 30 day trial.


My systems do have all Synergistic Research Black fuses and they also have the Synergistic Research Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT's) in place. 
I do like one ECT at the end of the main power fuse location. At the other fuse locations in the SACD player (a total of six fuses), I did not find adding an ECT improved the sound. Placing the ECT's in a component  (like my SACD player) is by trial and error. The Synergistic Research "how to install instructions " give good suggestions on possible places to try. But not every location will give a benefit. You can certainly overdue it. What I hear with the ECT effect is not the same as Graphene but is helpful.

I think the combined effect on a system that has been optimized with the Black fuses and then fine tuned with the ECT's does sound extremely satisfying.

Oregon papa:

I attended a performance of the  Julliard String Quartet last night. By design it was held in a small performance room that held 125 people. Not by design  160 showed up for the event. People were allowed to sit on the floor along the side walls and even on the floor behind the players! The barrier between the performer and the players was shattered.

It very much reminded me of the effect of the Black fuses.

It was a very special listening experience!

David Pritchard

For me the Black fuse in the QOL unit sounded best inserted with the "S" towards the rear of the unit and the printed "R" towards the front of the unit.
Not as big of a change as other locations in most ways, but important in ways difficult to describe but easy to experience.

Remember there is a breakin.Big Time.  I leave the QOL unit on 24/7. It takes a week to stabilize.

David Pritchard

I certainly look forward to almarg's impression of the Synergistic Research Black fuses. I found it to be a fascinating science experiment that then yielded major sonic improvements.

This weekend I had the unusual opportunity to hear the Julliard String Quartet play the same program at two different venues. The second venue was the newly acoustically treated performance hall at the University of Texas at El Paso. This hall reminded me of the sound changes going from a system with stock fuses to a system with Black fuses. 

David Pritchard

Congratulations on ordering a Synergistic Black fuse. If possible leave it on 24/7 for 3 to 4 days and then do some on and off cycles. Then over the next week let go of listening to this or that change and just enjoy the music. 
with a 30 day trial there is not a need to be in a big rush .


In the past I had a PS Audio Power Plant Premier. I find it fascinating that these PS Audio products that regenerate a " better quality power current" respond at all to changes in incoming power cords, what type of footers they are on, and even fuses. But they do!. There is a significant sonic difference in the changes in the RED versus Black fuse.  I am glad you have added to our fuse knowledge data bank about the best sounding fuse in a PS Audio Power Regenerator.


Actually the reported improvement rate using either the Synergistic Research RED or Black fuse is extremely high. In most situations people have found the RED fuse to be a significant improvement over a stock fuse and also an improvement over other aftermarket fuses such as Isoclean, Furutech, etc. I think it is interesting that the Black fuses  in the nine (!) audio devices, I have installed them in have all had a major improvement in the sound. Each component was tried with stock fuse, then RED fuse, and then Black fuse. All fuses were broken in over 100hrs . All fuses were checked  for best insertion direction. I was meticulous in this process. This approach required putting an extra 300 + hours on the  KR PX-25 Tubes which cost about $800.00

The RED fuses is much better than a stock fuse and the Black fuse gives an even greater change. 

With the Synergistic Research 30 day return policy I think this is the most fun and rewarding upgrade an audiophile can do. No matter what the outcome you learn a lot about your system's sound. If you do not like the change you send the fuse back.

David Pritchard


I appreciate that you have tried the RED fuse and hopefully have given it 75 to 100 hrs. to settle in. After this time has passed and if you do not think the sonic improvement is worth a $100.00 please send it back to Oregonpappa.

This is the beauty of the Synergistic Research Black and RED fuses. You get a long evaluation period and if you do not find the change worth the money send them back. Returning a non satisfying purchase is liberating. 

 I do think Geoff should order some Synergistic Black fuses and compare this latest technology to the older generation audio fuses and the use of no fuse at all. He is missing out on some new exciting technology.


Thank you for the kind words. I have invested a lot of time evaluating the stock, SR-20, RED and now Black fuses in multiple components and systems. The Black fuses certainly have new technology in place that causes a greater positive change than the previous generations of fuses.
Having all the fuses replaced with Black fuses gives an improvement that is greater than a linear improvement.

To me the real important lesions of this thread are:
1. Try a device in your system that allows you to evaluate it for a significant amount of time and allows you to send it back with no "justification" necessary.
2. Become comfortable with critical listening.
3. Become comfortable sending demo's back that do not meet expectations.
4. Evaluate possible system improvements in some sort of systemic approach.
5. Have fun.
6. Allow others to have different opinions.
7. Be respectful of  other posters.

I hope all will take time to enjoy some music this week that not just makes the foot tap but also enriches the soul.

David Pritchard


Congratulations on installing the fuses. Your description of a freshly installed Black fuse is quite good. If your player is left on 24/7 then by next Saturday I believe you will hear a sound that has even better folw and a sense of bei
A better sense of flow and the music being more "alive".
I absolutely agree with you about life being too short. In less time than it takes to post an argument about obtaining some technical measurement,
one can order a Black fuse that has a money back guarantee. High- End Electronics does not charge shipping to the customer. So even if you send it back Insured Priority Mail in a small flat rate box, you are out a maximum of $6.80.

And please remember life is short - My Brother was diagnosed with Acute Monocytic Leukemia on Monday. Risking all of $6.80 to try a piece of equipment that multiple audiophiles have reported on favorably seems like a non issue.

Listening to my system with multiple Black fuses  has given me some real comfort this week. Mozart, Bach, and the serene lute music of John Dowland have been my close companions.

David Pritchard

Thank you to for the encouragement for my brother. I posted his condition to gently remind myself and readers that the mortality clock is always ticking.

Try a fuse - no risk involved- if you like the effect your musical enjoyment just increased. If you did not hear a change it was a (at least to me) a fun experiment to perform at no or little expense.There are more important things to ponder than why a fuse construction would make a sonic change.

David Pritchard

I am glad you took the effort to change the fuse direction. When the Synergistic Research fuse is not in the optimum direction there is that "sense" of something not being right, for me not being in focus.
I really think to get a emotionally satisfying system it takes a lot of work and not just a big blank checkbook!

I hope you will try a Synergistic Research Black fuse in your system. But you will have to figure out the fuse orientation on your own since you are upside down to us living in the Northern Hemisphere.

Since you are down under- have you tried the Black Discus products from New Zealand. Interesting stuff. They also have a 30 day trial on their products. But no fuses.

David Pritchard


I have done the RED versus Black fuse orientation in the SACD player-seven fuses and the amp - one fuse. I found the Blackorientation to be the same as the Red. Those fuses were easy for me to get to and so I did the experiment for myself and other fuse users. Of course there could be exceptions. Some of the previous posts have given detailed sonic descriptions of a backward fuse. It is an out of phase- focus sound.


I look forward to your sonic impressions of a new fuse. You have already taken a step many audiophiles have never done- you removed a fuse!  You also now know how to read the fuse identification information. You are thinking for yourself. What a great experiment awaits you. You can try an audio product for 30 days and if not happy return it easily for your money back.

I congratulate all readers who have tried the Synergistic Research  Red or Black fuses for taking a liberating step forward. I also congratulate all who auditioned the fuses but for whatever reason sent them back. Returning products that do not meet expectations is also liberating!

Enjoy the music.
Enjoy the challenge of improving your music system.

David Pritchard

I empathize with your "Other Forum frustration". I hope you will tell us the name. No need to spend time at closed minded and uncivilized sites.

Lute music: I have a lot of Lute CD's. 
Nigel North- music of Robert Johnson "The Prince's Almain"
Shirley Rumsey- Music of the Italian Renaissance

Both on Naxos.

Rumsey's singing with the delicate lute or the renaissance guitar,when played on a Synergistic Research Black fuse based system is simply breathtaking.

David Pritchard


Even more important than your listening impressions that occur in five days, I and am interested in your thoughts after the Black fuse has played for a week. Hopefully you can leave it on 24/7 for five days and then two or three days of on and off cycles. Then some critical listening.

Thank you for an excellent and descriptive post of the sonic changes with the Synergistic Research (SR) Black fuses and the WA Chips. I could not get the WA Chips to improve the sound in a system that had SR-20 fuses. But as you pointed out it is worth experimenting in each system.

In my fuse auditions I have found the Synergistic Research (SR) Black fuse to simply have the best effect. I previously rated the SR-20 fuse (the least expensive of the SR line) as the most effective in more locations than other fuses. These included Furutech, Isoclean, and Silver Hi-Fi and SR Red.

For those on a " Fuse Budget" I would strongly recommend the Synergistic Research SR-20 fuse. It does a lot of things right at a low cost.

I think many systems will sound fabulous with  SR Black fuses only located in the main fuse of the audio source, preamp and amp. After evaluating the sound at these locations, I then added Black fuses to my systems other fuses locations - for a total of 11 fuses. I continued to hear improvements with each fuse installed and broken in but the main power fuse location I think are the mandatory locations to upgrade.

As you pointed out the 30 day trial policy of the Synergistic Research fuses makes this audio upgrade experiment worth doing.

I would love to hear the Carbon 13- 16 based acoustic room modifier in my house! I am sure it is impressive.

David Pritchard

I hope you will audition the Synergistic Research Black fuses in the Magnepans. I think it will be an interesting $6.80 experiment ( return USPS Priority Insured Postage) to hear if any effect in the tweeter protection circuit.

I think there is a good chance it will improve  the soundstage. When putting the Black in my SACD player, even the fuse going to the laser assembly made a sonic difference.

David Pritchard
justtubes 2:

Thank you for the detailed, informative, and insightful post. I do think the Synergistic Research SR-20 fuse is a wonderful "entry level audio grade fuse". I previously primarily had SR-20 fuses with some SR RED fuses in my three systems. I believe the SR-20 fuse also comes with a 30 day trial but one should check before ordering the SR-20. It is a wonderful performing fuse for the cost.

I will not try the Audio Magic Bees Wax fuse as there a  no return policy. I wonder if the fuse will sound different 6 months or a year from now.
I also wonder if it imparts that "overdamped sound" that can in the long run create a loss of musical emotion.

I too am enjoying the sound of multiple Synergistic Research Teslaplex SE wall outlets with one Furutech GTX - Rhodium wall outlet in the same system. For me it is easy to overdo the use of connectors that have Rhodium. But a touch of Rhodium can be like a touch of the right spice for a gourmet dish.

Geoff owns Sennheiser 600 headphones. I also own Sennheiser 600 headphones. I have found the Black fuses and to a lesser degree the Red or SR-20 fuse to significantly improve the headphone listening experience.

I do wish Geoff would audition some of the products discussed in this thread. I personally would enjoy his thoughts after he listened to the SR Teslaplex SE Wall outlet compared to what he is currently using, or the Furutech GTX Rhodium or Gold wall outlets.

It is hard to audition fuses in a now fuseless system as Geoff has. Time to put some back in!  It might improve the sound. Without experimentation it is merely speculation on how the newest generation fuses would affect Geoff's system. Of course installed in the correct direction!

David Pritchard

Congratulations on not taking the "short cut" approach to evaluating the difference in sound in the two top Furutech wall outlet offering. I agree that Rhodium takes a long time to break in. I will contact Alan Kafton the maker of the Audio Dharma Cable Cooker to see if how he uses his conditioners to treat Wall outlets.


Absolutely right. I looked very good in bell bottoms -1969.
I know fuses have made fantastic improvements since then, as have capacitors, wires, and vacuum tubes. I know I am not the only poster here who has gone to the expense and trouble to try the new generation Elrog and Psvane Tubes.Their new 845 varieties do sound better to me than my RCA's and other NOS  845 tubes. But the cost of tube rolling is certainly much greater than fuse rolling.

I think with the latest advances in fuse manufacture, that the old adage that "no fuse sounds best" may now be incorrect. But only with  patience and a thorough investigation will we some day know.

The beauty of this thread is it takes a lot of time to evaluate even something as 'simple" as an audio grade fuse. With many data points published it does help others decide which path to take. I am thankful for the many posters who have taken the time to evaluate the latest generation of fuses  and published their observations. The value of this collective thread is far greater than any one poster.

David Pritchard

I have a Marantz SA11-S2 unit. Remove the three screws at the back of the unit that are along the top edge. The lid needs to be slid back about 1/2 inch and then it will lift straight off. But the lid usually will not move back with just finger strength! There are two outcroppings on the back of the top lid that can be used to put in a flat bladed screwdriver and pull the lid back the necessary 1/2 inch. For me what worked better was to put a very fine flat edge screwdriver in the space at the front of the unit and carefully move the lid backward a fraction of an inch at a time. Put the blade in on the front left, middle and right side to loosen it up.

The main power fuse is by itself, on the left side as you face the front of the unit. You will also see six rail fuses that are 1.6 amp and one amp. Small slo -blow type.
I would upgrade the power fuse first and see if you like the change. Leave the unit on 24/7, and listen critically a week latter. 

If you still have trouble with the lid let me know. It is very rewarding to look inside the unit.

The Marantz really responds to a Synergistic Research Black fuse upgrade.

David Pritchard


I agree. I also would add people overcoming fear and prejudices. Learning new skills whether it is how to replace a fuse, read the fuse, or opening the audio component. It took me over a year to finally take off the top of my SACD player due to fear and not knowing the trick to get it off.

It seems to me our hobby should be enjoyable and liberating.

David Pritchard


I am suggesting that it may be possible that the new generation Black fuse that has been cryogenically treated, Quantum Tunneled, treated with UEF and Graphene, may sound better than the 3/4 inch piece of wire it replaces. Especially if the wire is ordinary low quality hook up wire. This experiment has not been done to my knowledge.

It may not of course but until the experiment has been done it has not been proven which gives the better sound. It is also possible that there is an optimum number of these fuses for a circuit. More or less or  even no fuses may give the best sound.

In the Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player I replaced the seven fuses in three steps. First the power fuse, next five of the rail fuses and lastly the fuse to the laser assembly. In this exercise I heard an improvement with each series of fuses replaced. I found it particularly interesting that the laser assembly fuse also responded to changing the fuse.

mapman- do not sell your children's intelligence short. My son has no problem with the concept of a fuse changing the sound, just as changing the type of strings on his viola changes the sound.

I wish someone would explain to me how viola strings wear out.  As they age while playing, they at first improve and then get worse. Just like many audio components.


I only wish I could go as fast as my daughter. She is singer-dancer in the high school show  choir and in the school band's drum line. One of the few female drummers in the school band!

As you might guess, at my house I do not lack Live Music to see how my audio system is performing.

David Pritchard

New fuse and new tubes! No wonder the night came early. Normally I would say leave your system on for 75 hours and then go to some on and off cycles to get to the 100 + hour mark. But not so with new tubes. Perhaps a better tube break in + fuse break in, would be on cycles of four to six hours with a short off cycle. George at Tube USA does believe tube break in should be done correctly. 

Perhaps Charles has some thoughts and experience on this topic.


Synergistic Research's website is never complete. A better source of their latest communication is on their Facebook site and their YouTube videos.
The best way to get information is to go to "Rocky Mountain Audio Fest", Denver, in October, or "The Show at Newport Beach, Calif "- June 2-4 (this year). Talking to the people who designed, tested , and build these products is very worthwhile. This approach applies to many other audio companies also.

I am looking forward to seeing Oregonpappa at Newport this year. 

It is going to be very interesting in how Graphene affects our lives. Samsung has committed One Billion Dollars to Graphene research this year.

David Pritchard
It is fascinating to me that the Synergistic Research Black fuse has had a positive effect on so many different components.

Eddie Current Zana Deux OTL tube amp.
Emotion Audio Type 45 SET tube amp.
Art Audio PX25 SET tube amp.
Antelope Audio DAC.
Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player.
Marantz SA11-S1 SACD player.
Galileo Sub Woofer.
SVS Sub Woofer.
Zvox Home Theater System.

I am very glad Oregon papa started this thread.

David Pritchard


I am glad you tried the Synergistic Research RED fuse. As you did not hear an improvement I hope you were able to send it back for a refund.

I have done a lot of tube rolling and enjoy that part of the hobby. In the 6SL7Gt family, I am sure I have over 10 types. Of those the 1959 Hamburg Germany, Valvo, and the Italian Fivre do something special in the Zana Deux amp. The Tung Sols, National Unions, RCAs, Sylvanias,Brimars, Mullards, CBS, Hyltrons, etc.not as much change. Unlike the Red and Black fuses discussed in this thread, none came with a 30 day trial.

It is interesting that not many people seems to think that tube rolling is a fool's errand . I think rolling tubes , fuses and A/C wall outlets all change the sound in my systems.

I also think Power cords can change the sound of a system especially once one begins evaluating products not of the entry level category.

I find it interesting and sometimes money and time saving to read what others have tried. Especially those who make changes in a systematic way and then have the talent to articulate the sonic changes they experience. None of us have the time to try all the tubes, fuses , or power cords out there.

Because of this thread I have tried the Black fuses and they have improved the sound of my systems. So I reported my results.

At I read about 6SL7GT tubes used in the Zana Deux amp. I tried a lot of the tubes and reported what I heard.

I hope you will list the components that did not respond to the SR RED fuse. It is possible you will save other owner's of the same equipment some time and money.

I do not understand when some people experience a different result than others, they feel compelled to cast negativity towards those persons.


Thank you for listing your components that responded to the SR Black fuse. I do think publishing specific component results will be helpful to future readers of this thread.

David Pritchard

You bring up a very good question. The Synergistic Research Red and Black fuses do have a different sound. The Black brings more music to the ear but (to me at least) is able to also have a better sense of flow to the music. The original Synergistic Research SR-20 and The Black are my two favorite fuses in the Synergistic Research line up. I do think the Black gets so many things right that it is worth the highest cost of the three SR fuses.

If you are able to audition the fuse with a 30 day trial I would do so. I hope you will report your findings.

David Pritchard
The Novium Resonator is currently on sale at High End Electronics, Apple Vallet, Ca. Alfred also sells the Synergistic Research Black fuses. He is wonderful to work with.

I do like and use Marantz products - for me their SACD players are in two systems. Yep. They do like an audiograde fuse. I know you are enjoying the Hi-Fi fuse. I do hope some day you will have an audition of the Synergistic Research Black fuse. I found it to be a worth while listening experiment to compare fuses especially in an amplifier.

Some time back the sub topic of WA Chips and audio grade wall A/C outlets was discussed. The Cable Company, New Hope , Pa., has the WA Power Cord Chip at 50% off and the very Good Furutech GTX-D (Gold) wall outlets at $140 (original price $215).

The WA Chips can be returned for refund if their rules are followed.
I do not think the Furutech product can be returned - I have never seen this this return policy  for Furutech outlets.

I am listening to David Leisner (guitar) with Zuil Bailey (cello) as I type.
This is a fabulous Cd both musically and sonically. To me the balance between the instruments was recorded perfectly. The SR Black fuses really allow one to hear the rich decay of individual notes. Highest Rating!
"Arpeeggione" by David Leisner and Zuill Bailey on the Azica label.

Charles I am glad the Elrogs are behaving. Tube rolling Elrogs, Psvane-WE's, etc. is also rewarding for my Triode of Japan 845 amp. Not for the weak hearted though. That is why I thank you for your insightful posts. There tubes are expensive and no returns for sonic dissatisfaction!

I do hope this thread's participants have a meaningful Easter.
I am now on my way to visit with my 92 year old Mother, be reminded of the love see has for me, and YEP-listen to her beautiful music system that has a full complement of Synergistic Research Black fuses.

David Pritchard

Congratulations on the Clayton Shaw speakers. I have heard his products at several audio shows and they are high performing with a much greater sound quality/ cost ratio than many other products

I do hope as many as possible readers of this thread will available themselves to one of the upcoming audio shows in your area. Chicago in April, and Newport Beach, California in June. This is a wonderful way to meet the designers - builders -and users of this equipment we consider adding to our systems. I find them extremely educational. Many have good demonstrations of how their products will affect a system's sound. Synergistic Research demonstrates their products in a 30 minute demonstration. It allows you to hear (or not hear ) what and how much a device changes the sound. Nordost and Magnaplan have very good demonstrations. Other rooms are walk in or out at will. Different approaches abound.

I still think it was very neat to go to Newport Beach a few years ago and talk one on one with the lead designer of the Sennheiser 800 headphones, which I had just recently bought. Not designed by a German soulless committee in white coats.

So go to an audio show!


Getting nearer to the Type 45 tube shootout: NOS RCA versus EML solid plate. Both tubes at hand but I have to reconfigure the equipment rack to try the EML's which are taller. Maybe I should use Elvis with the RCA's and Frankie Yankovick (polka) with the Czech made EML's!

David Pritchard

At Newport Beach:

I hope you will go to the Synergistic Research room more than once. Listen to the demo, go listen to a lot of other rooms and then revisit the SR room for a relisten. 

Lots of good things to experience at the headphone area. 

Give me a call when you get there on my cell phone or leave a contact message via the Hotel Irvine.
I hope to meet many of the posters at Newport Beach.

David Pritchard

I am glad that the main passion in your life is music. A world of limitless emotion and exchanging of ideas. And jazz - a world of exploration without the trappings of fame and money.

I also listen to jazz and it's forerunner chamber music.

For these types of listening, I believe the quality of the soundstage, the texture of the instrument's sound, and the decay of notes have a major impact on the satisfaction the listener experiences.

My experience is that the Synergistic Research Black fuse gives a significant improvement to the audio qualities listed above. My enjoyment of jazz and chamber music has been enriched.

To suddenly experience Shelley Mann's drumming, Joe Pass's guitar,of Ella's singing in a " I am in the room alone with them while they perform" is exciting. I hope you will available yourself to this experience by trialing a Black fuse. 

In addition to the sonic improvements, I have found the fuse evaluation to be a liberating exercise. I am no longer scared to open equipment, pull out fuses, and even reverse fuse directions.

Before ordering I was assertive with the dealers to insure that the fuses could be returned and what the conditions would be. I truly hope that everyone who orders an audio product that has a return policy to do just that if the product does not meet expectations. Do not be afraid to live.

David Pritchard

I have not tried the Wyred but I have tried the Audioquest Jitterbug, USB Disruptor, and  the Regen unit. The Regen  ($175) was returned -the sound became "thinner". The USB Disruptor had a nice improvement in making the instruments have better focus and in soundstage placement. One Jitterbug but not two had a small positive effect. I am waiting for the latest iFi USB device to arrive as just reviewed at Audiostream. It has a 60 day trial from Music Direct. com. These USB devices do have an effect. The challenge is finding the one or ones to best suit your system.

A  Synergistic Black fuse had a greater positive effect than the USB Disruptor and Jitterbug unit. I am sure we will see a lot of companies developing USB improvement devices.

David Pritchard
To t-ramey, jond, and the others who recently posted their observations on the sonic changes after installing the Synergistic Research Black fuse congratulations. It is a liberating experence to try something new - especially when a first thought  might  be " it just can't have an effect". It is interesting that many people are not able to overcome a prejudice to try something new, even if the cost to try is  only $3.00 for return postage.

The original poster Oregonpapa took the time to post about the Synergistic Research Red fuse, as to him it made a major difference in sound quality. Pretty simple statement. Also pretty simple statement- the SR fuses come with a 30 trial and refund if returned. Not just store credit. No restocking fee. Simply - money refunded.

I read this topic to see in what equipment these fuses work or do not work in. I also was reminded and proved to myself that the direction of  fuse can make a difference. In my systems it was worth the effort to try the fuses in both direction and to try the Black fuse.

I have made new friends on this thread and look forward to meeting some  at the upcoming Newport Beach audio show June 3-5.

I also have seen the ugly side of human nature in geoffkaitt, georgelofi,  and wolf_garcia's posts. Non of these persons have tried the Synergistic Research RED or Black fuse. They all seem driven to resort to childish name calling and worse.

Again I applaud all who try a non original fuse. Whether it is a Little Fuse brand, the earlier generation audiophile fuses, or this newest generation of fuses - the Synergistic Research Black fuse. I think it is a liberating experiment.

David Pritchard


Indeed the newest acoustic treatment - the UEF Panels have my interest. They are being demonstrating at the audio show in Chicago in two weeks.

My system became progressively better with each Black fuse and then an interesting type of total system harmony when it reach 100% Black.

I look forward to the amp upgrade impressions and the fuse impressions.

David Pritchard

The Yamamoto looks like a great DAC reading about it at the Six Moons review site. Nice that they showed a schematic and under the hood pictures. Congratulations on evaluating two different fuses. It is this type of persistance that elevates a system to a system taht is truly speclal.

The Synergistic Research Electronic Circuit Transducers (ECT) are worth considering on a product such as the Yamamoto. I have had good sucess using them with the Antelope DAC and the Marantz SACD players.

I hope everyone has a good week filled with beautiful music.

David Pritchard