Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

Bud Powell? Oh yes! I could discuss these guys for hours with you. Don't get me started on jazz trumpeters☺☺. Ok, enough  topic diversion, I'll shut up. 
I share your economic perspective, I'll happily spend my money on products that deliver what I seek if their value is what I would deem reasonable. The beauty of choice in a competitive and  free market. 

When I first got into jazz Oscar Peterson was my go to pianist. I still certainly respect his immense talent. Over time and with more exposure and inevitable evolution, my taste and appreciation expanded . Monk is just my guy when it comes to jazz pianists. Not only is he a tremendous musician but has composed so much beautiful music, many which became jazz standards. 

Given what you have written I'm sure you'll love the two Thelonious Monk  live jazz venue  recordings I recommended. 
Hi Rob,
Thanks for such  kind comments.  I love discussing the wonderful jazz musicians nearly as much as I do listening to them. I just realized that I was  going to far off topic here. I have no doubt that Oregonpapa can offer equal  if not more insightful jazz commentary given what I've read from him on numerous threads. 
 Knghifi, I don't blame you for taking the plunge.  Knowing  how good the Red fuses are,  why resist the very probable further improvement with the Black fuses?  If my sound becomes any more realistic, the next time I play Carmen McRae I'm going to invite her to stick around for dinner when she's done singing  LOL!
Hi Gwalt,
Have you used any premium fuses in your Border Patrol amplifiers? 
Charles ,
Here's a west coast  jazz recording  I  think you'd enjoy, "You Get More Bounce With Curtis Counce ". It features trumpeter Jack Sheldon and tenor saxophonist Harold Land. This is the genuine stuff 😊
The sound is still improving in  my system.  I'm not sure if it is the continued break in  of the SR Reds or the Afterburner 8 outlet (which has 160 hours via the Audioharma cooker). Overall effect is increased purity, resolution and just a very beautiful organic character. 

I'm listening to two very familiar and loved recordings "Bluesey  Burrell" and "The Hawks Relaxes". Both feature Kenny Burrell and Coleman Hawkins in a quintet setting, just wonderful. The instrument tone and body are  so right. Burrell's guitar chords are just gorgeous and harmonically rich and fully saturated as they sound live. If the  Black fuses manage to take this further,  oh my! Oregonpapa I'm very grateful for you originating this thread,  these fuses are something quite special. 
Yep, Contemporary, Prestige, Riverside and Columbia all recorded jazz very well with early stereo in the late 1950s -1960s.Blue Note  had wonderful artists on their label but lagged behind the aforementioned labels in sound recording quality IMO.

Clifford Brown of course is a jazz trumpet icon, one of the absolute best. The thing is that Miles,Thad Jones,Fats Navarro, Chet Baker and Kenny Dorham are among my favorites also. They all are so unique and expressive in their own approach, I admire them for different reasons. 
The size of your collection exceeds mine but we do share similar taste. 
I love the vibraphone.  I don't have much  of Tjader, but a lot of Milt Jackson, Bobby Hutcherson, Victor Feldman   and Steve Nelson. I heard the youngest Marsalis sibling  (Jason) playing the vibraphone in concert and it was pure musical beauty. What a wonderful sounding instrument. 

Hi Oregonpapa, 
OH yes, I like Lem Winchester,  I have an excellent recording of him  with Oliver Nelson called "Nocturne ". Nelson plays both alto and tenor saxophones and I'm sure you'd really enjoy it. The label is Prestige and it's very good. 

Winchester died tragically in his thirties while handling his gun that went off accidentally. 

Hi Oregonpapa,

Thanks for the initial listening impressions. I agree with David and believe more burn in time is required. Overall musical flow, ease and organic vibe is what works for me. If the Black eventually exceeds the Red fuse in this regard that will be truly noteworthy The Reds get me well immersed into the musical groove.



I am honored, enjoy Mr. Counce and his masterful bass playing.


What you wrote makes perfect sense.  However I can attest to the fact that the Red fuse does improve  with additional  hours of use, I just can't explain how  or why.   

Keith if it turns out that the Red is the more musical  and the Black is the more audiophile oriented, I'll  choose the Red. I await further impressions from Oregonpapa who I believe is on the same wavelength as me in this regard. I just prefer audio products that  induce focus on the music/emotion rather than focus on the sounday in isolation.  The Reds in my system do the former. 
Well the Black fuses are apparently moving in the right direction nice and steady. Time and patience is required for the performance progression. 
These fuses may be on the verge of blooming wide open. Thanks for the updates. 

Hi Gwalt,
Your experience with the SR Red fuses makes sense to me in that these outcomes are all individual in nature with the numerous variables. 
As you  note,  fuses are no different than  comparing cables or any audio products,  results will vary.  In your system another fuse may be an ideal fit.

The Red fuses have been stellar in my system and a wonderful discovery,  so I'm very curious to hear the Black version in my system. The Reds contribute to a full bodied tonality and very fleshed out harmonic overtones and are beautifully 3 dimensional. So for a multitude of factors results will be diverse among listeners. Good luck with your searce.
I agree with changing the direction of the Black fuses prior to mixing them with the Red fuse.  Oregonpapa I value your listening impressions, we share the same musical priorities. Audio products that diminish rather than enrich the emotional connection  with music aren't for me. It will be very interesting  to see how the Black fuses evolve. 
It's simple enough for me to reverse the fuse direction and just listen. Either you hear a meaningful difference or you do not. I do hear a distinct  change(but not drastic )  in the sound. If you don't  then just leave things as they are. 

Hi aolmrd1241,

I think there's been an  abundance of common sense provided on this thread based on actual listeners experience with their systems.

The point that's been made repeatedly is , simply try and hear for yourself. The beauty of these fuses is the simplicity of their use. Pop one in, take it out and compare with another. Listen for a while in one direction, reverse direction and listen again, very easy to do. Afterwards determine if you did or didn't notice/hear a difference. Results may not be uniform amongst all listeners.

All I can report is what I hear with various fuses in my components. They go well beyond subtle but fall short of "jaw dropping to the floor". I relate to Oregonpapa's written comments because my listening impressions are nearly identical to his. This is as easy as rolling various tubes, yet the potential change (of fuses) is greater in some cases.

Compared to cables and many audio products the premium fuses are inexpensive yet yield very noticeable improvements. This has been my experience and I'm very happy to have them. No doubt YMMV.



I believe the Red vs Black fuse preference is going to be system/component(and listener) dependent. Not earth shaking news
I realize. Sometimes when an audio component/part is designed for "ultra" detail and resolution, musicality and emotional connection can be sacrificed. It doesn't always go this way but there's a fine line of trade offs most often. I notice this particularly with speakers. I'll see which direction things go when I get my Black fuses. If I prefer the Reds,the Black fuses will be returned. I look forward to hearing the comparison. I can honestly say that in my case the Reds improved transparency/clarity but also increased the emotion expression/ musicality/organic aspect as well. That's usually easier said than done.


That's quite an endorsement of the Black fuses impact relative  to the Jadis amps versus  your 45 SET. I should have mine  in about a week. Given your system makeup I know the  resolution is very acute . This will permit you to easily hear and distinguish sonic changes.
Well I suggest that Oregonpapa could put the Red or stock fuses into his CD player, listen and observe if there are changes, and if so what are they.  I replaced the SR Red fuses temporarily with my previous 20 fuses to compare. Unequivocally the sound quality and sheer musically is noticeably diminished with the SR Red fuses removed, very stark contrast. As I suspected, the Black fuses needed sufficient burn in time.
Based on your description of the Black fuses impact, if I have the same results I'll never be able to leave my listening room. 😀😀
I can understand the reluctant position that some people have towards fuse upgrading   There hasn't been a clear and acceptable technical explanation provided. This will conflict with the logic and use of reason for technically oriented people, I get that.  In audio I've come to recognize that there are outcomes and results confirmed via direct listening that lack satisfying  explanation.  

This disconnect doesn't bother me as it would some other listeners. I just accept that you can not always explain the why or the how of certain phenomenon.  I don't even attempt to explain why the Red fuses  have the effects that they clearly do.  I just don't know to be blunt, all I can do is tell others what I hear,that's as far as I can go. Something is happening on a technical level for these fuses to contribute in the way they do. 
I trust what I hear and acknowledge I can't tell someone why they work so well. I'm simply very happy these products exist and I'm able to buy and enjoy them. To be able to tweak and improve your current system without spending  multiples more money in changing components is a legitimate cause for celebration and appreciation. 
This has been an exceptionally good thread with much participation, information sharing and most noticeably polite and friendly. I hope that we aren
I'd suggest that everyone using fuses  (stock or premium) adhere to the values recommended by the manufacturer. I do this and suspect that the vast majority of thread contributors do this as well.  I've had no problems thus far with the premium  fuses by following these guidelines. This encompasses all of my components over a several years period. Equipment protection plus improved sound is fine with me. .

Thanks for your sharing of listening impressions. I can't wait to receive my Black fuses even though I am thoroughly enjoying the Red fuses currently. If thirty dollars more per fuse leads to the improvement you describe, count me in. What could possibly be more cost effective?  😀😀
Etta  in the room? I hear you! 
I have 2 recommendations of two different Ettas  (Jones and James).

Etta Jones, "Don't Go To Strangers"

Etta James, "Time After Time "
Sorry for that. What I meant to say is I hope this thread isn't transitioning into a deteriorating squabbling fest. The sharing of information and many individual listening experiences has been  much fun. I would like this  to be maintained if possible.  

Hello Gianni,

I'm beginning to believe that although these fuses prove  advantageous in all locations, Further up front in the signal path is where to start. DAC/CD player and preamp are very impactful locations. I began with one Red fuse in my tubed Line Stage and was utterly impressed with what I heard. It was  more significant than I had anticipated. I'll receive my Black fuses in 1 or 2 days. They'll go DAC, Line Stage and then my two mono blocks. Fortunately(cost wise) each component requires only one 3 amp fuse.


I received my Black fuses today  and will place them later this afternoon. I'll be  patient  and let the burn-in  progress as recommended  by David and Frank  (Oregonpapa). If they're  only a modest  improvement of the Red fuses I'll be very pleased given the excellence of the Red's in my system. 
I'm listening to a lot of Roy Hargrove tonight. I'll assume that you appreciate his jazz trumpet mastery as well. Here are three recommendations. Excellent music.
1, "Jazz In The Key Of Blue"
2, "Approaching Standards"
3, "Parker's Mood" A tribute to Charlie Parker. 
I've been listening to the Black fuses the past 4 days. I've installed them in my DAC, Line Stage and amplifier mono blocks. I won't bother being redundant, Oregonpapa so thoroughly described their qualities so well. Àll I can say unequivocally is amen! Brother Oregonpapa told it like it is ☺
Just wonderful sound and music reproduction. The Reds are excellent. In my system, the Black fuses extend the performance  level yet further. They are a musical delight and I would recommend them to all music lovers interested in extracting the full hidden  potential of their respective components. Stock fuses are a bottleneck without question based on my listening sessions. The music opens up and breathes with increased life and emotion with superior fuses. Superb tonality and reach out and touch realism. 
Hi Keith, 
I honestly don't know enough about your digital source  or the fuse chips to give any meaningful or informed recommendation. 

I would think that Krell can answer your question concerning their amplifier fuse requirement. 
Hi gwalt,
I suspected that the Beeswax fuse is an exceptional product and it's good to know that they're a fine fit in your system. I believe both it and the Black fuses will be genuine assets in virtually any good audio system. 
Please keep us posted as you  progress further with your fuses. 
Frank  (Oregonpapa ),
I find myself in agreement with you often on this thread. The Black fuses definitely need more burn -in hours than the SR RED fuses for whatever reason. A few nights ago at roughly 60 hours of  use the music just bloomed  and opened up. I was listening to a very familiar Carmen McRae live recording and it all just fell into place, it was somewhat dramatic. Up to that point I was missing the musical ease and organic natureof the Red fuses. It was at this juncture where the Black fuses surpassed the terrific Red fuse. The sound based on listening last night is apparently still improving (90 hours)  A very familiar recording,  Chet Baker "The Italian Sessions " has never sounded better, just engrossing and beautiful. The Black fuses require patience. 
I believe that the Telos,SR Black and the Beeswax are all upper tier level fuses. As with all competing top quality products the ranking hierarchy will vary due to different components and systems as well as listener taste. The Black fuses are fabulous in my system. Yet curiosity tempts me to try the Telos or a Beeswax fuse in my Line Stage just for fun of comparison. I'd likely find all three to be excellent while each one sonically different from each other. 

The cost of these fuses makes such experimentation feasible as compared to power cables, interconnects and obviously components. 
As so many contributors  to  this thread have verified,  these premium quality fuses make a considerable impact on an audio system. 

I consider myself a very strong advocate for the use of these premier fuses for their performance improvement and high value proposition. 
Hi David, 
Your comment about fuses and AC wall outlets compared to tube rolling rings much truth in certain circumstances. I've had the good fortune to audition 11 different brands of 300b tubes in my SET amplifier  (these include generous loans from fellow audiogon members ).  Each is unique, some subtle and others are quite obvious. The SR fuses (Black and Red ) elicited a greater sonic impact on my system than quite a few(but not all of them ) of the 300b tubes. These terrific fuses are far less expensive than those tubes.  The very best 300bs have a bit more impact but definitely at a cost. 
I'll give your friend Robert the same credit as I gave Jeff, at lease they listened and judged by what they heard. If you listen and aren't impressed, that's fine, you simply call it as you hear it, no problem. 

To conclude that a fuse cannot possibly contribute in the way they  do (without actually  listening) is à clear example of close mindedness and adherence to preconceived dogma. The beauty of audio is the opportunity to used your ears /brain and decide based on an actual encounter.
Hi Bill,
Yes,I like your approach,  begin with one in your CSL and just go from there. As mentioned above, Jeff's  Absolare Passion Signature Line Stage responded to the SR fuse every bit as much as the CSL.These are world class  components we're discussing. I firmly believe that the better the component, the greater the impact of these premium level fuses. Components that are innately transparent and pure allow the fuses to shine and demonstrate their impressive quality. 
Tonight's experience with Jeff's system again drove home this point, these fuses are absolutely directional. When Jeff reverse fuse direction the improvement was immediate and undeniable. 
Jeff (Jwm),
I'm not surprised that Doug remains skeptical about the fuse swap tonight and the significant improvement due to the SR Red fuse. I like Doug a lot but he is the classic example of the "tech mindset" that holds an adamant stance based on principle rather than listening. I don't care about people who form an opinion rather than actually listening to something , well that's their problem not mine. 

The impact of the SR Red fuse was of the same substantial  scale as in my system despite our very different system components and room environment. I'm looking forward to you adding a SR fuse to your DAC. I'll bring a Black fuse over to you soon and see what you think of it. 
I'm glad you took the opportunity to simply hear the fuse in your own system and make up your own mind. 
I'm inclined to believe that a better fuse would  make a noticeable improvement. Paul  McGowan of PS Audio encourages owners of his transport to upgrade the fuse. I say go for it. ☺
Yeah,Panthers vs the Broncos, has the  potential to be a compelling game  with two top level defensive units. We've soon see. 

Very nice detailed post. You take a back seat to no one. 
That's far more detail than I have ever provided. I tend to summarize and write the gist of what I hear. I'm glad that the fuses worked out so well in your system. 
The increasing number of audiogon participants reporting positive listening experiences with the SR Black fuses is really good news. I'm happy that more music lovers have discovered this exceptional audio system tweak. Increasing the enjoyment of listening to music at home is what we all desire.  Congratulations to all of you who took the chance to try these fantastic fuses. As has been repeated by others here, they do improve sonically with additional  hours of use. Mine have over 100 hours but still sound as though they're continuing to improve. 
Best Regards, 
I'm inclined to suggest source or the preamp based on my listening.  Knghifi on the other hand found his power  amplifiers the most receptive.  So as is often the case in audio ,it just depends. 
I look at audiogon as a community of like minded people sharing a comment passion. As a result a level of trust and respect is developed and information and experiences are shared. For example it was Grannyring who 4 years ago  enthusiastically recommended to me to try the Duelund CAST capacitors in my speaker's crossover. Due to my high regard for his judgement and taste I heeded his advice.  This was one of the best decisions I've made for my audio system. This is one example out of many that I could cite. 

Over the years on this forum I've given and have received worthwhile advice and impressions on numerous products. When I stop to ponder on it I appreciate exactly how long that list has become. There have been many rewarding experiences for me on Audiogon.  Oregonpapa started this thread and it caught my interest.  I am ever grateful he took the time to  share his very positive outcome with the SR Red fuses.  I payed little attention to the marketing advertising, rather I put weight based on the reliable members direct listening impressions and their commentary. 

I'm sure he had no idea or intention to generate the response that followed, but good news about good sounding and affordable  products do have a way of spreading. This benefits many of us music lovers and strengthens bonds of trust. These premium fuses discussed here are superb and inexpensive for what they render. The icing on the cake is you have 30 days to judge their worth in your own system. What could be better than that opportunity?  The multitude of testimonials of seasoned and reputable members here is inspiring in my opinion. 
I agree with that, I was just responding to Mapnan's specific inquiry.  But yes,for the  low cost of entry, just buy the fuse and listen.😊