Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 16 responses by audiolabyrinth

Hi Charles,  I agree with your post to me,  really,  all of the post here is a basis to get my interest,  everyone's equipment is different than mine here, I only have two component's in my current system until I assemble a second system within the next two years,  as I said,  my digital front end apparently does not have any glass fuses that I see, I  will up-grade my digital in the future,  however,  the Vincent cd-s7 is so good,  it's a keeper for atleast a second system,  this player was to my liking over a much costlier ayon cd2s player,  the Vincent was sensitive to power cord changes,  huge impact on the sound,  as if it's a totally different machine in a incredible way,  I have learned over the last couple of years,  it's not what something cost,  but rather what a component does for the listener's-owner satisfaction. 
Hi gwalt,  thankyou for your response,  I understand your logic,  that said,  I wonder if there is a market for used fuses if I was to experiment with the best mentioned on this thread? 
Someone pm me if they know where to get the sr-black's at a great savings,  I'm looking at  $520.00 retail otherwise, I have to have 4 of them if I  decide between these and the audio magic beeswax fuses. 
Hi aolmrd1241, I have to totally agree with your analogy  of your post,  +1 !!
Mapman, I suggest you re-install the sr-red fuse and allow it to burn in for 150 hrs,  regardless if the fuse has been used,  the fuse in question here has not been used for week's, that said,  to finalize a impression, it would be fair to do so. 
Also Justtubes2,  are you saying that the sr-black's have a lean bass compared to other exotic fuses for audio? 
Justtubes2,, how about audio magic beeswax fuse vs synergistic research sr-black fuse? , try the beeswax,  all that have talked to me say the beeswax is richer,  organic,  than the sr-black's,  and retain's  top transparency. 
However,  the money back guarantee is appealing on the sr-black's ! , you know,  I just bought arguably the best outlet money can buy,  these are like huge component upgrades,  the new and improved furutech ncf gtx-rhodium outlet's.
  1. Thankyou justtubes2, Charles1dad,  I've been meaning to ask you about your after burner 8 outlet,  your impression's? , also,  how do you know exactly what the outlet did,  does, etc?. .., given you inserted the sr-black's fuses when you inserted the outlet .
Justtubes2,  not the case,  no bandage,  I don't want a fuse to destroy a perfect sound,  it's like,  if it's not broken,  don't fix it. 
Hi Charles,  thankyou,  I am interested in that after burner 8 outlet,  although I have to run sound test with the new NCF furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's I just received,  each socket of a two socket wall power outlet with the furutech takes 500 hrs to burn in,  och is an understatement! , that's 2,000 hrs for two receptacle's,  I totally agree with the furutech poster's on this thread,  useing two none ncf furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's did not sound as good as one,  however,  I'm the type that will test useing two ncf furutech gtx-rhodium outlet's and hope that the previous problem is resolved,  but I doubt this,  this will take months,  I have to know what these  $260.00 retail wpo’s-wall power outlet's do before I test the sr-black's,  lol,  I may very well have the sr-black's bought and sitting around before installing,  I want to be sure what the fuses bring to the table. 
Hi whitestix, mighty fine speaker's you have,  I'm a fan big time of the linkwitz speaker's,  however,  although I do agree most power cord's are crap, I  challenge you to try the taralab's cobalt power cord with oyaida termination's,  and the 3 higher model above that,  which are the cobalt Reference,  Evolution,  Evolution Grandmaster power cord's,  I have the model mentioned first,  I would say that this power cord was one of,  if not the most profound improvement to my digital player,  and system as a whole,  enjoy the music. 
Mmm, Based on what grannyring said,  I believe my digital player having no glass fuses or fuse holder is very good,  when at first I believed the scheme was some sort of cheap implementation,  I have followed grannyring and talked to him on these thread's for the last few year's, I respect him, and a few other's here on this thread, I will tell you all,  when it comes to diy high end electronics, the man has a lot of experience, what he does is real world tweak's that save him alot of money! , however,  his  explanation of these after market fuses to me is spot on,  makes practical since , my opinion,  like all audio, some works,  some don't,  depending on preference, and any given component that may,  and may not be improved by these fuses,  personally,  I've seen certain components sound like crap on certain speaker's,  when the same speaker's sound incredible on other component's,  does this mean the speaker's don't work or are inferior? , my opinion,  no,  I've seen the same thing happen to nordost Odin cable's,  does that mean they don't work,  absolutely not,  my opinion,  they are  one of the hand full of best available cable's money can buy,  the same can be said about these sr-black's fuses with everything  that I have specified here,  it's my opinion that the sr-black's are also in the few of best available money can buy, may work,  may not,  some component's will improve,  some component's will not improve likely because the design will not benefit from high end fuses, at the end of the day,  the sr-black fuses remain some of the best available fuses money can buy. 
Good to read the thread is returning to good balance here,  I enjoy keeping up with the positive post. 
Hi Charles,  I agree,  Almarg has helped me numerous times,  al is an asset to audiogon,  to be honest here,  Almarg is one of my favorite audiogon member's. 
Mmm, been a while since I've been here,  however,  question,  Has any one tried exotic fuses in speaker's and received  exceptional sound improvement?