Synergistic FEQ X4 Impact On Other Digital Systems

I have an FEQ X4 on order and in the meantime have been researching information about it and what it does.  It seems it all started with the concept that sound seems to be better at night than the day.  The conclusion was that it was all the various frequencies being tossed about, with the main element being from the Sun itself. Now, I have heard about this long before I was into audio.  As a computer tech for 20+ years, this concept came up plenty of times in regards to server performance, drive failures, and data corruption. We had compiled data that when the sun's various activities were at their highest, we would get more calls regarding drive failure, power supply problems and data corruption. As an illustrator and Photographer, I was able to work better at night.  I could see and render details better on the computer than during the day.

So, if I understand it correctly, the FEQ X4 controls the EMI and RFI interference as well as other signals that can infiltrate your cables and speakers.  If this is true, then it also can also impact other devices that require data transfers via electrical lines, like video signals over HDMI, USB data transfer and data over Ethernet and possibly Wi-Fi.

Does anyone have experience with these types of devices and have seen improvement in other data-cable dependent devices like Monitors, Data streamers, or PCs?

Showing 1 response by guakus


From what I have seen, the FEQ X4 has 4 antenna and they are attached at the four corners. The unit is 14 inches tall. And yes, it is a Schumann generator and likely over priced.

Placement is going to be a challenge because the unit requires two power sockets. One is for general power and the other is a powered ground.  According to the limited literature available, it is best to connect the ground to a different socket than the power was connected.

I spoke to a guy at the Cable Company about placement and he suggests the floor, but freely admits he has his on a shelf. I have a small shelf on the floor that houses the Venom V16.  I am thinking of placing this device on top. It's technically behind the speakers and off the floor (I don't have the budget for fancy shock absorbing floor stands at the moment.)