Synergistic FEQ: Placebo effect or is it real

I know this really is not an analogue matter but I figured I would post it here since I listen to nothing but vinyl and would assume most of the participants may relate to my question. I have a good friend that has mentioned a tweeking type of product made by SYnergistic research, the FEQ(frequency equalizer) This unit is supposed to enhance the soundstage for the lower spectrum of frequenceys for your overall soundstage. Claims to enhance the overall bass presentation whatever that means. I have read the usual reviews praising the technology and viewed a couple of demos on youtube which to be brutally honest, are useless because of the obvious fact you are demoing the product through less than adequate computer speakers which I currently am using. Now from what i have heard from demoing the product at home it seems to be somewhat puzzling to me. Sometimes I think I hear a difference but at other times when switching the unit on or off it seems as though I cannot detect any audible difference let alone an improvement. Obviously I guess what most of you are thinking, well if it is not making a difference at all do not buy it which I have basically succumbed to due to my first hand experience. Has anyone else tried this FEQ? Perhaps my set up is incorrect although there does not seem to be much to it. The unit does not come with any set up tips at all. Not much of an explanation anywhere as to what the unit is actually doing if it is doing anything at all. lol Now i have heard many comments on audio tweeks that have stated that what one is experiencing a Placebo effect going as far as stating that cable tweeks, isolators etc can be attributed to this. In some regards i can agree to this from what I have witnessed and heard from various products.

Any comments would be welcome.

Showing 1 response by vinylmad814

Hi Lewm....finally had a chance to look at this thread once again and I will say I never saw the thread you linked. It never came up for some reason. Anyways, interesting stuff. I noticed sabai form many other threads thinks SR is crock of...... you know what lol. I guess I should just jump on that thread, although I do appreciate the feedback that has been given thus far. I do own some SR products interconnects/power cables and IMO do magic to my system so I will just have to give the FEQ a more in depth trial.