Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...


Got it. You’re just spreading unsubstantiated rumors. Very honorable of you. 
Kind of like how the election in the states went the other way right? So much more to
it, but no actual facts. 
So here is a question. I have a degree in physics and applied mathematics, and I think I can make really good sounding /looking cables, how do I go about pricing my cables? It seems that the pricing is all over the place, and I am not really sure why some cables are much much more expensive than others besides the material quality. The cost seems to be what the manufacturer thinks they can get away with, as no R&D data is published. So how do you go about pricing ?

Looks like Ted is on AGon. You have been daring him to come here. Your time to shine, now is your chance to confront directly. Making my popcorn now...

Suspect it will have to be enjoyed during my Friday night movie as I doubt you will rise to the occasion