Symphonic r100 reel to reel

I recently purchased a symphonic r100 real-to-reel and was trying to find out if it was two or four track. I think it's two track because when I try and play a four track I hear what sounds like both "sizes" address playing at once. Does anyone know for sure how to tell if it's two or four track?




Is your unit a Mono or Stereo deck?

LOOK at the HEAD,

2 track (mono or stereo) is two wide stripes on the head, centered.

a. mono, 1 track one direction, flip tape over, play that track, i.e. dictation, record lectures etc.

b. two track stereo, one direction only.

Four Track is 4 narrow stripes on the head.. commercial pre-recorded four track tapes: one direction uses tracks 1 and 3 for two track stereo. flip it over, now uses tracks 2 and 4 for two track stereo.

you can have extra heads (6) and reverse play without flipping the tape, often 6 auto reverse.

Four Track Forward, musicians deck to record individual tracks, i.e. add vocal later, add drums later. head looks like 4 narrow tracks, but all 4 are individual tracks, one direction only. 4 meters show each track.