Symphonic on Screen.

Just watched a Bluray of Beethoven's ninth by the Vienna Philharmoniker, played in the Musikverein in Vienna. Wow. I much prefer to see the Orchestra "working" when listening to Beethoven. I find it Awesome. Thrilling isn't a powerful enough adjective. How lucky we are to have these recordings and the gear to enjoy them  😀


Showing 1 response by simonmoon

For me, there is too much of a tradeoff.

While I love to watch the technical aspect of the music itself; I am a sucker for watching world class musicians play their instruments.

But just listening to the music, without the visual cues, allows me to get deeper into the music. I can just permit the music to wash over me, and transport me in ways that doesn’t happen if I am also watching. My focus is on the music, and not diverted to visuals.