Switching to battery power


Has anybody switched their audio system either wholly or partially to battery power? I've read that some folks have had good results using Goal Zero power stations for doing this, but I'm sure a couple of quality deep cycle and good full wave inverter would work no?

Please share if you have tried it and what your finding were.


Showing 1 response by mahgister

My DAC (RME ADI-2) runs off a little wall wart power supply. While I was deciding which power station to buy for the rest of my equipment, I decided to buy a 12v Lithium Ion battery pack for the DAC to see if the sound improved.

The improvement to the sound is astonishing. Nothing subtle about it.
I concur with this experience with mine....

My NOS dac work with an internal battery run with an external linear power supply that refresh it constantly....Starting point systems french dac.... Best ratio quality/price...