Swiss Digital FUSE BOX Question Thread

Good Day

Over the last several weeks I have been receiving questions daily about the Swiss Digital Fuse Box

I have asked permission to post this thread.

Questions, needs, comments etc. – feel free to post here

I’m hopeful that by starting this thread those interested can get their questions answered.

Thanks – Mark


Showing 2 responses by agisthos

Can you take the fuse box... out of its box... so you can wire it in directly into an amplifier chassis? Wired directly to the IEC inlet! 

Or is it potted?

I have an amp with 1x fuse on the inlet and 4x fuses on the amp boards. I have in the past run magnetically directional sluggos on the amp board and it made a large difference in sound.

Going back to normal fuses was a noticeable downgrade.

But if I could hardwire in a device like this I would remove not just the fuse but the fuse holder and jump it with good hookup wire (like VH Audio UPOCC).

This will sound better than any sluggo.

HI Mark, you are considering an OEM version of the SDFB for amplifier manufacturers? How is that coming along?

I do realise you have a lot of things on the boil. 3x different snubbers? I just ordered mine!!