SW-800 Subs & CLS's

After much searching I have a line on a mint pair of Kinergetics SW-800 Reference sub-woofers (twin towers with 5 ten inch long throw drivers on each side). These were specifically designed for my Martin Logan CLS's -- a mini Statement in its day. These are the second generation with a single crossover device (the originals had dual 300 watt monoblocks/crossovers). Does anyone out there have any experience with these? Concerns... the speakers are virtually un-used, but they were designed with SEAS paper woofers (less mass to move quickly with the CLS's). Do these deteriorate even though un-used and in the original packaging (we're talking 5 or 6 years old)? Also, the reviews stated that these subs will ruthlessly reveal the quality of the amps driving them (unusual for subs). Unfortunately, the only spare amp I have these days is an old Adcom GFA555. Any recommendations? Should I stick with the obvious choice of solid state? If so, what? I'm using tubes for the CLS's with great results. Lastly, the subs have a nominal impedance of 1.6 ohms -- great match for the CLS ;-). Thanks in advance.
I happened to run across your various mini-statement discussions from 2001, so I'm probably late to the party.

If you are still using a m-s speaker setup let me know. I have a lot of experience with it and I'm willing to share.


I think the Adcom amplifier will not be capable of driving the woofer towers. The load is just too low 1.6 ohms. The amplifier you should get would be a Levinson 23.5 the crossover is very good from the factory. Can be improved with XLO internal wires and better binding posts.
The Kinergetic subs are the prefect match for the CLSZ, and my system was designed to be bi-amped. Dont go over board on a very large or powerful amp for the subs (they
are very efficent). The CLS Zs eats up all the power of my ARC CL150 (150W) ,but does some thing very impressive with vocals and acoustic music not heard with any other speakers. My choice of ARC D350 for the subs is what i regret because it tends to quickly overwhelm the output of CLS'S it is hard to find the right balance. A very high quality hi current ,low powered amp ( 100w-150w)is what i would recommend if your are matching it to the Martin Logans
I have used the Audio Research Classic 60 tube amp for the CLS II's with great success... with Straight Wire . Large Nakamaichi AmP dedicated to the Subs, perhaps a bit overkill. Am thinking of selling the whole setup, as the wife continously gives me flack about my investing in stereo equipment rather than .... her verbal yaking ruins the beautiful music this system creates... Tom Bradford