Svetlana vs Mullard EL-34's

Can anyone who has heard both Mullard and Svetlana EL-34 comment on the sonic differences between them? Does the difference justifies the extra cost?
(I have a Conrad Johnson MV-55 tube amp.)

Showing 1 response by rives

I have tried both. The Mullards are better, bigger and fuller sound. My Mullards did not last as long as I thought they should, particularly given their price and reputation. When they gave out, I decided for the amp I was using, Cary Signature 40 M, it didn't make sense to pay the $ for the Mullards, so I went back to Svetlana's. You know what, I like the Svetlana's. They don't sound as good as the Mullard's, but they still sound very good and to me the difference was not worth the $. And now when I think I may need to change tubes--I just do it and don't worry about it because the Svetlana's are so inexpensive. I do intend to try cryo treated Svetlana's in the near future. I think they are going to be very good and still very reasonable.