Sutherland 2020 vs Parasound jc 3

thinking about going to the dark side-solid state with my next phono preamp. my system is a little on the warm full side. Want a phono that can rock hard as well as be delicate with vocals, small jazz. Do not want hum when i pick up the needle off the lp at volume. Would apprecite any thoughts of those that have heard both of these units in a system whith which they are very familiar. thanks in advance for your help

Showing 2 responses by rlw3

Had a new jc3 in my house for 2 days sounded compressed and truncated-but it was new. Audiofreakgeek did your jc3 need some break in time. Please describe
thank you for your reply.
Did the jc3 change a lot during break in? the new jc3 with a handfull of hours on it sounded so thin and truncated that it would take a major amount of improvement to be satisfactory to me. The difference between the excellent reviews and the mediocre performance i heard made me wonder if review samples are better or if i had an electrical mis match problem with my preamp which i found was not the case. a new sutherland 20/20 is suffering from similar issues.....