Sutherland 2020 vs Parasound jc 3

thinking about going to the dark side-solid state with my next phono preamp. my system is a little on the warm full side. Want a phono that can rock hard as well as be delicate with vocals, small jazz. Do not want hum when i pick up the needle off the lp at volume. Would apprecite any thoughts of those that have heard both of these units in a system whith which they are very familiar. thanks in advance for your help

Showing 1 response by audiofreakgeek

I have the JC 3 and with the right cartridge is amazing!

The JC 3 is very quiet and excels in both detail and dynamics.

I haven't heard the Sutherland in a while but I would characterize the Sutherland sound as refined and less dramatic.

Both are excellent.