SUT Advice - Which Ones Are The Best?

I am currently in research mode.  I want to add a SUT to my set-up but I am finding that there is not a lot of information from my local audio shop resources.  It seems that SUTs are outliers in the high end audio world.  
That said, I have read several articles in magazines and the web touting their merits.
Of all the brands out there I am most familiar with Bob's Devices.  Art Dudley wrote many good things about his experiences with Bob's SUTs, and I happen to trust Art (God rest his soul), but I'm wondering if there are others I should consider as well.  Please post your recommendations if you have experience with any SUTs, regardless of brand.
As for my set-up, I have a SME 20/2 turntable, Tri-Planer tone arm, Lyra Kleos cartridge, and KTE LCR Mk5 Phono preamp.  I do not know if I will always use a Kleos cartridge but I do think I will always buy low output MC carts.  I hope to buy something that will work with low output MCs but have some adjustability just in case.
I'd love to hear your recommendations.
I was looking at SUT’s a few months ago. I ended up contacting Andrew Rothwell at Rothwell Audio UK. He offers a range if his own SUT’s. He made it clear that it was essential to ensure that any SUT selected should suit both the cartridge and phono-stage it would be used with.
i ended up purchasing the Rothwell MCL with 26db of gain. My phono-stage on the MM side had quite a low 36db of gain, so combined this gives me 62db of gain overall. That pretty much matched the 62db of gain from the MC side of my phono-stage.

i have been very pleased with the MCL and the performance from it. I was also very impressed by the helpful advice that I received from Andrew in helping me decide. 
Dear @keswick : If you can try to change the default PS MM 47 impedance by 100k.  
If your system has the adequated resolution you will listen the benefits on that change.

Hi raulinuegas 
Thanks  for your advice.
i am currently running a DV 20x2L via my SUT and the MM side of my phono-stage. Unfortunately my phono-stage only has one fixed setting for MC and another for MM cartridges, so I am unable to alter it. So until I ever get around to upgrading the phono-stage for one that is adjustable I will have to live with what I have. Having said that, it does indeed sound very good as it is.
What benefit would changing from 47k to 100k actually bring for my current cartridge do you think, or were you thinking that Ivwa# running a Koetsu ?

@keswick : One benefit is that the output voltage of the cartridge drops is a little lower than at 47k and could improve the signal to noise ratio. Yes, it's a minimum number about and we can or can't detect it and depending of the phono stage design 100k could help it..

Thank you rauliruegas.
i will bear that in mind should I ever upgrade my phono-stage in the future..