Suspended vs. Non Suspended TT on Concrete Floor

Am considering purchasing a Clearaudio Reference or Master Reference table that would sit on a large Polycrystal amp stand. The stand will sit directly on a carpeted concrete slab basement floor. The speakers, which are about even w/ the turntable are about 9ft. apart (4.5 from the table). Would the high mass/weight/coned design of the Clearaudio tables need, or benefit significantly from, further isolation like a Vibraplane or other like device. Your advice is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by jeffloistarca

The best set up I've heard is highly WAF unfriendly. Sounds like you may be setting up in a basement; if you can get away with it pour a 4' high concrete pillar directly coupled to the concrete floor. The large Sonotubes and half a dozen bags of premixed cement will do the trick. Isolation at it's best? You betcha! A little extreme, maybe, but most of us aren't entirely normal.