Suspended Turntable-which one? Longish

I want to upgrade my old AR ES turntable-no mods, stock arm with the latest Shure V to something more modern (read dynamic/quieter), but since I have hard wood floors (newer house) i'm thinking i still should probably go with a suspended design to prevent potential foot fall noise and help eliminate acoustic feedback since my rack is pretty close to one of the speakers.

I've gone back and forth between used Linn, Michell, VPI HW and now Sota, and have realized I'm totally confused about the right choice. I've even thought about trying unsuspended desgigns just to see (VPI Scout, Music Hall MF-7, and Rega)

I listen to mainly rock and roll with a variety of bluegrass, old country, and the occassional classical thrown in, and get the impression that the unsupended designs might be better suited for this, but am concerned about the isolation issue.

As of late I was leaning towards Sota, but many postings say the Sota tends towards being dark and slow sounding with some reports of speed issues.

Any suggestions-direction? Budget <$2K


Lost (Tder)

(Rest of system: ARC LS3, Sony SACD 777ES, Crown Reference Power Amp, ProAc 1s and ML SL3-to be replaced with Revel Studios in 2 weeks)

Showing 1 response by lugnut


If you are willing to place the turntable on a wall shelf then a suspended table will work fine. I've done that long ago with my Linn with no problems. If you aren't willing to mount a wall shelf then you will need a suspension-less table and a massive turntable stand. At least that's my thoughts on the issue, FWIW.